Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
Sweeping changes – “We see tremendous influences on civilization in the making which will greatly affect the world in the 90’s! Powerful and unprecedented changes have occurred concerning prophecy! And these occurrences will lead to the apocalyptic events of the Tribulation! Anybody with spiritual senses can see the future casting its shadows before!” – “The Scrolls and Bible prophecy have foretold it. Years ago the Scripts revealed a Russian Leader would join or meet with a Pope (Vatican)! -Just lately to the surprise of the whole world (Soviet’s Gorbachev did meet with the Pope and ask for his blessings, according to the News statement!” -“He said he was going to allow all of Europe and Russia to have religious freedom, and even invited the Pope to speak there later! – All of this caused shock waves around the world, unbelievable people said; others said, a miracle has occurred! etc.
Prophetic waves continuing -“After meeting with the Pope, Gorbachev immediately met with President Bush on the Isles of Malta. – They discussed world trade and technology. And this meeting was under severe stormy conditions in the sea!” – “Now the significance! -This is the very Island where the “Apostle Paul” , was shipwrecked and floated ashore! He called it, Melita, today it’s called Malta!” (Acts 28:1) -“This was the place where Paul was bitten by a serpent with no affects; and wrought miracles!” (vrs. 3 -9) –“Evidently all that will finally come out of that meeting will be the serpent’s bite, later leading to Armageddon!”-“God is eternal. And at the time that Paul was there during the storm, the Lord was in our time dimension today seeing the meeting of our leaders in their storm and beyond! – and has been declared by prophecy!”
Continuing – We see great significance. When Gorbachev met with Pope John Paul II, and then President Bush, of the USA, this signified the beginning of the mixing of iron and clay! Communism and the West! (Dan. 2:40-45) Wherein Daniel said, the dream is certain and the interpretation thereof is sure!” -“It is absolutely taking place and evidently will conclude in the next decade in its fullness!” -“There is a storm brewing, because iron and clay will split later; and then the Vatican will disappear in fire and vapours of smoke!”(atomic) -“When the iron and clay separate it will bring on a global conflict! This planet will collapse in fiery ‘holocaust’, as Jesus intervenes! (Matt. 24:22-Rev. 19:13-21) “Behold, saith the Lord, the nation’s days are like a shadow that declineth, they are withered like the grass, soon they will be blown away as the Chaff! -The appointed time shall come!”
Continuing – “President Bush in prophecy. As you remember the Scripts forecast he was to be in yet more prophecy ahead! And just before their meeting on Malta we released this writing awhile back. Quote: “Just as the Scripts forecast we are seeing a tremendous amount of important prophecy fulfilling before our very eyes! -The News said since President Bush met with leaders in Brussels more changes have occurred in Europe than has happened in 40 years! -This is preparing later for the unification of Europe and coming to the forefront the revived Roman Empire! -The Russian leader Gorbachev has caused much of this to take place because of changes toward the West! – Also the Pope working with Washington (and Russia)!” –“We can also see the anti-Christ” (system) hand working underneath! -This eventually will work toward world trade, later! There will still be some things they have to work out, but we can see their direction, fulfilling prophecy! -What they want is part of the wealth (trade) and technology of the USA!”-
Note: “What about the time element? -We are definitely in the latter times, and in my opinion the final Bible prophecies should come to a conclusion in the next decade! ” -“We know the next Jewish Jubilee will occur about 1997-99! We also know since the beginning of the USA colonies (1720’s) seven 40 year generations will have elapsed by the year 2000!”… “The cosmic cycle begins to end by this time; as well as the time lines in the Great pyramid!” … “But most of all it seems the Bible prophecies are converging in likewise manner! …The 90’s will certainly tell the story concerning the events forecast!…Anyway one looks at it, time is short!”
