Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
Prophetic signs -“Jesus said of the Jews, you can discern the signs of the sky, but not the signs of the times. And Jesus was working right in front of them! Same as today, (except for a few) they can discern the sky like our weathermen do, but they cannot see all of the signs working around them!” -“Satan’s spider web has been put into place. The nations and the leaders are moving in swiftly!” (Rev. 17) – “We see Eastern Europe receiving freedom, the iron and clay is being signified! (Dan. 2:41-45) After 2,500 years this prophecy is taking place right out in the open and over the news; and many are missing its significance! Plus we see Russia, the Vatican and the United States moving toward one another gradually! World trade will be established in the 9O’s as was predicted in advance!”
Continuing -“Later we will have global economics, market exchanges, banks hooked together by instant computer communications! The Common Market in West Europe rising to the forefront!” -“But later the world will see the smoke of her burning that made men rich!” (Rev. 18) -“There will be good times and bad times (90’s), before it is all ironed out! But before the age ends there will be another burst of prosperity under the mark!”
The future – What lies ahead! -” As one writer, said, the high tech world suggests that mankind has a radiant and bright future. They point to such advances as miracle drugs, thinking robots, living computers, and bio-engineered babies as proof of the dawning of a new era for man! He further states that the New Age Religion proposes that men and women of a ‘higher consciousness’ will reject Jesus Christ and will become gods! Immortal super beings capable of incredible magical feats! It sounds just like what Satan said in the garden! (Gen. 3:4-5)
Continuing -Texe Marrs, a former military expert on modern warfare exposes this glorious future by saying – Quote: “However, behind the facade of modern prosperity and progress -and veiled underneath the New Age deception -lies a far different story of a bleak and dreadful future. Stockpiles of nuclear and chemical weapons continue to mount up! Shrewd but atheistic Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev speaks of peace and disarmament but continues to prepare his nation for war with new space killer systems, psychic warfare weapons and hideous new biotechnological (germ warfare) armaments! -The Bible speaks of a period of utter chaos and tribulation. This savage but brief time of woe will end in a climactic nuclear holocaust “Armageddon” ! He states also the signs and wonder of this high-tech society are in fact those prophesied in the Bible! Plus many of the inventions he spoke about was predicted on our Scripts years ago in advance; and are being fulfilled!
Prophecy continuing -“Futuristic designers of the coming cars, aircraft, electronic inventions, etc. are moving towards Bible prophecy concerning their shapes and designs! Also I happen to be watching a network program, and the doctors, scientists and investors were telling some of the things the people could expect in the 90’s! One said, people will be able to take their car to an electronic controlled highway and it will be able to take them to a destination without them doing the driving themselves! Then they spoke about the coming medical care and so forth. Then one question was asked about economics. And one man gave the answer, that later we will enter a cashless society where everyone will have to be identified he said in the stores by their voice, eye scan, or he said in some way that they can be personally identified as that person, then they can check in the bank on the finances of the person; We know exactly what it’s going to be. It’s going to be a mark in the hand or the forehead.” (Rev. 13:16) A numerical code mark!”
Scriptural prophecy – Rev. 13:13-14, “says, he doeth great wonders, he maketh fire come down, and he deceiveth them by those miracles (mostly sorcery and science type). Often the Scriptures bring out 3 or 4 different views concerning prophetic revelation. He could bring down supernatural fire, but this fire also speaks of atomic, laser and electricity! The image would be like alikeness, T. V., statue, a reflection, living robot, or humanly image of the beast!” Vr. 15 could mean beast over satellite T.V. -It speaks of giving it life or movement; this could mean by electric current! (T. V.)- All of these things are coming in the immediate future! It is my opinion according to the evidentual signs the Lord could come at any time before this century ends!
Coming events -.“I’m not trying to be just a preacher of doom. I do give forth a lot of messages here at Capstone of joy, divine love, God ‘ s kindness and compassion healing the sick, and God comforting His people! But the Lord has also told me and especially on the Scrolls to warn the people of His soon return and of impending judgment upon the world! In a news article it said, everything in this world is bad or headed that way. Pollution, hunger, war, politics, economy, drugs are in the headlines each day! And may we add to this we are in the age of apostasy and severe immoral conditions! This next event we speak about was predicted years in advance. Because of aids and the social diseases, they have thought up a new dance where they have sex with their clothes on (protection) doing certain movements. It is popular in France and some Latin American countries! The News also said it is headed for the USA! And said it will make all other dances mild in comparison! From what I received from the Lord it is called the dance of copulation. And that we would see it just before His return. Now it is fulfilling!”
Continuing – Someone said, when will it end -how can we get this all straightened out? And the News said, what the world needs is a real superhero to turn things around. According to the Scriptures one is coming; he is gaining power now, and will cause wonderful things to come about. He wilt unite all religions and appease communism! He pretends to solve global problems, increase trade and prosperity! – Give an answer for short peace and will gain the support of world leaders. He will appear to have the answer to the world’s problems, but this superhero winds up a deceiver. (II Thess. 2:4-10)
The future king –“Because this dictator is working underneath now and evidently will rise to the surface in the 90’s, let’s add some more information concerning this evil personality. But I must warn you, that he will be as a lamb at first, then later will speak as a dragon! The anti-Christ will come out of false religion. First, the Scripts say he will be a usurper of his position.” (Dan. 11:21) “A messiah to the Jews, a pope to the Catholics, a super prince to the Moslems, (Arab, etc.) a false Christ or deceiver to the apostate protestants, a false god to the world!” (Vrs. 36-40) “He will stabilize a world failing economy, bring short prosperity! My opinion is he will do his work before the ending of this century .It is very near! This superhero will be vapourized by the Lord and sent to the lake of fire, with his companion, the false prophet!” (Rev. 19:20)
Facts about the papacy – Does the papacy aspire to rule the world? When Pope John XXIII was crowned, these words were spoken at the ceremony. “Receive the tiara adorned with three crowns and know that thou art the Father of princes and kings, Ruler of the world, Vicar of our Saviour Jesus Christ, to whom is honor and glory, the world without end!” – “According to history, it is marked by the papacy’s desire to attain temporal power all over the world! The Pope has in the past exercised a life and death power over many peoples and nations! During the Inquisition many Christians were killed and tortured! Could the same thing occur again today in our age? According to Cannon Law with a personal commendation from Pope Leo XIII, the Catholic Church has the right and duty to kill heretics because it is by fire and sword that heresy can be extirpated. Mere excommunication is derided by heretics. If they are imprisoned or exiled they corrupt others! The only recourse is to put them to death. The unity and faith of the church cannot be preserved they say, unless this is done! Let us quote from Pope Pius the IX. Church and state should be united! The Roman Catholic religion should be the only religion of the state, and all other modes of worship should be excluded! The Pope is the supreme judge of the land! He is vice-regent of Christ. ..the king of kings and the Lord of lords! The Pope by virtue of his dignity, is at the summit of both powers -the temporal and spiritual!” Civilta Cattolica. March 18, 1871.
It is out of such religious types as this that a world dictator will rise the man of peace and then of destruction! Watch with prayer and you will see which way it is coming!
Scroll #174