Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
Signs of the latter days – The USA War Cycles – “At the time of the end Jesus foretold many events would take place. ” One was St. Matt. 24:7, “Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom…V r .6, wars and rumors of wars!” “This last statement, we have had a front row seat! There have been many wars large and small since the 19th Century. And Jesus said, but the end is not yet! But in 1948 when the Jews returned to their homeland, then it would be even at the door!” – “The USA has been in a major crisis or war every 17 years in its history with an exception of a few times! There are many such cycles, but let’s start with the later ones.” – “1898-99”, the Spanish-American War. Then 1914-18, World War I” – 1932-33, War was postponed because of the Kellogg Peace Pact; but a few years later aggression was started by Hitler that led to World War II!” – “But we know that from the mid 30’s on, war plans were taking place underneath! – And just after the Kellogg Peace Pact, Japan attacked Manchuria, and Hitler made his aggressions. So we see the cycles were very close, only the postponement held it back a few years!”
Signs continuing – So we take the date it was underneath and we leap forward to 1950-53, the Korean War! – Within the next 17 years this mysterious cycle hit again, 1965-67, the Vietnam War!”… “While preaching a sermon I said the next cycle to be was from the early 80’s onward a few years. And indeed what happened – The United States was involved in some way in the Wars of Central America, sent a Convoy with troops to Lebanon (Mid East) where over 200 troops were killed!” “The cycles heat up. Pres. Reagan bombed Libya and it was called an act of war! – Then later war ships were sent to the Persian Gulf! – These are small wars, but still the United States was involved!” … “The USA in the future could be associated to minor wars and crisis, but the next cycle reveals that the U. S. will be involved in a major catastrophic war before the ending of the 90’s!” – “In the Scriptures the number 17 means divine preservation in the midst of danger and calamity! And so it has been in the life and history of the USA. But whenever Armageddon is fought there will be a terrible price paid!” – “also destruction will reach the U.S. and the Americas. But God’s hand of divine providence will intervene and a few will be saved out of the nations! But before these last events we look forward to the Translation! So this sign of war is certainly correct. And so how fitting are the words of Jesus, that there shall be wars and rumours of wars!” – “We have heard these words over the News daily!”
The sign of pestilences – “Now speaking of war many people want to know, will the terrible poisons that mankind has produced, will it be used in war? Yes!” – “We have already seen this happening in the Mid-East!” But first let’s see what Jesus meant in Matt. 24:7, “there shall be pestilences. This covers a wide range. We have had plagues to hit mankind that the Lord allowed to be sent. And one of these reached worldwide proportion; it is called the black death, occurring about the middle of the 13th Century. Huge ditches were dug to bury the dead. It was estimated over a fourth and possible half of the inhabitants of the world perished! This was one type of pestilence! But now deadly germs have been prepared in the laboratories of men for war of diabolical poisons! -This is called new weapons of war! When these hellish fumes of different gases are turned loose it will be some of the worst plagues in the history of the world! The Pale Horse of Rev. 6:8 speaks of all types of weapons including chemical warfare! – Evidently Rev. Chap. 9 includes this type of war – Joel 2:30 speaks of blood, fire and pillars of smoke. – Acts 2:19, vapour may refer to this also! – We have already seen it used in the 80’s, and even more deadlier gases will be used in the apocalyptic events ahead! – And this probably will be seen by or before 1999!” – Ps. 91, “also speaks of this type of war. Vr.3, noisome pestilence! (atomic) – Vr.6, he speaks of pestilence that walketh in darkness! – Vr.7 speaks of thousands shall fall, but divine protection is the only safe way! – David may have well been speaking of his own people at the end when the 144,000 were sealed! (Rev. 7:4) – “Jesus said, there shall be pestilences, and He added with great earthquakes and famines. How perfect were His words, for in the last few years we have heard all of these things daily over the News!”
The obelisk idol in prophecy – The obelisk has always been a sign of false religion every since the days of Nimrod when he built a tower towards heaven! – An obelisk is a tall pole like idol which can have images or symbols on it! Some believe Nebuchadnezzar built something similar like this with an image on it in Babylon!”(Daniel Chap. 3) –“This image was made out of gold that he gathered up out of all of his world kingdom! And under the penalty of death they were to worship this image!”… In our day man is gathering up all of the gold (finances) into one world system! And we see another image (anti-Christ) involved! (Rev. 13:15) -This could also refer this image could be seen over television later! An image is a likeness or reflection of something. Like the reflection over a T.V. set! He will use science to popularize himself!
Continuing – Now the obelisk sign of idolatry – “these symbols have been seen all over the world since early times. Since the Egyptian, Babylon and Roman Empires and the Temples of Diana and supported by prostitutes! … etc. – I often wondered about these symbols and I read an article which gave a good insight.” – “The article said there is a tall obelisk (132 ft. high) in front of St. Peter’s basilica in the Vatican!, and continues how this occurred ages ago. The Emperor Caligula one of the most degenerate of the Ceasars of Rome, had a tall obelisk erected in a section of Rome that was called the Circus hill. All of the prostitutes gathered near this symbol for their night life in pagan Rome!” – “And this hill was the place where the Vatican was later built! The obelisk remained in the Vatican until 1586, and then another pope moved it, and put it in front of Saint Peter’s Cathedral where all of the people gather to hear the pope! And now the spiritual form of what happened on Circus hill takes place again! (Read Rev. 17:2-5) Not only here, but all over the world where Babylon religion is at!”
Continuing – “But the largest obelisk in the world is in Washington D. C., the tall Washington monument! This was probably not by chance, but it was a way of revealing someday the United States will be involved with this type of false religion!” “The Bible states it certainly will!
Continuing – “How can this be, what will cause the change? – Underneath it is already forming in that direction. One thing among many is the Vatican is associated to the White House with an Ambassador, plus the threat of Nuclear War and the International crisis coming, etc. – And later new world financial arrangements. – “The apostasy in this nation is really worse than most people realize! …We can understand this from what is occurring in our nation and also from the daily News! In this nation there is a church almost on every street corner, but the work is not being done right because the USA is number one in crime, in alcohol consumption! – The number one nation in tobacco intake, the number one in drug addiction and in juvenile delinquency! …”Number 1 in gay society according to population ratio!” –“The Nation is number 1 in the film industry including polluted movies! – Probably the number I nation concerning the cares of this life! Number I in materialism and recreation. ” – “So underneath we see the lamb slowly turning towards the religious dragon,” except “for those who are real believers!” – “As you know Jesus said, As a snare shall it come upon the earth! – (Luke 21:35)
Prophetic information – “We know when the anti-Christ comes into power he will eventually set in The Jewish Temple. (Rev. 11: 1-2-II Thess. 2:4) – And undoubtedly he will be involved with large cities. Rev. 8:10-18… And particularly one in a special way! – One of the International emblems of the USA is the statue of Liberty. Here is another identifying symbol the sections of New York, Long Island, etc. …Babylon, New York is a name to a fairly large city made up of Babylon, North Babylon and West Babylon! Big enough to have 3 zip codes! – So we see the entire New York City complex is said to be the greatest city in the world! And it is “known as the Babylon” on the Hudson! – The head of large church organizations are there; The United Nations is too! – It is a world financial and trading center, etc. ” – “No doubt much gold is stored in the vaults there and is already owned by the system that the anti-Christ will rise from!”
Scroll #164