Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
The latter times in prophecy –“Not since the nations began, has its people been so fearful of the future! Some are frightened because of the crime wave and drugs; others fear a nuclear holocaust; some nations fear famine and dreaded food shortages! Others fear worldwide depression and plagues; And some for good reason know chaos looms in the corning decade!” -“One thing for certain, the nations are running out of time! But the elect know the future, and we are comforted by the Scriptures! – While mankind fears some of the things we spoke about above; something else is taking place they are not noticing! -And it is a snare that shall come on all of them who dwell on the face of the whole earth! -The snare of ‘mystery Babylon’ is rising across the earth; casting its shadows before! …And out of these twilight shadows shall rise a super dictator! Most of the population is unaware of these things! -Satan’s influence will now grow stronger than ever. – Also, one fiction writer told the truth and probably didn’t know it. He said, something alien hovers, watching us, judging us, and forcing us to change our view of a world we believed that we knew! …Then he said in big letters, we are at the ‘Gates’ of Babel! – We are, but in a way he never realized! -But in realism it is the anti-Christ influences over the world!” The people’s minds are being conditioned by T. V. , movies, News Media, publications, false religion, science, inventions and leaders)! -These influences will grow ever more subtle in the 90’s creating a world of makebelieve and fantasy leading to idolatry in its worse form! Remember as a snare shall it come!”(Luke 21:35)
Continuing – A famous Russian writer who lived from 1828-1910 had a remarkable view of the future. It is reported that just before his death, in a vision like state, he made the following prophecies: “I see floating upon the sea of human fate the huge silhouette of a nude woman – Nations rushed madly after her, in her hair -an ornament of diamonds and rubies – is engraved her name ‘commercialism’ – Commercialism interpreted as materialism!”; “And behold, she has 3 gigantic arms with 3 torches of universal corruption in her hands! Torch 1 represents war -torch 2 bears the flame of bigotry and hypocrisy (governments, etc.) The 3rd torch is that of law- but twisted and interpreted as a device to justify false ethics! -Rev. 6 – “The great conflagration will start about 1912 -set by the torch of the 1st arm – (1914 ushered in W.W.I.)” He said about 1915-1925, a strange figure and doctrine would appear. (Nicoli Lenin) – Lenin threatened to spread Communism, and did! He died in 1924. -After 1925 (the Russian writer) saw a change in religious sentiments. The second torch has brought about the fall of the church. Because of present worldwide moral decay. Starting with ‘hedonism’ of the 1920’s-90’s. He saw the rise of a sinister figure walking through a darkened earth! (anti-christ) Rev. Chaps. 17 and 18 – Rev. 3:14-18. Is the answer to all of this plus the third torch twisted the law? (Brought the mark!) Then he said the nations will finally realize that the woman was an illusion! (Rev. 17). He said the nations will finally have peace, but this can only be brought about after the Battle of Armageddon by the Prince of peace Jesus!
Continuing – “What he saw was religious and Commercial Babylon rising in our age; the appearing of Communism; and the corning of the worldwide wars! He saw the corning of materialism and universal corruption! He saw the fall of the church, the Laodiceans. (Rev. 3: 14-17) -He saw the rising of a mysterious reformer or revolutionary changer (the anti-Christ) and etc.! – Concerning mystery and commercial Babylon a greater part of the new materialism will come for the Common Market, the revived Roman Empire of West Europe! -Already we see the mad rush of worldwide trade headed in that direction, including the USA! -The Common Market is called the United States of Europe! …an amazing collection of ten nations! –The Common Market began with a Treaty of Rome in 1957. It is reported they are rising swiftly to world power! …The population of these nations is also greater than America’s. Their combined military arms exceeded the military strength of the United States. Today Time Magazine says that they also have a combined military strength greater than the Soviet Union. Even in terms of gold reserves, the economic power of the world has shifted to the Common Market!” Its combined production is greater than America’s, Japan’s, or the Soviet Union’s. The original six nations have grown to 10. The EEC (Common Market) now competes as an economic equal and often as a superior. With economic success the (European) community has become a political force as well. -The Scriptures say the last political power will be a ten nation Federation with all nations wrapped up in it! -We are seeing the last religious, economic and political system taking place now! This Empire knows they have more gold than elsewhere! They know they will finally rule and control all nations! (Rev. chaps. 17 and 18)
Continuing – “The Russian writer used different words; some we did not print above so we could explain them. He mentioned (and we believe before the end of the century) that pantheism will arise. ..The doctrine that all forces, manifestations, etc. of the universe are God. This sounds okay, but what it is, the New Agers religion are including Satan as part of this God! ! ! –“The other word he used was monotheism would rise -the doctrine or belief that there is only one God! -This is very correct if used properly. But the New Age religion has twisted this up, and say all are gods, and all is God! They call it monism. They claim all religions are just different ways to the same truth. That all is one, all is God; and they say they are god! This is completely contrary to the Scriptures! -They say it doesn’t matter how the “consciousness revolution! ” is obtained. It may be through drug experiences, Eastern meditation, Yoga, martial arts, hypnosis, or biofeedback! To the New Age people being ‘born again’ doesn’t mean spiritual rebirth through faith in Christ, it mean reincarnation! -Jesus proved this to be completely false, in the reality parable of the rich man in hell. He said, let me go back and warn others, but he could not come back! – This wipes out reincarnation! Of course, many other scriptures disprove this false doctrine also! –Then he saw hedonism rising greatly. -The doctrine that pleasure is the principal good. We know as the age ends, it will become a god in its own right. This is also combined in the New Age Religion!”
