Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
The great pyramid – “And God’s divine message has stood as a silent symbol. Within it His secrets and mysteries! – Located in Egypt at the exact geographical location defined by the prophet Isaiah as an altar and witness unto the Lord of Host in the midst of the land of Egypt and at the border thereof! – The greatest wonder of the ancient world still sits in the sunlight as revelation pillar!” (Isa. 19: 19-21) – “It is to come into prominence again at the end of the age to reveal His soon return! As the Scriptures say the prophetic stones will cry out! The time piece of the ages will have its say by the Holy Spirit! …The testimony of Jesus (He – the exact headstone -Capstone) is the spirit of prophecy!” (Rev. 19: 10) – “It was started by Enoch and was evidently finished by the sons of Seth! – One factor, he ‘was not’ because the Lord took him! – He was 3651/4 years of age… After the flood his age revealed the Gentile time calendar would change to 3651/4 days per year! And it is claimed the Pyramid was built nearly 5,000 years ago! Also within this great rock is the anti-chamber veil. In it, is what they call the Enoch circle! Measurement 66. 6 – It points toward great Tribulation and war! – AS we reverse the 666 and turn it up, we have the 999 symbolizing 1999 evidently ushering in Armageddon, it could be before but not much after! … “Being as Enoch was translated, there is a good chance the elect will be leaving soon!”
The great pyramid – “was a silent witness in Noah’s day, and reproved his wicked generation as did the signs in the heavens! And so they were without excuse. Jesus said, and in our day it would be like Noah’s!” (Matt. 24:37) “The earth still has the Bible in the heavens, the Bible in stone and the precious Bible in written Word! – All three giving forth a witness! – Let us take a moment to explain. – The Great pyramid is like a computer in stone in its numerical, cosmic and divine message! – It points backward to the earliest creation, and then leaps forward to the end of the age, and the dawning of the Millennium blending into eternity. If interpreted properly it reveals in mathematics, astronomy and symbolism that definitely blend with Scriptural events of things to come! – Hundreds of books has been written concerning this revelation rock. They understand the main theme, that Christ is our Saviour and creator, but it is the prophetic future that is puzzling to most concerning the divine inches in it.
Continuing – “They see where events will occur, but don’t know what it is until events transpire! They can look backward though since the beginning of time and the accuracy of events have been true, from the Creation, the flood, birth of Christ and etc! – But many things of the future – ‘can be interpreted’ – with the proper key!… It possesses complete understanding of the times and seasons in this generation! – Two major dates have been figured out years ago and are to occur! They don’t know what, but it is important. The date 1992 seems to appear at the vertical termination of the subterranean chamber! It is believed to indicate a dramatic, climactic occurrence in 1992! – To me it would seem to be something subtle and the rest will actually rear up its head in the near future (’93) following first date, or terminating the old into the new changes! – Also at the end of the passage way and the time line there is to be a dramatic occurrence to occur in late 1994! Also the prophetic patterns stress that we are living in the last of the last days!”
Continuing – Just as the Bible is God’s alarm clock, the great stone is His time piece too! – And the heavens declare the end thereof!” (Luke 2:25) – Evidently just ahead the earth is in store for a dose of what is in above verse!” I checked and for the first time since 1989 when the Pope met with the Soviet Leader, and all of Eastern Europe changed including the falling of the Berlin Wall. There was no major occultation between the moon, stars and planets that year, because “men’s plans” were set up before, as occultation took place ’87, ’88! And now again in “1994” there is no major occulations between the moon, planet or stars! – But it starts again in every year following up to 1999! – It shows us again that something is set up before hand as told by the Pyramid and the Scripts! A major dramatic event and events will take place in 1994!”)
Continuing – “The information supplied by chronological-age periods and the time factors built into this great stone are all interlocking! As prophecy in stone it was designed to measure the entire Adamic age covering 6000 years; starting about 4000 B.C. – Each inch towards the King’s Chamber represents 1 year. Measuring between the entrance and the opposing wall of the Chamber itself gives the final last important period between 1953 and 2001 – Which it has been said and will indicate the end of our type civilization and the transformation of what is left of the human race into a higher plain! (meaning Millennium) – “A wise word of wisdom. Remember Jesus said, there would be a shortening of time! – How long, one does not know – But keep alert in the 90’s!”
