HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 172

Prophetic Scrolls 172

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

God’s clock is ticking –“Worldwide events are breaking forth in every direction concerning important subjects. We already are seeing the shadows of things to come! -For instance, the prediction, cosmic like winds (hurricanes, tornadoes and storms) would sweep across the United States. Some of this occurred in the great winds of hurricane Hugo, destroying much property in the Carolina coast! ” – “The prediction, a major quake would shake San Francisco, occurred! -People were dazed and startled for days afterwards concerning the destruction of property and lives!”- “More devastating quakes are coming in the future concerning California and elsewhere!” – “Science, inventions and immorality will soon reach another peak.” -” Also total swings and changes will occur among the people and the governments of the earth in the 90’s!” -“New trends in all facets of life will occur! – Finally the styles of the human race will blend into the anti-Christ system.”- “Charismatic spellbinders to rise both in government and religion in these latter times!” –“Also the lady of renown will come into a powerful controlling position causing the people to forget their fundamental roots in the Scriptures! (Rev. 17)

Jesus said, the Jews could discern the signs of the sky, but not the signs of the times!” –“He also said, they did not know the hour of their visitation! – We see the exact same things occurring before us today. We are not to know the day nor the hour of the Translation, but my opinion is it will occur in this generation now ending! – And of course we can give a “general season” of time; Jesus did this Himself! -For instance, He said, The generation who see Israel return to their homeland would see His return in the heavens!”

Continuing –“In another verse Jesus revealed a season of time by sight. ”–“He said, “Look on the fields for they are white already to harvest.” He also said, “when you see this, don’t claim you have a lot of time left!” (John 4:35) -He said, “Walk while ye have the light! An eclipse in God’s prophetic time is nearing! – Watch and pray. Jesus said, hold fast until I come!” -“Get a quick hold on God’s promises and stay with it! Our light should be burning as a witness! The Lord said take heed unless that day come upon you unawares!”-“In other words don’t let the cares of this life blind you! Be expecting him at all hours!” -The Lord said, remember Lot’s wife! -She turned around, her desires still on the luxury of Sodom! No doubt she thought of her other children & etc. that she left behind. And this tells one not to let relatives or children turn you back into the world! – And on the other hand in our patience we shall bring forth much fruit!” (souls).

Foreseen and coming soon –“We are at the doorsteps of a new age. The winds of deception shall loom over the land as the clouds before a storm! One can actually see the smoke of delusion training the minds of many people to accept what is to appear in the near future!” –“For instance, our Scripts reveal that a world dictator is just around the corner! (This age old prophecy sounds correct. ..A minister called John, The Cliff Rock (Church -14th century) predicted before the year 2000 A.D., the anti-Christ will reveal himself to the world! -And that he will be elected to this position at the time the forces of Satan would have virtual control of the entire earth via their secret government turning into an anti-Christ government!” (End Quote) -This leader will rise from a religious order. He will have great influence over the Catholic religion; plus all other religions!” –“He will become very political; he will be a wizard of words! Finally a deadly calculator, a deceiver and a destroyer of mankind! –“The Laodiceans (most Protestants) will be swept away into his confidence by his great swelling words! For the Lord will spew them out of his mouth into tribulation!” -“Behold, saith the Lord Jesus, this Scripture shall come upon them unaware. ” Job 34:20, -“In a moment shall they die, and the people shall be troubled at midnight, and pass away; and the mighty shall be taken away without hand!”-And before this prophecy also saith the Lord, I will destroy the two great cities in California. I gave them space to repent, but few listened. They are fallen and fallen! – And those cities of the plains who amuse themselves in safety shall be shaken down! – And yea, the great city of the East of traffic and trade, of riches and pleasure who say we rest in our evil safely beside the sea; for they say we are the wealthiest of all! For she shall be turned into the sound of mighty waters, of quaking and ashes of fire! For they cry we see her from a great distance, then suddenly, it is called out; we see her no more; for she has crumbled and is deserted of life!” -.”This seems similar to the prophecy found in Rev. 18:9-10 –“Behold, great and terrible winds shall howl across the sea and earth. Sudden and strong quaking shall trouble the planet! Powerful storms shall be forthcoming as not seen in many years! Also in its wake the dry land shall cry for water. And it shall be heard, a measure of wheat for a penny (a whole day’s wage) and 3 measures of barley for a penny! And the oil and wine is very scarce! -For suddenly a new thing has taken place. A stamp (mark) is seen upon the multitudes who are in need! For they shake before the ruler! All of this shall rise because they have forsaken and refused the ancient prophecy! (Evidently this speaks of Rev. 13:17) The dragon has come up from the deep, his fire brand has enslaved the nations! (Rev. 9: 11) – And Abaddon (the destroyer) will soon follow!” –“But another event precedes this, read below!”

