Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
The prophetic clock – What’s ahead? -“In the mid 60’s I was able to see beyond the veil of present time and into the future! And said in the late 80’s huge asteroids will start coming toward the earth, and some may even strike! But it would be at some point in the 90’s wherein the asteroids would hit. And right near the middle 80’s the scientists said some small asteroids did crash into the sea! …Here is a current report (UPI International) -Wash. – On March 23, 1989 – A half-mile-wide asteroid, blazing through space at nearly 50,000 mph, skirted past Earth last month in a cosmic close call unrivaled in a half-century, NASA said, and it packed the power of 20,000 hydrogen bombs! – Just after this a second asteroid nearly 2 miles wide passed near the earth. The scientists said, the planet is expected to be hit eventually!”-“They now noticed many asteroids are in orbits that cross near the earth! And said it will make earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters pale in comparison in its destructive force!” “An asteroid striking the Earth could create effects similar to a nuclear war without the radiation and could level buildings hundreds of miles away and spawn giant tidal waves!”
Continuing – ‘ ‘As we can see the timing of what I said here was correct on the beginning of the approach of the asteriods! So we know in the future they will see fire in the sky at some point in the 90’s. And also eventually according to Rev. 8:8-11 catastrophic destruction will occur!” -“God’ clock is ticking and when He speaks the mountains of fire will impact earth! Babylon’s great shipyards will be destroyed and, an Atomic curse will soon follow this! We are forewarned, let mankind prepare!”
Casting shadows before -“Today many things are taking place in sorcery, witchcraft to deceive the masses. Nowhere is this better demonstrated than in the person of an Indian Guru, called Sai Baba, many including scientists, have witnessed him performing lying signs and have concluded that he is a god!” –“The Guru of India is said to have incredible powers to perform miracles such as levitation, astral projection, ESP, millions of Indians also claim he is a god. He is best known for making objects materialize out of the air! Some say he has been seen in two places at the same time; but this is only fakery and illusion. Others contend he can produce fruit from the thin air and causes an ash to form on photographs placed in shrines across the land. Of course all of this is merely deception preparing the way of the anti-Christ whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders!” (II Thess. 2:9) -“Concerning these so called miracles and signs some are reported in Arabia and also in various Catholic locations and even confirmed in the Vatican! – Won’t this be something when they all get together to contest the real power of God later?” –“In V r .11, it says, for God shall send them a strong delusion, that they should believe a lie! -It is simply Satan’s phantasm spreading throughout the earth; and very soon the world will not be able to tell the difference between fantasy and reality.” All of this proves to us Jesus has the real power, and He is coming soon!”
Coming events –“It is my opinion before the ending of this century all of the false churches will be united together under one supreme power and government. And the Vatican will lead in the forefront!” “At some point in the 90’s evidently the last pope will arrive. The master of Abaddon will be closely associated to him! -Note: whether the anti-christ is an Arab-Jew, a Jew, or a mixture of nationalities no matter, this man will control the Vatican, he will control the Jews as their messiah, and will be a super prince to the Arab – Moslems! – He will control all Babylon religions including those in the USA! – Watch for all of this is near and working underneath even now!”
The weather pattern –“The News said, giant twisters and great floods swept Bangladesh – thousands dead and missing in torrential floods, etc. – And last year near this spot tidal waves swept islands, with severe destruction! -In other news it said, hundreds of children are dying each hour because of droughts and famine in many parts of the world!” –“These are only small harbingers in comparison to what is coming in the later decade!” -“In the 70’s I preached a message here and told of seeing a metropolis and around it, it looked like people had crawled out of the city (so many bodies they looked like raisins covering the ground). From the air it seemed like a great famine was occurring, or a weapon like the neutron bomb had struck, leaving the buildings standing, but destroying the people -A death ray! -The government has invented just such a weapon to do this!
Continuing – As a warning let’s consider just how bad the world famine and drought will be! -In the mouth of several witnesses shall the matter be established! And the late A. C. Valdez saw this as he was carried by the spirit into a city. Quote: It was like walking into a mammoth morgue! It was a city of death for the people were starving to death because a great worldwide famine had hit the country! People walked the streets like human skeletons; their eyes sunken in, their cheeks sunken and hollow! They were pale and gruesome, silently walking down the streets of this huge city, starving to death! – I saw a woman and a baby that looked just like a skeleton. The little baby looked into my eyes, they were starving to death – ghastly looking sight! , etc. ” -“He said a great famine shall sweep the whole earth, a depression greater than ever shall finally come!” – Wherein we know the Scriptures say it is so terrible an economic and food mark is given!” (Rev. 6:5-8- Rev. chap 13) -“Even before these latter conditions arrive the earth will suffer in a minor way these same things that we have just spoken about!
Deeper in the vision -“The Scriptures reveal to us just how terrible the famine will be. Ezekiel saw a day when people would no longer be able to trust the safety of water and food! “(Ezek. 12: 18-20 -Ezek. 7:15) -“The prophets looked down through the corridors of time and saw horrible conditions. (Isa. 9:20) where it reveals they eat from their own flesh in order to survive! -The world of the last days turn into a frantic struggle for survival!” Zech. 11 :9, “That that dieth, let it die; and let the rest eat every one the flesh of another!” -‘ ‘There are many other Scriptures that further confirm this! – Jesus said, pray that ye escape all of these things and those that do, He will catch away!”
By the spirit of prophecy –“This reprint was written about 5 years ago; and already we see events occurring perfectly in order and are fulfilled, and still more fulfillment coming.” – Scr. 121 – last Paragraph – Quote; -‘ ‘1 foresee several world leaders will be assassinated before the ending of the 80’s!…In the same period will come 3 giant killer quakes across the earth destroying one city after another!” –“Cosmic-like winds and great floods will sweep parts of the United States!”- “Europe will witness dire and strange weather patterns!” – “Also fierce tidal waves are coming with great destruction to coastal cities!” – “There will be quakes in the sea and underground volcanoes, creating new islands. Also the sea temperatures will be changing in varying degrees!” –“Also in the future an Arab nation will develop an atomic bomb and will threaten to use it! Certainly the nations will be in perplexity looking for a strong man! – So many major events in the future will take place that it will alter the thinking and very nature of the United States in the way that it operates with other nations!
Continuing –“I foresee in a prophetic vision the moon rising through a dark mist with a bloody halo! -There is a phantom-like (shadowy figure), hands pointing towards the Mediterranean area. There will be bloodshed later in the age in Asia Minor and in the Mid-East. It’s caused by the man hiding underneath; he is the cause of the bloodshed! -There is a skeleton looking sword, he will rise to the top with overtures of peace! He has released the dove, but underneath he is the vulture of mankind!” –“Beware, O Nation Israel, he is not a friend, but too late thy enemy hath possessed!” -“This same personality will stir up trouble in Africa, Persia, Egypt, Turkey and certain places in the Arabian Empire!” -“You will have to admit according to the News we have seen some of this take place already. This figure will step forward just a little later in the form of a world leader, the very anti-Christ! Although the world will not perceive it this way at first. – Then as a snare trapped in the claws of the beast!” -“Also we might add, no events ever in history will be able to match what will occur during and before the ending of the 90’s -especially 1995-99! -The News will be full of events that God and the scripts have already forecast! ‘’Look up our redemption draweth night!”(Luke 21:28)
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