HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 166

Prophetic Scrolls 166

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

Science and prophecy – By visions the prophets were able to see through the corridors of time and space; and they saw our modern age including the science, inventions and weapons of our day, and throughout the 90’s and into the millenium! -Plus also through the gifts of prophecy and visions has given added information for our time!” “In this Script we would like to write what the scientists believe is coming plus the fulfillment of prophecy, and prophecy yet to appear!” -“In a message here I said when science learns how to release the energy from the element hydrogen in similar way as the sun does they will have an abundant supply of new energy. And just over the news, they claim a breakthrough, in this method wherein they take the atomic energy and water and convert it into fuel! -It is in the early stages, they are talking about using sea water, because of its great supply! -Perhaps this total secret will be perfected even more during the millenium. – If they could obtain the hydrogen directly from sunlight and water it could be used as fuel in many ways, also combined with other chemicals may be used for space flight!”

Continuing – “It was predicted science would tamper with (nature) the human productive system. Now it is claimed a fertilized egg can be transferred from the uterus of one woman to that of another woman and can give birth to a living baby!” –“But science is going farther than this, they are experimenting with the human genes and the DNA. Also they want to increase intelligence by brain implants! -The DNA is the code or blueprint for life. -Genes splicing and cloning has been done already on animal life!” -“Men want to be God like. They have used it also on fruits, vegetables and trees to make smaller or larger!”-“The anti-Christ wilt use this new bio-technology in the most adverse way, but God wilt interrupt his program! -Also he will use certain drugs preparing for Armageddon that wilt program soldiers to kill! -Science says other ways can be perfected before 1995-97!” -“Remember, I wrote drugs evidently are used to bring them all down to the battlefield of Armageddon; plus a mixture of sorcery and lying spirits! All of this will cause soldiers to believe they are invincible super men without any feelings for life!” -“Also the Scripts mentioned the anti-Christ would use drugs in water on society during the Tribulation! They are working on drugs now that can relieve people from guilt feeling, wherein a person would have no conviction of sin or wrongdoing! One researcher said it was terrifying to think of the consequences if this was in the hands of a dictator!” (Rev. 13:13-15) –“Also Rev. 9:18-21, reveals mankind was under some kind of ‘terrible delusion’ and seemingly like a drug society. Nothing could turn them about!” –“Man is also working on some new revolutionary chemicals. One is the most painful substance ever known! They want to use these things in chemical warfare! And we see something like this in Rev. 9:5-6, wherein they were tormented in pain and sought death, but could not find it! -In these two Rev. chapters above God could use super-natural agents, but it also reveals the inventions that were produced during the 90’s and no doubt will be used before or by the year 2,000. It seemed to be some type of energy beams or laser rays mixed with poisonous chemicals! Some of this is yet futuristic!”

Prophecy and science –“The Scripts spoke of new terrifying weapons that would be invented. Here are some things scientists are working on now; -Satellite bombs (nuclear), anti-matter (energy bombs)! – Also men want to perfect force shields as a defense against atomic attack! Some of this they may well do; but destruction will still come! –Because I foresaw some type of atomic missiles and orbital attack pouring down on USA cities and the world! And felt (opinion) this occurred by or before the turning of this century!”

