HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 179

Prophetic Scrolls 179

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

Calendar – Roman time – Dan. 7:25, “gives us a glimpse into the future concerning the Roman beast. It says he shall wear out the saints (that is the Tribulation saints because the last part of the verse says it is the last 42 months of the age)! -He also shall think to change times and laws and over 400 years later part of this actually begins to occur! Calendar and time by the sun. -One solar day is the length of time the sun takes to return to our meridian! – It takes about 365 1/4 of those solar days to make a year. Instead of changing our clocks by 1/4 day each year, we have 365-day years followed by one 366-day leap year, a scheme worked out by the astronomer Sosigenes for Julius Caesar in 46 B.C. – Also about this time there was a great star shower and Julius was assassinated!” (In the latter times another great shower will come again!)

Continuing – In 1582, “the time had slipped substantially from the proper season because of this difference; the (Pope) Gregorian calendar skipped 10 days to compensate and make some new rules about leap year: the “century years ” (1900, 2000, etc.) would not be leap years unless they are evenly divisible by 400. That is, 1800 and 1900 were not leap years, but 2000 will be a leap year!” – (So Satan was working trying to hide time)! – But he will have to face the year 2000 any way; a definite showdown! – “None of our calendars are correct, and in God’s prophetic clock we have already reached the time allotted! – We are now in a ‘transition period’ awaiting translation! But it is the last 42 months of the age that a Roman Prince will really change time and laws! -We have already seen our holidays shuffled around! The revelation of the beast should appear in the 90’s!”

Zodiac is a wheel –“of 12 constellation signs –According to the Scriptures it is God’s timepiece in the heavens! -There are 12 figures, just as there are 12 figures on our clocks and watches! Prophetic astronomy is hidden in the Scriptures, but is to reveal his coming in our generation. (Luke 21:25- Ps. chap. 19) -“Let’s let the Holy Spirit guide us. WE are going to list some rare celestial signs and events for the 1990s-2001. – Scientists say in this century Mercury will only transit (not orbit – orbits are different) the sun 11 times. The planet will cross directly across the face of the sun! This occurs in the fall of 1993. – It will occur again November 15, 1999 grazing the sun’s disk! – Between then and the last date we should see much of the greenery various parts of the earth (wheat, vegetation, etc.) come through a great change with increasing droughts and famines.” (Rev. 6:5-8) – (Our traffic transit system will be controlled in a new way than it is now!) – A total alteration in people will come; like the classic story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. – Any contracts made between men will collapse during this period! – The Scripts have forecast it and the heavens are confirming it!”

Continuing – “Near the end of January 1993, Mars passes directly overhead for the late evening viewer (southern Texas and central Florida). In only two other years in the 20th century, 1914 and 1961, has Mars appeared so far north of the celestial equator! We know what events occurred during those two unusual decades! – And something similar but ‘not exactly’ will occur again before the ending of the 90s! …For one thing in 1914 World War 1 broke out! – For the other period in 1961 we had a completely different type president, etc. And somewhere later in the 90s a different type leader will appear! -Plus also in 1995-96 another event takes place, after a 30 year period, Saturn and its rings will turn edge on (tilt)! – According to the Scripts, all of this is revealing a worldwide situation at mid-period involving main leaders; plus evidently agriculture and the economic situation!”

Continuing – Earthquakes “Scientist know several heavenly bodies are associated to earthquakes (as a sign) as well as sunspots! – I traced one of these lights backwards to the year of 1906, the information is spectacular! …In 1906 Uranus was in constellation Capricorn, the San Francisco earthquake occurred! -Then in 1914 Uranus made passage in constellation Aquarius, World War I broke out! – Now follow the pattern…It takes 84 years for this planet to make a complete cycle through the 12 signs! Now 84 years later, Uranus back in Capricorn; a great earthquake hit San Francisco again in 1989! Now just like before 1995-96 Uranus makes passage back in the sign of Aquarius once again. Beside smaller uprises there will definitely be a major war before it finishes it’s passage by the ending of this century! – In my Scripts we mention this could be Armageddon by that period of time! Even the constellations themselves will be disturbed! ” (lsa. 13: 10) Luke 21: 11,25, says there will be great signs moving in the heavens!”

