Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
Crime and chaos –“The Scripts predictions concerning crime, rebellion and drugs has certainly been fulfilling! – What is the significance of the rise of crime and lawlessness? It’s an outward sign the age is ending. With the increase of the population during the time of the flood, great violence broke out! And with the population explosion today, there is a tremendous increase in crime! What is happening? Anarchy is developing underneath and will one day call for a world police state!” -“What about the future? Even now the government and police cannot control certain areas in the cities at night! So with strict laws that will be passed, there will still be terrible crime waves in the 90’s! Because of the drug trade and violence, certain sections of cities will be like a war zone!
Continuing – “In fact, some places are similar to this now! Drug gangs are appearing in many locations actually armed with weapons of war! -And now police are baffled at the rise of guerrilla like activities concerning the drug trade and smuggling!” –“In the 90’s, the future of our citizens will be at stake and more and more they will cry for change. When a nation becomes so lawless and full of vice that it cannot control itself, then a dictator type rule governs the people! Couple this with inflationary conditions, and you have the making of an iron rule! Both Napoleon and Hitler rose in this manner; and so will the false prophet and anti-Christ!” – (II Thess. 2:4, 8-11) “For a short while pretending to bring peace and prosperity!”
Continuing –“The News reported in Washington, D.C. the condition of murder and drugs are a disgrace! -The handwriting is on the wall unless America repents; But the Scriptures declare that this will not be total repentance!” – (not lasting) -So evidently before the ending of the 90’s, what we have spoken above will be in progress! Jesus predicted that Gen. 6: 11 would repeat, wherein the earth would be corrupt and full of violence! – II Tim. 3: 1-4, speaks of the perilous times and gives a perfect picture of our age climaxing!”
Prophetic harbingers –“The reason I want to bring these subjects to light is because we are seeing minor plagues all over the world, and it is the Lord’s way of telling the earth the major plagues of the book of Revelation are coming in our generation! – In many parts of the world during the last few years the locusts have been out of control. Also the desert regions are claiming more fertile ground. Some of this is causing new dust bowls, and some of this is occurring in the United States! The Tech-tonic plates are slowly changing and moving under the earth causing under sea disturbance, volcano activity and quakes. And the 90’s will see the greatest quakes that have ever occurred on this planet!”
Continuing -Strange phenomenon –“We read an article in the Newspapers which said, serious implications concerning the march of the fire ants! -These were imported from South America and are now spreading through the south, eating crops, stinging people, ruining farm lands and etc.!”-“They said it gives one the feeling of divine judgment!” “For one thing, a strange phenomenon is taking place. A weird, fundamental and baffling change in the ants behavior and nesting is developing a new trait! Instead of having ‘one queen’ ant per colony, now some single colonies have as many as ‘500’ queens; and all are busy reproducing! Whatever prompted the change is a mystery – they say should this continue, it will be even more unstoppable! A biologist says this has enormous implications. Once you get these multiple-queen colonies, the only thing left out there is fire ants! No more birds, lizards, mice, or other insects! Just fire ants! – Some of the southern states say it has really been a plague!” – “Also it seems that nature is being perverted by man’s hormones, chemicals, pesticides and poisons! And Jesus said – there shall be pestilences, and nature and the weather will be travailing!”
Continuing – “Our predictions are true concerning the ozone layer – the weather out of order – industrial pollution – chemicals in the air mixing with the sun causing cancer sores on skin – Diseases are changing, new type flus, new social diseases! It seems the smarter man gets, the more he is confronted with, because most has rejected the Lord Jesus!” -Note: “one other thing, the killer bees have spread from South America and are now near the border of the United States; they have also been a plague wherever they have went!”-“All of these things above are just minor plagues, but they are prophetic harbingers pointing to the nightmares of the future that we may well enter before the ending of the century!” (Rev. chap. 6- Rev. chaps. 8 and 9- Rev. chap. 16) –“Of course, we only mentioned a few minor plagues out of the ever so many occurring worldwide.” –“One more thing, it seems our currency is plagued by inflation slowly eating all of the value away! Man has perverted it. Also too much credit here and to other nations! Also, now foreign power is buying up much of the United States! -Through credit cards and other ways man is trying to create a cashless society finally leading to electronic credit (skin money)! Rev. 13:13-16.”
The moral dilemma –“The same as nature, people’s morals are out of order. The Scripts predicted what would be occurring near the Tribulation time concerning religion. Although it is occurring in various religions across the earth, we will report this one news item happening in the USA.” -“There is a woman who says she is a goddess of the most high and a temple priestess. Her belief goes like this; She first gives members a ritual, then a dedication, then changes to her prostitute dress, and while she has sex with each member, tells them that she is cleansing their sins away! While doing this, she says she is communicating with God for them as their priestess! -Of course there is a membership fee!” –“After one thousand men later, they are taking her to court. You guessed it, for prostitution under the guise of religion! Her husband, a building inspector, says she is protected under the constitution. And that this type of religious belief has been practiced since 3200 B.C. – He said, I’d like to see the courts unravel this! Well, they will get their opportunity as it goes to trial soon!’
Shades of hell –“This is a strange incident that took place in the San Francisco Bay area and appeared in several news reports. It said that the birds along the coast were confused, and that males were trying to mate with males, and females with females! They said a phenomenon of perversion.” Why? –“The gay society spirit was so strong in that area, it actually influenced the birds. Evidently, through demon power, the gay birds actually mocked the society! Like Sodom of old, destruction will come! Demon powers increasing all over the world! Mankind will quake and tremble under the awesome judgment of God in the coming decade!
Mystery and commercial Babylon –“The news just reported that the Mustang Ranch, a legal brothel (prostitution house) in Nevada, has been bought and put up for stocks on Wall Street! It was already a multi-million dollar business, and this they feel will expand it even more! People can now actually buy stock in this brothel! They say this may be a little early, but they are testing it out for future worldwide concern! -The past Scripts already give information on these subjects.” -“This Scripture Nah. 3:4 is appropriate for the above and also for the below!”
Satanism on the rise – Witchcraft and sorcery is rampant. There has been ritual slayings, as many as 15 or 20 people at one time, some of it associated to opium and drugs! There are other cases of sexual murders and orgies, which are so horrible they need not be mentioned here! Plus the sacrificing of babies and drinking of human blood. Some are involved in voodoo and the massive delusion of satanic worship are seen everywhere the police say, and is growing at an unbelievable pace!” –“This all will help produce Satan’s masterpiece through an angel of light, finally the anti-Christ who in the end, becomes the greatest wizard and charmer of all the occult! But, at first, he will appear as a man of peace and an angel of light!”- “The Scriptures forewarn us that the last generation will be given over finally and completely to witchcraft, idols and demon worship! -The book of Revelation refers to this various times before it closes its chapters. ” – “What is all of this .demon activity revealing to us? -It shows us that satan is coming in the beast; and that Jesus is soon to return for His elect! These are not very comforting or pleasant subjects to write about, but Jesus told me to alert His people for He is coming soon!”
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