HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 167

Prophetic Scrolls 167

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

Prophetic review –“We will also give some events of the future and some added information.” Let’s check the presidential cycles, the phenomenon is a strange one, but it definitely reveals that God has guided the American presidents by providence and not by chance or accident, but by destiny!” –“The amazing cycles begin like this! From the time it started right on down to this present time at every interval of 20 years a president who was elected, or reelected has died in office either by fatal illness or by the hand of an assassin!” …And we begin with: “In 1840 Harrison was elected president -he died in office! In 1860 Lincoln was elected president -he died in office. In 1880 Garfield was elected president – he died in office! In 1900 McKinley was elected -he died in office! In 1920 Harding was elected president- he died in office! In 1940 Roosevelt was elected – he died in office! In 1960 Kennedy was elected -he died in office!” “

At this point – We take note of the ominous parallel in the lives and deaths of Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy! -It is more than a coincidence. -Facts of strange providence! This appeared in various News and magazine articles and we quote: 1. Lincoln was elected in 1860. Kennedy was elected a century later in 1960.2.Both were deeply involved in the Civil Rights struggle. 3. The names of each president contain seven letters. 4. The wife of each president lost a son while she was a First Lady. 5. Both presidents were shot on a Friday! 6. Both were shot in the head from behind, and in the presence of their wives. – Both were in sitting position! -7. John Wilkes Booth was born “in 1839 Lee Harvey Oswald was born in 1939! 8. Both presidential assassins were shot to death before they could be brought to trial. – It is said a conspiracy in both -others involved. 9. The names, John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald, each contain 15 letters. – Destiny not chance! 10. Lincoln and Kennedy were succeeded to the presidency by Southern Democrats named Johnson! 11. Tennessee’s Johnson, who followed Lincoln, was born in 1808. Texas’ Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908. Coincidence No! 12. Booth shot Lincoln in the theater and ran to a warehouse. Oswald shot Kennedy in a warehouse and ran to a theater! 13. Kennedy was shot in a Lincoln model automobile made by Ford. Lincoln was shot in Ford’s Theater! 14. Lincoln’s secretary, whose name was Kennedy advised him not to go to the theater the night he was killed. -President Kennedy’s secretary, whose name was Lincoln, advised him not to go to Texas!” “In these amazing patterns and time cycles, what is God showing us? Evidently this is the century that Jesus will return in!’. -” Are we entering the last cycle? …1980 Reagan was elected and for the first time a president was only wounded and didn’t die!’. -“Kennedy was the 7th cycle, meaning completion! Could the cycle be broken or could it occur now at random or still continue in intervals? …Reagan was the 8th one meaning a new series begins! Or could it mean that the next time this happens a president will die in the Battle of Armageddon? -In other words the cycle may occur at random or continue in intervals like before!”

Note: -“Being as we were also talking about hundred year intervals, let’s see what occurred turning into the 19th Century” -“The year 1900 -William McKinley was elected president. He died in office! It occurred in New York! -He was killed by an anarchist! (Ideals like Communism) – He had a foreign name, Czolgosz. He said he could not stand to see people bowing to the president paying homage to him -saluting him!” –“Now what if something like this occurs again about a hundred years later? (from 1900) (Ending about the last part of our century) -There will be another “foreign name” involved! (Ezek. chap. 38) -The Communist hordes rising as anarchists! -They may not like the bowing and homage to the beast and the false prophet and break their covenant! -Then our last leader would die in atomic war!” –“As we said before in the broken cycle it could occur at anytime; but if followed in true form the next cycle is 1999-2000! -Of course if so the Church would have left earlier!” . . . ‘‘The future of this nation will be fascinating indeed to watch! One more point it is a very easy thing for the Lord to know already the name of who the last leader in office will be to this nation!” During the dark days ahead, the United States will receive its last leader ruling in association with a group of subtle and evil men! …Already working towards their position so they can change our society and government into a new form which leads into the world system and trade!” …”Rev. chap. 18 gives a final picture of how the age will close out! Vr.3 reveals all nations are involved!” -“During this time a world leader, who is already here and waiting to be revealed, will rise to the forefront. He will control both religious Babylon (Rev. 17) and Commercial Babylon!” -“He will also work directly with the Vatican (Rome) and will have another base in the Mid-East, and will be in association with the Jews and the Temple! – In fact, his last years will be spent in the Holy Land!” -“We are entering this type of era, Prov. 30: 14, ‘There is a generation, whose teeth are as swords, and their jaw teeth as knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy from among men! ‘-It is my opinion that this generation will see these Scriptures fulfilled Ezek. chap. 38 and Rev. chap. 13 and James chap. 5!” -“Before we continue let’s take a break and look at these facts below.”

