Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
The four horses of the apocalypse in prophecy – In Rev. 6:1-8 “the Scriptures reveal the past, present and literal future! My opinion is that in this decade he (Satanic forces) will mount for the final ride. Let’s check the evidence of events occurring and the shape of things to come!” – Vr. 1, “Jesus opened one of the first seals, and a dramatic thunder occurs!” – Vr. 2 “and then the prophet looks into the first visionary seal. And he saw a rider sitting on a white horse who was given a crown and a bow and went forth conquering. – This is the imitator of Christ!” (Rev. 19:11) “A false religious leader! – A bow, but no arrows. He uses peace, but destroys later! – He is given a crown from the Babylon system! In history each pope has received a crown! At the end this rider will control the Vatican, the Jewish Temple (a false messiah) making a covenant with the Arabs and Jews! There also will be a Moscow, Rome, Washington alliance!”
Continuing – “This rider’s number is 666 – and if you turn it upside down you have 999 which means judgment and finality! …The numerical value of Jesus name is 888 – If you turn it upside down you still have the same thing! No deception and you have the truth and life! – Now, for instance, suppose God gives us a time dimension in this chapter. We don’t claim infallibility, but this may prove to be very close! – Now, if we take Rev. 6:1-3 and turn it up you have 1991-3. Now deception has been going on for a long time in history, but in these years forward there will be a definite major increase! In 1991 the Gulf War revealed this; the UN and the president cried out for a coming new world order!”
Unveiling the second seal – (Rev. 6:3-4) A red horse goes forth to take peace from the earth. He was given a great sword (weapon – atomic, etc.) – Being a red horse would involve the Communist joining at first with the anti-Christ system! In general, means bloody wars past (Gulf) and coming wars! You turn up 6, 3 and 4 and in ’94, in this date war clouds and evidently rising and rumors of wars! – But Armageddon is not yet for awhile!
Continuing to unveil the future – (Rev. 6:5- 7) -“The third seal opened. The prophet sees lo, a black horse! -The rider had a pair of balances in his hand. Vr. 6, reveals the high cost of food, oil and wine. Black means famine, inflation and depression, trouble and woe! – This rider controls the gold, food, liquor and oil production of the earth! He regulates the world economy! Food is rationed, this is or will soon lead to the mark of the beast! – World food shortage begins! This rider (false religious leader) has raped the treasury of the earth! – This man of sin has charged his followers for sins and indulgences!”(II Thess. 2:2-3- Rev. 17) – The pair of balances also means that he regulates all laws of the nations!”
Continuing – “Should we turn up chapter 6:5-7, we see we have the year ’95-97 – Although the anti-Christ is alive on earth now! The people will evidently see his true colors in the opening under this third seal!” (See Scroll #187)
Unveiling the fourth seal – Rev. 6:7-9 – “And the prophet saw, behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him! – The color is a pale light yellowish tinge, revealing chemical and atomic warfare! This anti-Christ is about to meet his doom! This is the early stages that lead to Armageddon! – If we turn these verses up we have the years ’98 leading into ’99! – No doubt about it, blood and war is in the air!”
Continuing – the unveiling of the fifth seal – Rev. 6:9-10 – “John saw under the altar the souls that were slain! Evidently some in past history; but most now slain from not receiving the mark of the beast!” Vr. 10, they ask, “How long” until the Lord, avenge them! And the Lord says, yet just for “a little” season! (Vr. 11) So if we turn chapter 6: 10-11 up, we have the years 1999-2001! Now this could be sooner, but it should all be over by this date! -And during the numerical year 1999-2000 the final judgment of it all should occur as we see in vrs. 12-17. “I believe these verses will occur during the ending of this century!… Remember a time, “season element” was given in verses 9-11. So the Lord through the chapters were unveiling time dimensions! – And actually by ’99, millions had already been slain by the beast power! And only a little brief season left!”
