HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 186

Prophetic Scrolls 186

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

Stranger than science fiction — “Before we get to the main subjects in this Script we will write about unusual occurrences! — A combination of Scriptures depict to us at the end events concerning nature, the weather and people would be strange, bizarre and erratic! We will list some sorties and varieties; some strange indeed!”

She sign of size – “Doctors are stunned — world’s smallest baby born. A Magazine states. A woman has startled doctors by giving birth to the smallest baby in medical history — a two-ounce, three-inch- long bundle of joy that fits comfortably in the palm of an adult’s hand! The baby Tony was born perfectly healthy and fully developed after a normal 9 month pregnancy! Doctors amazed, and say this is unheard of. No incubator was required! … He wasn‘t much bigger than a thumb. This occurred in Italy. It was not an illusion; it was actually seen and took place! Nevertheless, a sign of the times!

Amazing illusion — “Believe it or not; a reality appeared for a moment! This article states that an 8 year old boy from North Carolina saw a little man not much bigger than a coke bottle he says. He wore black boots, blue trousers and a blue top with ‘the prettiest little white tie’ you ever saw! The boy insisted he had seen the little man and became very upset when his story was not believed. But disconcertingly for adult doubters, he was able to show where he had seen the mini-man and a search revealed a clear trail of tiny footprints. He was greeted with some reservations by adults until they found the footprints! Also the Magazine shows pictures of the footprints! — Of course, this is evidently Satan revealing delusions to confuse people!” (11 Thess. 2:9) — “Another case that occurred in Kentucky on an August night. They claimed humanoid creatures (like goblins) appeared near their farm. The Suttons greeted them with a hail of bullets, but these small creatures kept on coming! The Suttons fled to the nearest police station in shock! The News states what were the goblins, creatures from another dimension, entities from U.F.O.s? — Or mass hallucinations! — They continue but one fact cannot be disputed: For whatever reason, thousands of people have seen, and continue to see weird creatures that, in our reality, are not suppose to exist. Why they are seen is another question!” — Note: “It is mostly demon powers manifesting lying signs and wonders to bring fear and confusion!”

Continuing – “Like several cases where women were confronted by U. F O. experiences or demon powers appearing!- Where one woman stated afterwards she developed an urge for sex a dozen or more times a day! The evil powers giving her no relief. In this end of the age signs other women absolutely claim of spirits appearing to them (and at times) in form demanding various types of sex with them of giving them an intense and overwhelming feeling! Some psychiatrists have documented these cases as occurring….. “We have entered the days like unto Sodom and the flood as Jesus said would appear just before His return! And mass illusion is definitely right. And more is yet to approach!”

Signs continuing — “What is the reverse significance of the first miniature events that we mentioned? — Of course, instead of being tiny, just before the flood 12 to 15 foot giants were seen as a sign the earth was out of order. (Gen. 6). Plus men and women cohabitated with fallen gods (spirits) so it is the same today. People have witnessed the materialization and then the dematerialization of giant creatures, some time known as Big Foot or some cases being known different than this! So we see similarity of same type signs in one way or another! — One News article said, ants over a foot long terrified people in South America. They could not explain the giant ants! One source said they had gotten into a factory eating birth control pills! Others said they had come from a Laboratory where science was experimenting on how to make larger creatures and they had somehow escaped! — And of course, men are experimenting with the DNA and cells and larger kind has been produced!”

Continuing — “Of late there has been confirmed cases where animals and people have just disappeared. Vanished without a trace! Of course, in many cases these were not real people or animals! It was demon powers manifesting and then left! — You might wonder why. It’s to confuse people before the Translation takes place. — Here is another type case. People report that the same person has been seen in two different places at the same time, as if they had a double! It is a spirited imitation! The English call such type, ‘as a fetch!’ — Quote: “The fetch appeared at dinner standing behind Emilie imitating her movements as she ate. All at the table saw it! Why surely this is impersonating spirits! — In one case, the girl fainted after seeing it! — This is in similarity as when demons appear as ghost imitating the dead and etc.! Demon powers are on the rise. One of the reasons is people are practicing sorcery, tarot cards and every type of false religion, except the true Bible type!

Stigmatic signs — These type cases have appeared mostly among the Catholic priests or Monks! Where their hands and foreheads begin to bleed at a certain time of day, wherein they claim these are the marks of Christ and confirming His crucifixion. — You may say, could not Jesus give them a sign? Yes, but in most cases it leads right to the Virgin Mary worship!- Of late they have also seen statues of her, where blood was in her eyes running down her cheeks! — In other instances where tears would flow from her eyes! — In one of her appearance she spoke of the great ball of redemption coming and said to stay close to her because Christ was returning in this century. And a great war will occur before it ended! This is evidently right because Satan may not know the day nor the hour, but he also knows His time is short! — It seems delusions are the order of the day, as the Scripts predicted in advance! — Many peculiar and odd events are taking place that make these above mild in comparison and perhaps later we can relate various ones!”

Dateline in stone — “I was not able to write this on the Pyramid Script (#185) due to space, but thought you would find this interesting… Modern astronomy, confirmed by results based upon the geometrical formulae of the Great Pyramid, informs us that at midnight, September 22, 2144 B.C., the Scored Lines of the entrance passage pointed directly to the Star Alcyone in the pleiades, and that the central line of the same passage pointed to the Pole Star Alpha in Draconis; and that this conjunction will not occur again, or at least within 25,826 years… — We also know that the Pyramid design, astronomy and chronology are so harmonized with the position of the heavenly bodies as of September 22, 2144 B. C. that they set forth prophetically from then on and in accord with the movement of the stars, the facts of science, history and Christianity! — In other words, it was at this moment that the Great Pyramid began to tell the story of the Universe, the history of human civilization and the Salvation of man by the Lord Jesus! — This date was discovered on the Pyramid in the 19th century, and at this point (key) is where they learned about the divine inches and it even revealed events back to the creation and forward to the end of the century! — At this date also there was a conjunction of certain stars and constellations with the Great Pyramid and its system! Lining up with the top side and the bottom side which some say will not occur again! — All of this sent a light down a certain passage way!” (These secrets we will write later!) Note: “Worked into the very design therefore, of this prophetic Pillar are the great crises events of history for a period of 6,000 years! — It’s prophetic symbolism is a wonder! — All blending with the Scriptures and the heavens! — The touch of the Infinite one! — Just like the book of Daniel and Revelation the Pyramid and its secrets have also been sealed and are being revealed in our time as a witness to His return!” — (See Dan. 12:4 – Rev. 10:4) “Plus the mysteries (secrets) in the stars were mostly sealed until our day!”

Coming subjects — Later we will be doing a very fascinating subject concerning the prophetic Psalms. In certain aspects they hold secrets and the key to the ending of the age! Many of the events and subjects harmonize with the events we have already written on the Scrolls! They foretell a remarkable story from now (the 90’s) to the ending of the century! — Be watching for this in our later correspondence!”

Scroll #186

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