The strange suitation -Jan. 21. , 1989 -Quote: May the 4s be with him: Fate has Bush’s number -Washington -George Herbert Walker Bush is the first American president to claim four names, as well as other historical fours. For openers, he is the fourth left-handed president, joining southpaws Gerald Ford, Harry Truman and James Garfield. The 6-foot-2 Bush is the fourth-tallest president after 6-foot-4 Abraham Lincoln, 6-foot-3 Lyndon Johnson and 6-foot-2 1/2 Thomas Jefferson. Bush, at 64 and 221 days, is the fourth-oldest president at the time of his first inauguration, following Ronald Reagan, 69 years, 349 days; William Henry Harrison, 68 years, 23 days; and James Buchanan, 65 years, 315 days the fourth president born in Massachusetts, Bush joins John Adams, John Quincy Adams and John Kennedy.” – “Could the 4’s mean that George Bush will just serve one term? Time will certainly tell!”

Some more remarkable parallels -This was printed from a Osterhus tract. “some things you should know about roman catholicism!” “1. It deifies its leaders and denies freedom of religion. 2. It would take our Bible away from us. (Rev. 13:1-5) 3. It rules by fear, and denies freedom of conscience. 4. It has a system of brainwashing, and has international spies. 5. It wants to, and intends to rule the world from Rome and Jerusalem. 6. It hates Democracy, and denies freedom of the press. 7. It believes, “ The end justifies the means.” 8. It has slain multitudes in cold blood since its inception. 9. It allows no one to disagree with it. 10. It denies the supremacy of our constitution.” “Some things you should know about red communism!” “1. It deifies its leaders and denies freedom of religion. 2. It would take our Bible away from us. (Rev. 13:1-5) 3. It rules by fear, and denies freedom of conscience. 4. It has a system of brainwashing, and has international spies. 5. It wants to, and intends to rule the world from Moscow. 6. It hates Democracy, and denies freedom of the press. 7. It believes, “The end justifies the means.” 8. It has slain multitudes in cold blood since its inception. 9. It allows no one to disagree with it. 10. It denies the supremacy of our constitution. Would you want anyone who belongs to this system telling you where and when to worship and vote? (Rev.13:13-15).

As we can see -These two evil forces are almost identical in what they do! And these two spirits because of this, do finally join together! -As we see the feet of the bear (Russia) Rev. 13: 1, join to this great beast, but finally will clash at Armageddon! “(Dan. 2:42-44) -“Also Russia would like to rule from the center of the world in Jerusalem! (Ezek. 38: 13-16) -And the anti-Christ system of Babylon (Roman iron) 11 Thess. 2:4 would like to do this also!” “As all of these patterns and cycles reveal we are definitely in the last of the last days of our age!”

Prophecy marches on –“By the spirit of prophecy we know that eccumenism is alive and working underneath in the nations now and will rise up later like a submarine and will control with the anti-christ! -Revelation 17, describes a scarlet colored beast as representing the end time false church. This is the “religious power” which is described as a ominous sinful woman, -Babylon -who is seated upon the Beast, “the political power!” This means that the false religious power will control, for a limited time, the secular political power, Rev. 17: 16 describes how the whole Roman Empire will finally throw off even any pretense at religion, and proceed to worship the Beast! The Beast and the woman go together. The union is the worldwide apostate ecclesiastical system. It is now well on its way! And both soon headed for destruction – (Rev. 17:16) (Rev. 18:8-10)

Surely all – Of these patterns and events are significant and portray to us the Lord is soon to return; and we must work diligently for Him! -I printed these things so that you could keep them for your benefit in watching events ahead!”

Scroll #167

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