Continuing the Apocalypse – “In brief this rider from the first seal to the fourth – (1) deceives them (2) he kills (3) he starves and marks them (4) he brings death and carries into hell by his deceptions! – It’s the same rider. ..If you mix the horse’s colors, white, red and black you have a pale hue! His doctrine of deception ended in death for his (worshippers) followers! Just before the end, the Vatican and the woman is destroyed!” (Rev. 17: 16) “Then shortly after the anti-Christ will meet his destruction! His kingdom splits! The north and the east attack him!” (Ezek. 38- Rev. 16:12) “He will leave the Jewish Temple and meet his doom on the Mount of Israel!” (Dan. 11 :45) – The false prophet will be smashed also! (Rev. 19: 20) And just before this Commercial Babylon worldwide including the cities of the United States will be in burning ruins from a fiery cataclysm! Yes, Atomic missiles have fallen on the USA! – God have mercy upon these people!”
Continuing unveiling the seventh seal – “Jesus separated the 7th Seal from the other seals. And revealed it in Rev. chap. 8”- “It says, suddenly there was a silence in the heaven about the space of half an hour! – We know the translation is a secret is why He put it in this chapter! But we know it’s before the final ending of the apocalyptic events given in Rev. chap. 6. – Right after this silence we see the major judgments begin to fall in the following verses of Rev. chap. 8. But the real secret of this silence is revealed in Rev. chap. 10.
Unveiling the future time dimensions – “According to the Scriptures there is coming at the end of the age a time angel with a messenger!” (Rev. 10:7) – Daniel knew this messenger as the Palmoni, the wonderful numberer of secrets! – He will be the rainbow angel to the end time messenger!” (Rev. 10:1) – Now vr. 2, we will use the Amplified Greek to explain it, He had a little book (scroll) open in his hand, He set his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land. – And it bears out in the original Greek the word “Scroll”. – Evidently in this little Scroll, a time dimension was given concerning the elect and the ending of events! Also in vrs. 3-4, it reveals seven thunders uttered their voices! And John was told, do not write the secrets that are in the seven thunders! – Evidently the secrets are in this little book or scroll. And it will be revealed to the end of the age saints during the days of a time messenger!” (Vr. 7) The Thunders has to do with a message, the resurrection and the translation of God’s people! – The little book is also symbolic of the names of whom He will redeem! After this messenger in vr. 7, we see following in the next chapter, the beginning of the Great Tribulation. ” (Rev. 11:3-6)… Note: In Rev. chap. 6 – “One Thunder sounded – Six seals were opened!” (7th Seal silent) – “In Rev. chap. 10 – Seven Thunders uttered – and one little book (seal) or Scroll was revealed!”
To conclude in prophecy – “According to what the Lord revealed to me, the world is headed into its final throes! Much turmoil, trouble, wars and rebellion will come! The anti-Christ is alive now, but he is not yet revealed personally! – More trouble will occur in the Middle East; and the United States is reaching a turning point and many sudden and unexpected events will take place! – We predicted the turning point that would occur to Russia and Eastern Europe is sliding into the vacuum of Western Europe! – A supper world church is rising! They will worship the god of gold and the gods of precious things – including idolatry. – Also another cycle of assassinations will occur in the nations! – Modern structures will rise in places unknown! – A new electronic highway system will occur; along with fantasy inventions of all type pleasures! – A creeping famine and drought is coming. ..We are headed for some great major quakes soon! – But these are only omens because the greatest and most catastrophic quakes in history will occur between 1996 onward to the year 2000! – Super quakes are beginning to form !(Tectonic plates activity) Also the great California quake (L.A. & etc) will definitely occur! – This is the hour of salvation and repentance unto the Lord our God! – We trust many will give their hearts to the Lord Jesus in these final years! – Jesus is coming soon! In Rev. 22:7, 12, 20, He said three times, Behold, I come quickly! – Amen, even so, come, Lord Jesus! – May the grace of our Lord Jesus be with you all!”
Scroll #188