Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
End time is fast approaching – “The signs of the last days are actually overtaking the earth. We are leaving twilight soon, darkness is just around the corner for this planet! The sands of time in God’s prophetic hour glass is finishing up! This nation is darting towards its prophetic destiny! – So likewise is the world! Isa. 17:12-13, “reveals the modern age of traffic, airships, supersonic inventions and etc. – The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters! It says a multitude shall make a noise like the noise of the sea! – It is called, the rushing of nations!” – This gives a perfect description of the last days, and that God would rebuke them like a rolling thing before the whirlwind! It reveals the nations as being very busy and enterprising! World trade is just on the horizon; and much is already started! – Dan. 12:4, Pictured this age of super knowledge and running to and fro! – In the future the age will open up to even greater marvels! Mankind is on the threshold of a new age that will push it into one world government suddenly!
Continuing – Isa.5: 8, reveals our modern land with house to house, and where there would be no privacy in the midst of the earth! – The Lord gave “a woe for them of that day! – Meaning crowded so close together the weather, war and etc. would be more devastating to them!” “Plus a great earthquake could cut off the water, food and oil supply! – The conditions reveal a perfect picture of what will occur soon!” – “Behold, saith the Lord I have positioned man that my words may be fulfilled upon him that I have spoken!” – “It means New York is placed where its at, and that Calif. has grown up into multitudes where its at; and that Israel has blossomed back again where its located!; And the truce breaking bear (Russia) exactly where its at! – And for God’s divine providence and reason!” – Ezek. 38, “reveals a ‘great spoil’ will be at the end in the Middle East (Israel). – The value of the chemicals in the Dead Sea alone has been appraised for over One Trillion dollars, plus the oil riches and many more inviting things! -Russia will invade Israel for this wealth and location!” (Ezek. 38:13)
The headlines of tomorrow – “By or before the ending of this century we are no doubt in store for some dramatic and powerful events. Some very unusual and startling occurrences have already been predicted to take place and you have read of them on the Scripts! – But let’s see now what man has come up with! – There was a poll taken among leading newspaper and T. V. editors and the news media and they were asked, what stories would they choose for the biggest headlines of the future, and what they would consider the greatest events in the foreseeable future! And we will list the first 5.” – “Believe it or not the first story is: “Jesus Returns To Earth!” – “Now this is two ways. There will be a secret appearing wherein it will read. “Graves open”, multitudes missing! – Also several past presidents are included in this disappearance! -Graves empty! – And when Jesus returns again, every eye shall see Him! (Rev. 19:16) – This is another headline. – (2) “Advanced form of life is discovered on another planet!” – “Evidently among the trillion and billions of solar system and stars there would well be other forms of life! – There is one thing for sure they will run into an advanced civilization sooner than they think. When Satan and his fallen angels come directly down upon the earth to control them in the beast system! In Rev. 12: 12 you can read about these space aliens! – Vrs.7-9. – (3) Permanent peace comes to the world – “A world dictator will bring peace for only a few years. – But Jesus is the only one who will bring permanent peace! And that is when He intervenes and makes Jerusalem ‘capital’ of this earth during the millennium!” – “Very strange after they said that, the next headline was (4) Nuclear war leads to annihilation of most peoples.”…”Well this will absolutely take place! The world will be burned, and few men left!” (Isa. 24:6) -Next (5) A low cost energy is invented – No doubt mankind will discover new forms of energy, but it’s during the millennium when mankind will make its greatest achievements in science for good!” – Other important stories listed they would like to do: -“Proof that J .F. K. was assassinated by conspirators! – “(At the time I said he was on the Scripts.) – “Terrorist with own nuclear bomb make demands!” (Watch) – “United States of Europe established. (The Common Market is almost completed now!) Soon, “world leader will rise!” – They also would like to do a story, “Woman becomes president of the U.S.A.!” – (One thing for certain that they didn’t mention, a woman church will rule! (Rev.17)
Continuing – Surprisingly enough a number of those events above that the news men mentioned will actually take place! – Besides the coming of Jesus, (which would be my favorite) I am going to list my prophetic headlines, future!” – Giant quakes– huge parts of California slides into sea. – Top of buildings sinking! – Another headline – San Francisco in cataclysmic shambles! -“headlines – giant asteroid hits in sea! -Tidal waves sends water over big cities – shipyards destroyed!” – “Another one: Money fails – new standard rises!” – “Terror strikes the world –food shortage -Groceries and other products rationed – mark issued” – “New world leader speaks his Plans!” Two strange men appear in Israel!” (prophets – Rev. 11) – Next – “World aflame in war of wars!” – “Earth’s greatest quake cities of the nations fall!” – “Jesus reigns in Jerusalem – New set of laws, a spiritual government!” – “We could have did many other headlines of the future such as the last USA president (leader) – the coming weather pattern changes and storms and other signs, but this is enough to let you know time is short!”