The final latter times – “We are living in the very hour of fulfillment (prophecy) concerning weather, nature, nations, people, economics, religion, heavenly signs in the earth and sea, inventions; and in the world of fantasy! And we see predictions in world prophecy and in everyday living! So, we are going to list various things of the future, and an update!” -“For instance, science has played a great role in the immorality of this age by giving birth control pills and contraceptives to girls as young as 12 years old to have freedom to indulge in sex! One only has to look around to see where this has led our society! -Coupled with alcohol and drugs, we are witnessing a national disaster. Pray for our youth!”
Continuing – “Let us list what is occurring among science and what men have to say of the future! One magazine said, the 1990’s, is this the death rattle for the second millennium, A.D.?” -“The end of the American Century? -Or is it the beginning of a brave new world full of promise and profits? -Then they go on to discuss the breakthroughs and the breakdowns concerning science and economics of the 1990’s. They go on to say, the major events that will change your life forever concerning money, science, trade and etc. -But they have sense to see some of the dangerous situations approaching the 90’s; the good and the bad!”
Continuing -“Some of these events have already been fulfilled by prophecy, some of the events are coming into being ready to be fulfilled! – “Future trends -They foresee medical miracles, a shorter work week with more time for pleasure; a computer system will create a personalized newspaper- artificial blood (which could replace the nation’s blood banks) – human growth hormones, memory-recall drugs, newborns with particular disease immunities. New, computer-based diagnostic tools will be providing doctors with unsurpassed cross-sectional images of soft and hard tissues inside the body, thus eliminating much exploratory surgery.”… “Brain cell and tissue transplants will be in the experimental phase in the 90’s to aid victims of retardation and head trauma! … “Laboratory-grown bone, muscle and blood cells will be used in transplants. “- “By tampering with the genetic code (DNA) Science claims that they will be able to produce the type of child that a parent wants. This reminds us of Gen. Chap. 6”- (tampering with the seed).
Science continuing -“Monitoring technology will be embedded in the home. The toilet will analyze urine; a favorite chair will take blood pressure and feed it to a computer filled with medical expertise; and you will have the answer immediately!”
Society –“Rapid urbanization will lead to the growth of apocalyptic megalopolises -immense cities. The rich will live in heavily guarded compounds surrounded by belts (misery). We predicted this on the Scrolls years ago, and now science says it coming! Continuing -Turbulence, dissatisfaction, social agitation and shortages shall abound worldwide!”
The nations -“The world will move toward a “multipolarity” in which the United States, Japan, and Europe share power with emerging business powers of Korea, Taiwan, India, Hong Kong, and Singapore, etc.!” – “Space efforts will also become multipolar. Later the United States and Soviet Union may pool their efforts in a mission to Mars: -‘ ‘The above concerning trade is prophesied in Rev. 18″ -“Biotechnology, lasers, robotics, telecommunications, medical technology, aero-space, and superconductivity will advance in the future!” -“Electronic computers will be involved in every way of life. They are already producing video games that deal in sorcery and witchcraft!” (Isa. 8: 19) -“Science also sees an electronic computer highway coming in the future as predicted!”
Science continuing –“Now some of these things will come to pass and others we may never tell because of the closing of the age, but inventors list: “Liquid underpants -ceramic engines -buttons lasting a lifetime – food from the factory, not so much from the farm – high tech terrorists (yes, already)” .-“Clark Gable, Marilyn Monroe and other dead movie stars make new movies via computer imagery – Chemical warfare – Alaskan peaches – “the end of the dollar” , – higher taxes -legalized drugs -Then they say welcome to the 1990’s. ” -“And I say, it will be very busy indeed!”
The future -The Scriptures declared some of this and the coming inventions of today.” Rev. 13:13, “shows us the signs and wonders of science, including (fire) atomic laser, electricity, T .V. computers and etc.” – “Dan. 12:4, showed the super knowledge appearing! …Solomon wrote of the many inventions of man that would turn to evil!” – (Eccl. 7:29) -“The book of Revelation gave every type of destructive weapon invented in our age! -Some are found in Rev. chap. 6- Rev. chap. 9- Rev. chap. 16 – Rev. chap. 18” -“As we can see we are moving swiftly towards a climax of civilization! -Watch and pray!
Scroll #173