The translation – then great tribulation – And now these two subjects. Because we are getting very close to it, it is very vital that we understand the revelation” -Rev. 12:1, “reveals the church of the ages including the New Testament Church!”-“The woman clothed in symbolism of the sun, moon and 12 stars reveals the past, present and future ages! Verse 5 reveals the true elect are caught up! (translation) – And then we find out in verses 16-17 there are still people left; these are Tribulation saints!… They are called the remnant of her seed. ..Rev. 7: 14 confirms these same Tribulation saints. They are on earth with the sealing of the 144, 000 Jews!”(verse 4) – Matt. 24:39-42, “reveals the same thing that we just spoke of in Rev. Chap. 12. -Where people get confused is that they read Matt. 24:29-31… But as you notice in verse 31 the Translation has already taken place, because you notice He is gathering His elect from the 4 winds, from one end of heaven to the other! …And is only returning with them to interrupt in the Battle of Armageddon!… You see them clothed in fine white linen with Jesus!” (Rev. 19:14-21) –“Jesus said, as the elect watched and prayed that they would escape the horrors of the Great Tribulation!” (Luke 21:36) – “Matt. 25:2-10 gives a definite conclusion that part was taken and part was left. Read it. Use these Scriptures as a guideline to keep your confidence that the true Church will be translated before the mark of the beast, etc.” (Rev. Chap. 13)

Prophecy – time and dimension –“One day millions of people, of all ages, will depart this earth in a second -in the twinkling of an eye!” (I Cor. 15:52) -“First Jesus shows how sudden the change will be! –Then He reveals the revelation how. ” -“The Lord so cometh as a thief in the night!” (I Thess. 5:2) –“He used this comparison in several Scriptures, why? -Because a thief comes unannounced and unexpected, but they know he has been there by seeing what has been taken! -And a thief takes only the valuables, like jewels, gold and etc. ” –“And Jesus will take His jewels away! (Read Mal. 3:17) Also a thief usually leaves behind much more (less valuables) than he takes!” – Note: “The elect will not know the exact day nor hour, but the “very season”, will be unveiled to them of Jesus return! We are absolutely entering the season of His soon appearance!”

Continuing – Luke 17:34-36, “Jesus discloses the translation will take place in different places and various time zones; but yet it will occur at the same time all over the world!” -“He said, there shall be 2 men in one bed, one shall be taken and the other one left! This speaks it will be night time in one part of the earth! -Next two women shall be grinding (making bread) together! -In Bible days the women did this early in the morning. This speaks of (dawn, morning)!” -“Then two men in the field, this would speak of later in the day.”- “So Jesus is telling us that when He appears some will be sleeping, some working and some will be just getting up!”-“There was a period of night, dawn and of day!” –“For an example let’s go back to the word, thief. To unexpectedly catch people off guard in the USA, the best hours in this great industrial complex would be from 3 A.M. to 5 A.M. – There would be less crashes and deaths on the highways, in cities, planes, etc. although there still would be some. It would be less noticeable until people woke up and wondered what in the world has taken place!”-“Now remember we do not know the exact time, this is just an example. We are to watch at all seasons and periods! So we see in prophecy, the Lord depicts time and dimension! (twinkle-changed-gone!)

Continuing –“The sudden disappearance of millions of people from the earth will cause a mysterious crisis, confusion, chaos and panic among those who feel they know what occurred! -Death and misery will abound everywhere! But all of this will be explained away by world government!” -“People’s attention will be drawn away from the event by the lying signs and wonders of the anti-Christ! This world leader will actually mock the event the same as they did when Elijah the prophet was translated!”

Scroll #172

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