Ending century – “The earth is entering a period of great turbulence not only concerning the catastrophic events that we will see in nature, but social unrest and violence of the revolutionary type!” – “Finally mankind will be controlled by electronics and super computers! – We have spoken about the 3-dirnensional computers and the coming of artificial type life in them! -And we also know that some type of electronic machine is used in Rev. 13:13-15 – we also see a 3-dimensional number is given 666!” (vr.18) – “You say dimensional? Yes. The number, the name and the mark essentially mean the same thing! – Without this dimensional number no one can act.
Continuing – “Where is our government heading? – You remember when I told you the new changes in money and credit coming before the ending of the 80’s. Well we saw it including the debit card; when instant transaction took place from people’s accounts! – And more changes still yet that was predicted!” – “I am going to print an article here called, Transmatic Money. – Over 8 cities in the USA has started this program as a test!” – And it reads – “All buying and selling in the program will be done by the computer. No currency, no charge, no checks! In the program, people would receive a number that had been assigned them tattooed in their wrist or forehead! The number is put in by a laser beam and cannot be felt. The number in the body is not seen with the naked eye and is as permanent as your fingerprints! …. All items of consumer goods will be marked with a computer mark. The checkstand will also pick up the number in the person’s body and automatically total the price and deduct the amount from the person’s account instantly!” (end quote) – “This is not the mark of the beast yet, because people are still free to buy and sell anywhere they want to – But through all of these many different ways being tried out they will definitely come up with what they think is a solution, and then it will turn into the real number and mark at the appointed time!”
End of age – dresswear (see through) and graceful lines of Greek – Roman era! – mixed – (pagan-sensual, nudity)” – “Now this is just not aimed in getting at women, (and you ladies can just close your eyes and glace onto the next paragraph if you like) – but I believe most of you will agree because of the conditions we already see now.
Entering the tribulation era, (beast) -futuristic – “image-character” – women fixed like cat eyes, pagan goddess look! – Vulgar – wild – loose – sadistic – lustful – open – gay-lurid-mean etc. – whorish – luring!” – “You say what about the men? – Beastlike desires, savage – brute – the urge of Rome in both types to kill (Bloodthirsty). And of course, their appetites will be appeased some as they see millions slaughtered for not taking the mark of the beast and worshipping him!” – “The elect will already have been translated before!”
Continuing – a prophetic repeat of article –“Now is the time to witness as never before, because in my opinion at some time in the 90’s, we may well expect atomic desolation and a space war with terrifying weapons!” – “For it says the powers of the heaven shall be shaken!”(Luke 21:26) – “It is like in the days of Lot… they are so caught up in commercialism and building that they fail to see angels witnessing through a deliverance ministry warning of the coming of a fiery holocaust at Armageddon!” – “We see the signs of the distress of nations in perplexity! – We are also living in the sign of the ‘last generation’, and again people fail to see it!” (Matt. 24:33-35)
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