Age ending –“The Bible depicts a tremendous amount of display in the heavens concerning its final years! Supernovae are rare! In 1572 one occurred and the star could even be seen in the daytime! It out shown Venus! – And I predict by the ending of the century we will see one of the greatest novae ever. Scientists are watching the huge red star Anatares, plus others! – If our nearest star Alpha Centauri novaes it would cause people to cast a double shadow! It would be like two suns in the heavens and would shine brilliantly for 7 days or more! – Also we will see our sun probably collapse into a novae of some kind by century end!” – (Isa. 30:26), “The light of the sun shall be 7 fold, as the light of 7 days! – And Jesus said, the sun shall be darkened!” (Matt. 24:29) -“John saw the moon becoming blood, and the sun so hot that it scorched men on the earth, and burned all the grass!” (Rev. 6:12- Rev. 16:9, 10). “This sounds exactly as a type nova!”

Continuing -“We have a prophecy given in 1555 A.D. by an astronomer which seems to match what we have written above… It is to occur by 1999- Quote: “The great star will burn for 7 days, the cloud will make the sun appear double! -The large mastiff (dog) will howl all night when the great pontiff changes his abode! – Now the pope has changed his residence only twice in history; but never at a time of a double sun, etc.! -This probably means he will leave the Vatican before it is destroyed! – We also know a Roman prince will arrive in Israel! –It was such a star sight the dog howled all night! The prophecy may have given a clue, the ‘mastiff’ England raised this type dog, and Romans used them – but they originated from the Mideast and borders of Asia! – So this reveals the movements of where it all finishes up! – You remember the Scripts revealed almost the same thing identically!”

Continuing –“We must make this brief until later, but we will list some important dates according to the meeting of the heavenly lights (a sign) in the dates ahead… The Pluto/Neptune Shift March 19, 1999 and also May 5, 2000 will be a rare grand alignment of the planets! Between these two dates I believe the axis of the Poles will shift in such a way the whole earth will go through catastrophic overthrows and upheavals! And the cities of the nations fell!” (Rev. 16: 17-19) “The Antarctica and Arctic will be greatly affected. And the lower areas will explode in gigantic volcanos! – Japan will slip into the sea; where parts of California have already gone years before! The earth will seem to slip into a dark abyss!” (This is such an extensive subject, more on it later)

Continuing – Other celestial dates to watch. “July 1999 – great war clouds coming! 9-9 -1999 darkness and earth changes! (explain later) – Nov. 15-18, 1999 the earth will pass through a great meteor-shower; the scientist calls it the Lenoid meteor swarm! -This will be even greater than the 1833 meteor-shower wherein people begin to repent and fled to the mountains! …Prophecy also informs us there is to be another star shower just after the Great Tribulation and before the Terrible Day of the Lord! “(Matt. 24:29-Rev. 6:12-17) This will be mixed with the darkening of the sun, and the moon dark blood red as the inhabitants of the earth are filled with panic and fear!” (Rev. 16:16-17) -“Seismic and cosmic explosions will occur worldwide! Flaming meteorites will descend. Hot stones will fall upon those left upon the earth! Fireballs will penetrate the earth’s atmosphere revealing divine displeasure! Probably even before this and in 1997-99 huge asteroids will strike the sea and earth! Also scientists claim this is a great possibility soon! – Plus when the ‘blue light’ Neptune (1998) makes its passages into the sign of Aquarius; where the ‘light Uranus’ is, all hell will begin to break loose! The air, the earth and the sea will all be affected leading into the 1999 dates that we spoke of!” – (And before this the elect could be long gone!)

Continuing -The next date –“The pyramid reveals the ending of the building race in the year 2000! And its last date is Sept. 17, 2001! – It is interpreted as being a new age starting into a new cycle! – Don’t forget the sun retro-grades each 2000 years into a new sign…This occurred with Christ appearing the first time; and just before the year 2000 it moves again into the age of Aquarius!…The whole world will vibrate and quake; for new beginnings are on the way! – Another rare event –Two solar eclipses in one month is a once in a lifetime event! And one occurs 7-1 and 7-31, in year 2000! -We had to leave off much; someday we will explain it in even better detail!

Scroll #179

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