Continuing – A significant period on the date line was the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, on June 2,1953… This fell just 14 X 1260 days leading to September 17, 2001 – The date shown by marking the end of the inch – year ascending scalar line! – “Between this period may be showing us the elect bride will be taken out! – By using each 1260 days (31/2 years each) through the time lines is how we came to the conclusion! (More on this in a moment.) Here is another significant period that will end on the same terminal! Measuring from the fall of Jerusalem December 7-9, 1917. 200 cycles of 153 (days) – symbolizing elect will end September 17, 2001. – The elect evidently covers Gentile, then Jewish elect!” – (See Scroll 176)
Continuing – Testimony in Stone – “Concerning 1260 days (31/2 year period) it is important and is listed as a prophetic cycle in” (Scriptures) – “I preached a message here the 1260 days starts the final countdown cycle at the beginning of 1987! – The first cycle as you know revealed all of the mind boggling events occurring since then and ending in August 1990 with an explosion of the Gulf War! …Now there are 3 more of these 1260 day cycles ending at 2001. The last two of these time cycles will be intensified the worst stinging horror the earth has seen!”
The stone in midnight prophecy – How significant…”On God ‘s clock a thousand years represents a day; an hour, therefore 1/24th (part of 1000), represents 41 years and 8 months! – World War l ended 1918, Nov. 11. Forty-one years, 8 months later July l0th. – The midnight hour nearing the time inch line saw the United States receive its first Catholic president, 1960-61 – end in disaster! And evidently on God’s great midnight clock 41 years and 8 months later Great Babylon and Armageddon should have all occurred 2001.
The great pyramid sequence of epochs – We thought you would find this interesting, and we print from Pyramid work of years ago. Quote: “The world’s 6000 years displacement though sin. (I) 400) B.C. to 1821 A.D. is 6000 lunar years. – (II) 4000 B.C. to 2001 A.D., the center of the Granite Leaf in the Antechamber, is 6000 Solar Years! (III) 1821 A.D. to 2001 A.D., or 180 years, the Time of the End, Anglo – Saxon – Israel’s Expansion, Decline and Regeneration Epoch! – (IV.) 2001 A.D. to 3001 A.D., the Millennial Age and Messianic Reign of the King of kings! – The King’s Chamber Epochs. (I) The Breakdown of World Peace into War. August 4, 1914 to November 11, 1918. – (II.) The Breakdown of World Trade into Panic! May 29, 1928 to September 16, 1936! – (III.) The Forty – Year Era of Anglo-Saxon Treason. 1913 to 1953. – Economic: The Federal Reserve Bank Act and Dumbarton Oaks “Deal.” – “Political: Concessions, agreements, top secret atomic information and 20 billions of dollars to make Russia and Communism powerful. The United Nations, the permitted infamy of Pearl Harbor and the bloody Korean fiasco!” – (IV.) “Epoch of Terror, Chaos and Destruction. November27, 1939 to August 20, 1953!” – (V.) “Epoch of Divine Judgment, the Purging of Humanity and Birth of a New World. August 20, 1953 to 2001 A.D. – Amazing indeed!”
The capstone – “It seems as a sign the Lord in His continuation has built the great Capstone Pyramid (Temple) here in the desert at the border of Phoenix, Arizona. – I did not invent the design, just was used in building it! The shape, design and revelation was by the Lord of Hosts! – It is an awe and wonder to the people of the world and modern Architecture! – Within and without the structure are many secrets and mysteries concerning the past, present and future! (Explain Later) – But it is a sun dial of time! And this we will say the wings in the Crystal Cap reveal Jesus return is soon! – It was completed in the autumn of 1971. – In my heart I have always believed the messianic number 30 would give us the total years wherein (between this) the Translation would occur also desolation of the earth!… This would (include all) and bring us to the year 2001
This generation appointed – “By measure hath he measured the times, and by number he numbered the times; and he doth not move nor stir them, until the said measure be fulfilled.” – Amen and Amen!
Scroll #185