HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 171

Prophetic Scrolls 171

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

The eyes of the prophets -“According to Amos 3:7, the Lord’s people will definitely be informed of how our age will end. – For it says, Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets! -Right at the start, Gen, 18:17, “The Lord said, He would not hide from Abraham the thing that He was about to do! -“As the prophet witnessed what happened to Sodom, He also foreseen the conditions and what would occur to the cities of the earth at the end time!” -(Gen. 19:24-28) Vr. 24. “Says, God rained fire out of heaven! Vr. 28, He saw it looked like the smoke of a furnace!” Gen.15:17, “God gave the prophet a clue of what would be over Sodom during its destruction! He saw a celestial chariot! Gen.17: 1, reveals he was about 99 years old when this event occurred. Perhaps this may be revealing a time dimension of our age!” “One thing for certain, the lights of the Lord has been seen crossing the earth as a warning time is ending! -For there is an appointed time to man!” (Job.7.1)

Continuing – “Lets take an exciting view of what the end of the age looked like through the visionary eyes of the prophets – especially the book of Isaiah, called the small Bible within the Bible; revealing an incredible amount of information concerning many other events mentioned in the Bible!” -“He mentioned Jesus was not only God, but our Saviour! (Isa. 9:6) -His eyes saw through the corridor of time into a thousand years past our time into the wonderful millennium! He described it perfectly. He saw the longevity of man just like it was in the Garden of Eden! ” (Isa. 65:20- Gen.5:5 -27) -“Even before the millennium he saw the Translation of the elect!” (lsa.26:19) – “Because he (Isaiah) will rise in the first resurrection! Vr. 20,” reveals the indignation to follow! -“He foresaw the Lord and His army in celestial chariots with flames before them! (Isa. 66: 15)

Visionary eyes continuing – “But let us go back to the beginning, Isa. 2:7, Wherein he was speaking of the last days. He saw the and full of treasures, silver and gold. He said there was no end of the chariots (cars) remember he was speaking of the last days!” – “Through the eyes of Nahum the prophet, he also saw the car of our day. (Nah. 2:4) He mentioned the word lightnings. This also has to do with electricity, and at the end of the age we will have electronic computer controlled highways (radar). They are working on it right now!” During this modern age he also saw the well favored harlot, the mistress of witchcraft controlling the nations!” Nah. 3:4 (In our day Rev. chap. 17) -“Referring to Isa.2:8-10, The prophet saw the idols that will be here through the anti-Christ. He saw even the great men bow down. He said, therefore forgive them not. ..for it was the mark of the beast! It reveals it was at the very end of our time! Make no mistake about it, Vr. 21 reveals it was at the time of Armageddon!”

Continuing – Isa. 3:9, says, they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not! –“This is like the gays, when they came out of the closet so to speak in our age!” -“Vr. 16, reveals the styles and appearance of our age! -It foretold the Hollywood look and walk!” -Vr. 17, “Reveals secret parts, meaning the Lord foreknew their nakedness! But it all climaxed in a burning instead of beauty! (atomic -Vr. 24-26) – Isa. 4, there was such a shortage of men after the Battle of Armageddon, that 7 women would take hold of one man! -The prophet’s eyes foresaw it, read Vrs. 2-3 for the time! -Isa. 13:12 mentions this shortage that was to come!” Vrs. 9-10, “Reveals the same thing as the Book of Revelation reveals, the day of the Lord!” – Isa. 14:4-6, “reveals the anti-christ as, like the ancient king of Babylon, and as unto the Assyrian King! Vr. 16, 25-26. -Vr. 29, “said fiery flying serpent! That’s none other than a fiery missile!”

Continuing – Isa. 31:5 “Saw the modern aircraft of today! He definitely saw the Atomic War in several places! “(Isa. 24:6- Isa.29:6) -“His eyes witnessed the shaking and rolling of the earth as the axis change. (Isa. 24:1, 19-20) He saw the earth burned, and few men left!” (Vr. 6) “All of this evidently will take place, (it is my opinion) by or before the turning of the century!” -The prophet saw not only aircraft, but space flight! (Isa. 60:8) Obad. 1:4, foresaw space stations where people lived! ” -Amos 9:2, used the words, though they climb into heaven. This is exactly the way men are doing their space program, step by step!” –“It says, even though they went to the bottom of the sea in submarines, God would find them!” (Vr. 3)

