Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
A dimensional look – “What would have happened to Adam and Eve if they had not sinned? …Would they have been translated?…Evidently they would not have lived forever in their type bodies for the Lord had created it just for a certain period upon the earth!” – “If they had remained obedient they probably would have been allowed to partake of the Tree of Life (Christ) in the midst of the Garden then changed and translated to heaven! Because 50 something years after the death of Adam, Enoch was translated! (Heb. 11:5) –Thereby revealing what would have happened if that should have been God’s original plan! …But as the Scriptures say, the Lord foresaw the creation and the fall of man! Therefore if we repent and accept Jesus, our bodies will be changed and translated! And the others who have gone on before will be changed and resurrected!” – “So we see the end was in the beginning! Enoch also witnessed the coming of the Lord Jesus!” (Jude 1:14-15) – “He saw the Lord coming with His fiery chariots like a whirlwind bringing judgment! He saw His rebuking flames of eternal fire! What a celestial sight and yet the saints will be involved in this return to earth! (Isa. 66: 15) – As He displays His royal Majesty at Armageddon! The prophets did not tell us the exact time, but according to the signs we will be entering this period in the not too distant future!”
The complete restoration – (Acts 3:19-21) – Vr.19 reveals, “there would be a great time of refreshing presence from the Lord and at this period men were to repent! This refreshing was like a cool breeze of rest and confidence! …And as the next verse says, it was to be just before Jesus returned again! Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began! “(Vr.21)
The dimensional revelation – “The restitution of all things reveals everything must be restored back to its original glory! Even before the mysterious void!” (Gen. chap. 1) – “Also before the Garden of Eden and the fall! …For it says since the world began! It shows the earth must be restored back to its mild climate, the same everywhere around the earth! It means the earth must return back into its orbit of 360 days per year instead of its 3651/4 days per year! The Lord will cause our earth to move out of its position now, and restore it back to its original position! (Rev. 6: 14) – In other words our axis will move towards a more perfect position! …Probably at some point the seas will return to their proper place as a canopy around the earth!” (Gen.1: 7) – “My, what a beautiful climate and earth by its attending rays of light! Because the sun will be different during the Millennium and after Jesus and the saints have watched over this for a thousand years!” (Rev. chap. 20) – “There is yet some more restoration to take place! – Rev. 21:1-5, for then we see a new heaven and a new earth developing before our eyes!” …And it says, “And the first earth was passed away, and also the sea. And He says, Behold, I make all things new! And he said unto me, write; For these things are true and faithful!” – “He spoke this as He sat upon His magnificent throne! For we see the finality was foretold from the beginning! …And after this scene time blends into eternity for those who love Him!” –“Truly the restitution of all things is even starting now as the earth is beginning to shake (huge quakes) and as nature is travailing! These are foreshadows of things to come in God’s total restoration!”
The mystery? – Some people want to know what this Scripture means, Mark 13:14 (And Jesus began to reveal it) – “But when ye shall see the ‘abomination of desolation, ‘ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing ‘where it ought not, ‘ (let him that readeth understand), then let them that be in Judea flee to the mountains! ” – “This momentous and horrifying event takes place right after the translation and it marks the beginning of The Great Tribulation! …It says, standing where ‘it ought not” – What was this! It was the image (idol) of the anti-christ, and it should not be sitting in the temple of the Jews, as it was taking the very place of the Messiah! (Christ)” – “If they do not have the right Temple now, one is coming soon! (Rev.11: 1-2) – Also the false god will set in this very spot claiming that he is above all gods! (II Thess. 2:4) – What an abomination! …And this was a sign for the good Jews to flee from this evil personage and his idolatry!” – Dan. 11:36, “saw this figure in his complete madness raving of his greatness in a strong fortress palace with a strange god!” (Vr.39) – “This is either an invention associated with a god of science, or it is satan standing by him! This will be associated to electronics and computers giving forth a special code mark! (Rev. 13:15-18) – According to the signs, and in my opinion, all of this could well take place before the ending of the 90’s!”
Continuing – “In the 90’s the earth will go under a totally new structural change! Construction and society itself is headed for a vast difference! Science will progress beyond comprehension leading to a fantasy world of delusion! Intoxicated with pleasure and idolatry!” – “Now back to what Jesus said… He called the idol, the abomination of desolation! The words reveal atomic desolation on the nation because of this false worship! See the words spell out, ‘ a-bomb-a- nation. … meaning atomic desolation!”
Prophetic insight – “What association does supernatural transportation have to do with the translation?” – “In Bible days supernatural transportation took place at various times! Before Elijah was translated, he experienced supernatural transportation! Obadiah revealed this in I Kings 18:12!” – “Jesus also supernaturally transported His disciples during a storm at sea! For in a twinkling of an eye they transcended time and space! Two amazing things occurred! Suddenly the storm ceased! … Next, the boat and its passengers (which were in the midst of the sea) were suddenly on land!” (John 6:21) – “Another time Jesus was transported in the involvement of satan! They also transcended time and space, as Jesus witnessed the kingdoms clear up into our time zone! For it says, it only took a ‘moment’s’ time!” (Luke 4:5) – “It seems that Paul himself witnessed supernatural transportation when being caught up to Paradise! He was not sure if he was in the body or out of the body, but one thing for certain he had transcended time and space in another dimension! ” – “II Cor.12: 2, whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth!” – “Philip also experienced this! For the spirit of the Lord caught away Philip and he came down in another city! (Acts 8:39-40) – He was supernaturally transported a distance of about 40 or 50 miles!” – “Now the point is this!… In modern times it has been said that this type of event is to have occurred several times! And as we draw nearer to the translation it is quite possible that more of this will take place! For it will be a sign that the translation of the church is very near!”
The mystery – “Will the Translation (rapture) be seen by the unbelievers or the ungodly of this world? No, it will be like a thief; secret! The first fruits will meet the Lord in the air!” (I Thess. 4: 16-17) – “But at the end of Armageddon every eye shall see Him! The two events are different, and years apart! (Rev. 1:7) – Matt. 24:29-30, “As you notice verse 31 reveals that the elect are already in heaven and being gathered for this event!” – “In a moment in a twinkling of an eye our body shall change to a glorified one …very celestial and unique! Evidently we can travel by thought! It will not be bound by gravity nor the laws of nature, and will possess powers far superior to anything that we know of at this time! Like Jesus did, appear and passed through material objects at will! And this body will never corrupt or wear out! One may easily transcend time and space if necessary! But mostly doing all in God’s will!”
After the translation, what’s next? – “What special work will the saints be associated to?” – “They evidently will be with the Lord when satan is immediately cast down to earth! (Rev. 12:7, 12-13) – Then afterwards they will be involved in several things; but one more event will be the marriage supper to the Lamb! They also will receive instruction and training concerning their future work! And then they return with Christ at The Battle of Armageddon!” (Rev. 19:7-8)! – Read verses 11-17!
Continuing – “Jesus has a special purpose in the translation of the first fruit saints, for one thing they will have the task of judging the world with Christ” -I Cor. 6:2, “Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?” – “This judgment by the saints with Jesus is definitely stated in Ps. 149:5-9! We are also told that the manchild company (elect) rule all the nations with a rod of iron associated with Jesus! ” (Rev. 12:5) – “Now we see that with such a great assist work before them is one of the reasons they should be raptured first, so that they can prepare for their future duties!” – “There is much more to be said, but this will give us a clue of what is ahead for those who love God! For we have just spoken an inkling of what He has for us to do with Him in Eternity! For soon time shall be no more! And it is evident that He shall appear in our generation to receive us unto Himself!”
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