HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 180

Prophetic Scrolls 180

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

The shape of things to come -“This Script sounds the alarm, wake up O earth; a snare is being set, and only a few can see the signs! Time is entering a junction, the age is ending! – A decision has been made, and underneath men are planning a new economic, religious and political system! – A group of international men can now create an economic crisis, and have power to bring back what they call prosperity! At some point in the 90’s we will see a total new change and system! And currency will be worthless finally! – Inflation is one reason a new system will rise to the forefront at the appropriate time! Then the mark will follow, associated to the three way system mentioned above, joined as one global beast! Bell has swallowed the nations saith the Lord! And I will cause Baal (Babylon) to spew it up – out of the mouth of the dragon, the beast and the false prophet! -For they will do battle with the Almighty, but they will burn and vanish as smoke in the wind!” (Rev. 16:13-14)

Continuing -The International Outlook –“The Scripts have predicted the above long ago and this you are about to read, is from The Spotlight Mag.” Quote: “What the Establishment press hasn’t told you is that newly- emerging European Superstate is just the prelude to a long-planned “One- World Government” – centralized government to which the United States and the rest of the world’s countries would eventually become subservient! – The press has been abuzz with news about the coming 1992 economic merger of the free nations of Europe into one big “superstate” in which all national borders will be dissolved and passports abolished! – They say the Bilderbergers are a secret group of power financiers and wealthy corporate luminaries. They plan economic and political policies of world! In the future they will be able to fix the elections and have secret plans to uproot and change the Constitution! – They call it a major surgery to bring about a social and structural change for the USA! -All of this will be associated to a world religious system! – The future is now and going forward.”(Rev. chaps. 17 & 18) “Wake up America! – The 90s will bring about the greatest turnovers and alterations seen in this century! By the mid 90’s the world has gone too far to turn back!- Wake up saith the Lord, night cometh soon!”

Continuing– Let’s break all of this down and look into the future and see who will have control. Rev. Chap 6 – “the white horse (false Babylon) will go forth with peace plans, but eventually fail! – And Rev. 6:5-6, famine, ‘the black horse’ will also control the law and economics!- The rider of this horse reveals a pair of balances. One scale portrays his tremendous power over the world to control all food production and prices, the other scale depicts deceptive issues and laws both national and international also protecting the oil and liquor industries of the earth! In essence this religious rider controls the world’s economy! We can say it no better than a magazine publication. Quote: “His color is black, the color of the Jesuit (religious order) which seeks to dominate the world economy for the anti-Christ through the following organizations (as the Bible itself reveals the Vatican is tied to all nations and financiers!) And they list these connections, The Illuminati, the CFR, The International Bankers, the Mafia, (they list as the criminal arm of the Vatican) under-world connection! – Also listed are many national Lodges, plus New Age Movements, etc. We’ve had several presidents in the past and even now who are connected to some of the above Corporations! -Any in the future will be too! – They are planning a leader now for the future of this nation! And at the proper time it will come to pass!”

Continuing –“Now at the top of the list is the Catholic Organization. No matter what occurs in crises on earth they will literally wind up finally with trillions in wealth! -This is also prophesied in Rev. 17: 1-5, and will be controlled by a world leader, known as the anti-Christ! – In a book, The Vatican Billions, by Avro Manhattan, says, quote: -“The Catholic Church (Vatican) is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence! -She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe! – The Pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century! – No one can realistically assess how much he (the system) is worth in terms of billions of dollars! – So future prophecy declares the elite whore will ride the political and financial beast!” (Rev. chap. 17)

Continuing – Years ago I wrote the Vatican would be vacated (a Pope leaves) during the Tribulation and before the global war! And in Scroll #179, paragraph 6, we may well have a prophecy depicting the same thing! – The future will see the Jews finally associated with this system! As predicted, the Russians are already working with this religious order! But after all is said and done the future will show that it will bring about a world conflict! -In past history Pope Boniface VII said. .. “I am all in all, and above all, so that God, himself and I, the Vicar of God, have but one consistory, and I am able to do almost all that God can do! – What therefore, can you make of me, but God?” (Nov. 18, 1302, found in the Vatican Archives). “But the actual anti-Christ will even go beyond this, claiming that he is the very God above every god!” (II Thess. 2:4) – “He will not only control the Vatican, but all institutions of the world! – And His final abode will be in Israel!” (Dan. 11:45) -“We could go on and reveal how Satan will exalt himself in the heavens through the space program, and also how the United States fits into the picture, for she is part of the harlotry system of the beast! -The ominous and strange celestial signs in Scroll #178 & 179 confirm what we have written here, although we may not understand it all as God does. But it is speaking to us! – When Russia and China attack Israel something of the same order that occurred in Judges 5:20 take place again! – It reveals ‘the stars’ in their courses fought against the war chariots of Sisera, and he was swept away!-In other words God gave a sign in the heavens revealing the outcome for Israel and will again!

The future shaking –“Now we’ve depicted the structural changes concerning society, but also and it is beginning and even more so soon -the structural changes concerning the earth! The prophet said in, Jer. 22: 29 three times, O earth, earth, earth! In the past there has been several world desolations, and the third is about to occur! In fact merging into the three woes, (Rev. 9: 12) -“The Lord spoke to me and said, at some point in the future, ‘Behold, daybreak will not appear, and twilight will not come, the heavens will darken O so black, peace is gone; war is ravaging the earth. Nature will join in the crises against mankind! – The north and south Poles will be disrupted. Earth and its patterns (and temperature regions) will reverse, nothing will be the same again! The cities are now flat, the oceans are inland, the populus is depleted to a thread. No food, without hope she plunges in despair! The Word and the heavens have declared it so! – For in them are kept the secrets of the Lord, revealed only to His elect!”

Continuing – “The Lord showed me also the destruction of the great cities in California, and felt after it New York would be destroyed by fire (atomic) and evidently combined with great quaking! -At the time the Lord revealed this to me, and I saw fire underneath the sea off the coast of California! Also by the mountains near Los Angeles was a great fault line; one moving forward and then backwards! The left side (facing northward) snapped away, and many parts of California began plunging into the sea! I saw Marina Boats floating with buildings; human bodies looked like ants on giant waves amidst the concussions! – All electrical power went out. Those who thought they would escape such a thing, did not! Terror was blown in the wind with catastrophic smoke, and ashes fell like dark snow! Cars and all were disappearing in the massive overthrow! (Will write more later) – Plus a universal famine will definitely occur in the not too distant future rounding out the shape of things to come! In fact the signs show our generation ending!”

Age ending prophecy – “There will be a solar eclipse more dark and gloomy than any since the creation of the world, (except during the death of Christ!) – And it shall be in the month of October that a ‘great movement’ of the globe will happen, and it will be such that ‘one will think’ the gravity of the earth has lost its natural balance and that it will be plunged into the abyss and perpetual blackness of space! …There will be portend and signs in the spring, extreme changes, nations overthrown, and mighty earthquakes!” Note: Read Rev. 16:10, 19-20 – Although it could be earlier – it seems like this occurs between 9-9-1999 through spring signs (grand alignment) finishing up Oct. 2000! See Scroll #179, para. 8) – (Isa. 24:1,19-20- “Gives the absolute confirmation of this! – And just before it, an atomic war. Vr. 6) 

Scroll #180

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