Continuing – Isa. 8:19, “May have seen modern inventions in witchcraft!” -“It reads, don’t seek unto wizards that peep and mutter! – In our day it sounds like witchcraft video games!” -Also in Isa. 34:4, “He mentioned the end of the age would be like the heavens rolled together as a scroll! And he mentioned the falling of the stars and etc.” -“He is the only prophet who used the very word scroll! The rest used the word, roll, book, parchment, etc. -And also Isaiah’s words are being written on this scroll you are reading! – “Although the word eternal and forever are mentioned many times in the Bible, Isaiah the prophet is the only one who mentioned the word eternity!” (Isa. 57:15) -“This is just a few of so many things he witnessed. He saw the beautiful lights and seraphims that surround the throne!” (Isa. 6: 1-2) -Isa. 19: 19-20 “Also said, The Great Pyramid would be ‘a sign’ at the end of the age! -Many discoveries have been made even by scientists!” -“The time line measures in it run out in this century!”

Continuing – eyes of the future – Ezek. chap. 1, “He saw the beautiful spinning lights going and coming as a flash of lightning! he witnessed colors like unto a rainbow that surrounded the Lord, as these beautiful wheels accompanied the Most High! And again today some of the lights being seen is simply the Lord’s angels showing us the appointed time is climaxing! -Also we know Satan is doing certain things in the heavens to distract people away from the real purpose God is doing!”-“Ezekiel went into the future and saw the Battle of Armageddon and how it would occur! His eyes saw the great host coming as clouds! (aerial warfare, etc.) He foretold the intent and why they came! (To take a great spoil etc.) -Before Ezek. chap. 38 ends he saw the ultimate in energy and fiery weapons that rained down upon the invaders!”

Continuing – Through the eyes of the prophets many inventions were foreseen and are being used right around us today! Even Solomon foresaw and spoke of inventions! -Eccl. 7:29, “They have sought out many inventions!” -“Solomon foresaw the hidden electronic devices that men have in tiny microphones, and also radio!” –“Curse not the king, no not in thy thoughts, and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter.” Eccl. 10:20 Every time the millions of radios are turned on the wave length-the birds of the air carry the voice from far distances to your ears. Apart from this, secret devices are now recording the thoughts of enemies. All these inventions, too, remind us Jesus is coming soon!” -Also John on Patmos foresaw the coming of television, and world satellite! (Rev. 11:9-12) – “And they of the people and kindred and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and a half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put into graves. ..’and they heard a great voice saying unto them come up hither, and they ascended up to heaven in a cloud and their enemies beheld them’ Rev. 11:3-12. People of all nations can only witness this by television! ” -“Also in Rev. 13: 13, 15, they evidently see an idol or image over television again, or how else could all of those left worship the anti-Christ at one time! All these inventions reveal time is short indeed!”

Continuing – revelation eyes – Joel 2, “foresaw the earth as a Garden of Eden, and because of an Atomic flame of fire, he saw it in total desolation!” (Vr. 3) “He to witnessed various inventions of war himself. But he also saw a revival of great joy that would come in the former and latter rain upon God’s people! And the Lord would restore all things to the church and then translate it!” (Vrs. 23-29) – Vr. 30,” probably reveals it would be in the era of the atomic invention, the hour we live in. -Now in our age! -The day of preparation and translation! -Sooner than most people think..!

Continuing – eyes of time – “This is an interesting prophecy indeed. The Lord revealed after He would scatter Israel into all nations, He then gave the exact time that He would bring them home and settle them. It would be during the time of the rocket and space age. (Duet. 30:3) Vr. 4 says, even though some were in the outmost parts of heaven, He would fetch them back! Amazing, in our age!”

Continuing – Most all of the prophets saw an interruption of time in our age. The Lord revealed to me we are in a time curve right now. The whole earth will change and be different in the coming decade. Jesus Himself spoke of a time interruption and said, or no flesh would be saved. .As we understand it Jesus also foretold the very ending of the age. (Matt. 24:32-34) He said that when Israel became a nation again all things would be fulfilled in that generation. And from 1946-48 their next Jubilee will start before or by the ending of this century. Vr. 33, Jesus said, When ye see these things it is even at the door! Watch and pray, for Jesus said, “In an hour that ye think not, the son of man cometh!

Scroll #171


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