Prophecy – prophetic horror –“This is not a comforting subject to write about, but the Lord Jesus told me I must warn people!” “It is said if mankind just used one percent of his stockpile of nuclear weapons, a hundred million people would die suddenly! As much as the entire population of Europe, half of the United States and the Soviet Union would die later of radiation!” –“Now consider this, if an all out nuclear war started, scientists ‘claim’ it would leave in its wake 2 or 3 billion victims or more!” -“If Jesus did not intervene and cleanse the air it would wipe out all flesh!”(St. Matt. 24:22-Rev.19:20)”- “And with the new type of weapons, much can occur within one day! (Rev. 18:8-10) – The land masses would shift, gigantic tidal waves would occur! Jesus said, the seas and the waves roaring! And gigantic firestorms and whirlwinds; the whole earth and weather pattern would change! -“This Scripture is very timely, Isa. 14:16-17, “He foresaw a sinister figure who made the earth shake and tremble; and made the world as a wilderness, destroying the cities thereof!” “Also much destruction of the ozone layer would occur and fiery skin diseases (sores) would take place!”(Rev. 16:2) – “Mankind will also invent futuristic energy weapons that can set cities on fire, or some can literally cause a blackout of lights! This fits the description of various Scriptures, like this occurs in Rev. 16:9-10” -“It’s strange, but some scientists foresee an American and Chinese War in this generation! And it could occur within a decade, but what they don’t know is Russia and Eastern Europe will be involved also! (Vrs. 12, 16 – Ezek. Chap. 38) -Russia, China and Japan will have received its technology from the USA; and their weapons will not be inferior in some ways!”

Science continuing –“Remember I foresaw some weapons that looked like lightning beams or that man had controlled lightning! Part of this is coming true already, called killer beams! -The particle beam fires a stream of sub-atomic particles such as electrons, protons (ions). The beam’s effect resembles a bolt of lightning! -It can smash satellites in the sky or turn tanks and vehicles into fiery graves! -They are working now on a giant electronic gun. It uses huge bursts of electronic energy to destroy! They are working on weapons that will send energy beams at the speed of light; that vaporize satellites and spacecraft! They are inventing computerized robots that can help soldiers on the battlefield! Some of this predicted by the gift of prophecy and other parts were foreseen in the book of Revelation! -The USA has invented a Stealth Aircraft armed with nuclear bombs, and it is invisible to radar!”

Continuing – “Russia has a great fleet of submarines, but the USA has satellites that can detect submarines hidden in the ocean’s depth. And, also invented new nuclear depth charges!”-“An American Trident submarine carries awesome power -192 nuclear tipped missiles with a range of nearly 5,000 miles. This one submarine could literally wipe out nearly all the big cities of Russia, and they in turn could do likewise!” –“As prophecy declares it seems the world will be turned into finally an electronic battlefield!” –“We could list much more and perhaps later will go into detail concerning other things. We must add, eventually, men will control and pervert the weather as a weapon by or before the year 2,000.”

What does science predict? -“They see synthetic narcotics in the 90’s. -This is already occurring in what is called designer drugs, and is finding its way to the street market!” -They say Marijuana and certain type drugs before the year 2000 will replace much of the tobacco market.” -“They predict space stations; and also sexual intercourse and children in space!” – Obad. 1:4, “speaks of a nest in space as we have mentioned before! This could occur soon or during the last part of the Tribulation!” -“They predict robot evangelists. -We have enough of this in the natural; men are already governed by their systems like robots!” -Could be -“They see robot cars! True, but in prophetic advance of this will be computerized electronic radar control highways in the 90’s!”- “T .V. images to be projected 6 feet in front of the set! The scripts describe the 3-dimensional type in advancement! – “And artificial cloth and paper dresses!” –They foresee the government giving citizens of the future an identification number and mark to keep track before the year 1999! This matches Rev. 13: 13-18.”- “Also they see the disappearance of money as a means of exchange!” – “Special pleasure cities to placate the masses, some on huge floating barges. -Special rooms and restaurants to increase one’s appetite with hunger gases and increase sexual potency wherein every type of perversion known to man or woman can be bought, etc. (Sodom repeats) -Plus women with male organs and men with female organs! – transsexual (This is already occurring in Paris) -‘ ‘They see a world dictator before 1999! -Cities on earth are burned in food riots! Food is rationed! All media censored by the government. -World government before 2000!” (Rev. 6:5-8- Rev. chap. 13) -“The work force will work one half of the week and the other will work the second half of the week because of computerized electronic world!” –“Inventions that see through walls (no privacy) – Materialize and dematerialize objects! (already done in sorcery) -Perhaps we can continue more later!”

Scroll #166

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