Continuing prophecy – “The New Age Religion” promotes “Isis” the mother goddess worship, Tammuz and Apollo Sun God, magic and witchcraft, the worship of crystal power! They activate Gen. 19:4-5, plus give rise to legends, pagan gods and the worship of Satan! –“Some advocating being the mistress of Satan, sacred ritual orgies, lurid ecstatic dancing, incoherent tongues, by the New Agers! – An imitation of the real!… And as one writer exposed it well by saying, “Women’s taste for mystery and power; the real agenda of ultra-feminism; M. Scott Peck’s New Age doctrine of ‘Community’; unholy and unsavory sex with spirit guides (intercoursing with spirits, as predicted years ago on the Scripts) from Hollywood to Capitol Hill -the rich and famous, powerful leaders of the New Age; the restoration of Eve as a goddess; the explosion in witchcraft; occultic Babylon jewelry and fashions; the satanic themes in TV shows – “ Also the movies of late are portraying some of these same things. Where is all of this headed? Right into Mystery Babylon, the Mother of Harlot Churches and etc. Ruled incarnate by Satan.” (Rev. 17:9-11)
Continuing – Ezek. 28:1-4, “gives a good description of the anti-Christ. Interpreted like this, ” the Lord saith, because your heart is lifted up, and you have said I am a god, I sit in the seat of God (II Thess. 2:4) but God said, you are only a man, weak, feeble, made of earth, and not God! Vr. 4, “revealed by his wisdom that he brought gold and silver into his treasure! Vr. 5, By your great wisdom and by your traffic you have increased your riches and power, and your heart is proud and lifted up because of your wealth! – This speech seems to be spoken of Satan’s evil genius fulfilling itself in and through the human ruler who appropriates to himself the honors due only to God, as in the case of the king of Babylon!” (Isa. 14:4) “Here is to be seen a foreshadowing of ‘the beast’ who is to attribute to himself divine rights in the time of the end! (II Thess. 2:1-12- Rev. 13- Dan. 7:8-28) – The Vatican and all religions will receive this false god! (read Scr. #174)
Continuing – “what will happen to Mystery Babylon? (Rev. 17) Who by her wealth and false doctrine deceived the nations! Vr. 16, gives the answer, and is interpreted this way. ..And the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will (be the very ones to) hate the whore (the idolatrous woman); they will make her cheerless (bereaved, desolate) and they will strip her, and eat up her flesh and utterly consume her with fire! – Rome and where the Vatican sits on the 7 Hills will be vapourized by an Atomic flame! And likewise later the beast himself and his armies will be destroyed at Armageddon!” (Rev. 19: 19-21) “Later we will write about the anti-Christ and his double-cross in three different directions! – This has been a truthful and bold depiction, so we might as well add the final touch from a reprint of Scroll #121.”
World religious Babylon – “According to prophecy, where does this woman of Rev. 17:1-5 fit in? Well, of course, at first she rides upon and guides the beast governments of the earth! All false religions have returned together unto her! She is called the super bitch, the elite whore, the queen of the night regions (darkness, shadow of death) who fornicated with every nation and people including all organized systems (Apostate Protestants, etc.)!”- “At first she is the bride of the anti-Christ! -The whore that intercoursed with all governments! -And because of Babylon’s persecution, it brings forth the Pale Horse that smites her just before the battle of Armageddon. ..The beast anti-Christ himself does!”-“ In other words, the anti-Christ uses the woman church to gather treasure, and then like an evil pimp, beats her and burns her up with fire! (Rev. 17:16-18) – For, he is the diabolic Little Horn that Daniel saw rising on the sands of time! -He alone will want to be supreme, sitting in the Temple claiming that he is God! – But he, himself, will meet his doom in Commercial Babylon!” (Rev. 18:8-10)
Scroll #175