Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
Commercial Babylon and Inside Mystery Babylon – “I predict the cup of iniquity will reach its fullness in the 90’s! …Also along with this we will have an International global economy, it will finally work in one unit in association with electronic communications and etc. – The Common Market will begin its first phases 1992-93 and will work into what we have just forecast! – Along with this Mystery Babylon will ride the beast with its ten kings united with Europe and Russia! …Then bringing in the whole world under their wings of apostasy and debauchery. As the man of sin rises with false worship!”
Continuing – “The spirit of Babylon always greedily seizes, controls and hoards the wealth of this world by subtle or other means even working with the underworld to do so!” James 5:1-4, “speaks of this by saying, Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days! The last days, means it is occurring right now in our time! – It reveals an Atomic holocaust. It says, the silver and gold shall eat your flesh as if it were fire! -Only radiation can rust and produce this scene witnessed here! It reveals they will weep and howl! The same description given in Rev. 18:11, during its desolation!”
Continuing deeper in prophecy – “Out of International crisis commercialism reaches a peak through the anti-Christ! He is also associated with Commercial Babylon and the number 666!” Dan. 8:25 says, “Through his policy also he shall cause craft (manufacturing) to prosper! This religious leader is identified with the number 666 (Rev. 13: 18) It is fascinating to note that the number 666 is associated with only one other thing in the Scriptures… gold! – During Solomon’s days of prosperity we note this in II Chr. 9:13, he received 666 talents of gold in one year! – So this sinister and subtle number is associated with wealth and gold! – All of this is not by accident, God shows us that it is associated with the beast and to mystery and Commercial Babylon involving Catholics, Protestants and all false religions joined into a world of sin and idolatry ! …As the lucrative prostitute rides the beast into chaos! – During the decade of the 90’s one will witness things hard to believe now, but are going to transpire. We will mention part of it as we venture on into this Script!”
The prophet’s vision – End Time Events – “Now this Scripture accurately portrays mystery Babylon in our modern age! Electronic highways and fiery chariots. It mentions the scarlet system (united Babylon) in an age of terrible shaking (Atomic -quakes, etc.) (Nah. 2:3-4) – “During this age he sees Mystery Babylon in this Scripture,” Nah. 3:4, – “Because of the multitude of the whoredoms of the ‘well favoured’ harlot, the mistress of ‘witchcrafts’, that selleth nations through her whoredoms, and families through her witchcrafts! – So we see all of the breakoffs, sorcery and witchcraft originally came out of early Babylon and is predicted to return again and more so during the Great Tribulation back into scarlet system and all type of mixtures and devil worship! We will mention here some of the things that came out of earlier origination, but is actually occurring again today!” Quote: “Gathered indeed on certain nights in a designated house, everyone carrying a light in his hands, and like merry-makers they chanted the names of demons until suddenly they saw descend among them a demon, in the likeness of some sort of little beast. As soon as the apparition was visible to everyone, all the lights were forthwith extinguished, and each with the least possible delay, seized the woman who first came to hand, to abuse her, without thought of sin. Whether it were mother, sister, or nun whom they embraced, they deemed it an act of sanctity and piety to lie with her. When a child was born of this most filthy union, on the eighth day thereafter a great fire was kindled and the child was purified by fire in the manner of the old pagans, and so cremated. Its ashes were collected and preserved with as great veneration as Christian reverence is wont to guard the body of Christ, being given to the sick as a viaticum at the moment of their departing this world…” – “Some things occurring today remind us of this Scripture. “Ps. 106:35-38.”Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils, and shed the innocent blood of their sons and their daughters sacrificing them unto idols! – When false worship occurs, madness takes control! The anti-Christ through unholy communion will kill many Tribulation Saints and their children without hesitation!”
Continuing – “What is occurring in the past is transpiring today. For instance, Quote: “All over the world, including American cities, there are ‘churches’ dedicated to the worship of his ‘Infernal Majesty,’ Satan. Such devil worship involves actual communication with evil spirits and with ‘principalities and powers.’ Here the whole atmosphere is charged with terror and nausea!”
Continuing – The Black Mass – “Often the devotees use a ruined or deserted church, sometimes an overgrown cemetery. Their ritual begins at eleven o’clock at night, aiming to finish at twelve. Central to the ceremony is an altar with black cloth, six black candles, a chalice, and crucifix turned upside down! The altar is a naked woman lying on a table and holding black candles in her hands. The priest consecrates the host on her bare stomach. The Black Mass is the Roman Catholic Mass repeated verbatim, with the word Satan substituted for Christ! The Roman Catholic host is often stolen from the real Mass in a handkerchief! The high point of the ritual comes when the priest has intercourse with the girl on the altar, an act often accompanied by crude sadism! Many such evenings end with drunken dancing, drug taking, and a general sex orgy; often the next day there are found skinned cats, beheaded chickens, or ritual bags containing drugs, potions, animal bones and occasionally human fingers!” As the writer stated, when one reaches this stage of occult practices the color is no longer gray, but midnight black!
Continuing – “This planet is entering the last stages of demonism and orgies. There is coming yet another dimension of immorality wherein Satan and evil spirits join in union with mankind with an orgie of debauchery that has not yet been seen! -Also Hollywood has not reached its ultimate in film making concerning sex gods (evil spirits) in intimacy with men and women! – Jesus said it would be like the days of Noah and lot. And those days are running out in the decade! Astonishing and alarming events will appear!… All we speak about in this Script will be intermingled in Babylon.” (Rev. 18:2) – Where is found the cage of every type devil known! – Cases have already been documented wherein women and men have had intercourse with certain type evil spirits actually feeling them as physical and in instances appearing in form! – We will not mention the unseemly acts that occur in these type of lurid unions! – Hollywood is beginning to portray some of this but is yet to reach its final peak in things to come! – (What the Scripts predicted is definitely occurring around us!) When they portray the ultimate in the film empire it will be viler than what occurred in Sodom!”
The future is closing in – “This gives a very good description of what the Scrolls have predicted in the past and for the future. “Babylon the great with all of its cities, its merchandise of gold, silver, all precious, silk and scarlet and etc. The fashionable society will be clothed in the most costly jewels, the most costly perfume and fragrants! Their banquets will be supplied with expensive wines (of course all type drugs) the swiftness of fast vehicles on earth and air! They will have their slaves trafficking in (the souls of men), that is women will sell their bodies and men too their souls to gratify their lust! – They will constantly be planning new pleasures in riotous joy and ceasely feasting! The blood will run hot in their veins, money will be their god, pleasure their high priest and unbridled passion the ritual of their worship! The sound of music will be through out the cities. (Have you ever noticed the music in the shopping centers today?) The theater and films will be going day and night! – We quote literally the last part. “In fact, there will be no night, for the electric illumination of the city by night will make the night as bright and shadowless as the day, and its stores and places of business will never close, night nor day, nor Sunday, for the mad whirl of pleasure and the absorbing desire for riches will keep the wheels of business constantly moving. And this will be easy because the ‘god of this world’ – Satan, will possess the minds and bodies of men, for we read in verse 2, that Babylon at that time will be ‘the Habitation of Devils, and the Hold of Every Foul Spirit, and the Cage of Every Unclean and Hateful Bird.’ The city will be the seat of the most imposing ‘Occultism‘, and mediums and those desiring to communicate with the other world, will then go to Babylon, as men and women now go to Paris for fashions and sensuous pleasures. In that day demons, disembodied souls, and unclean spirits will find at Babylon the opportunity of their lives to materialize themselves in human bodies, and from the atmospheric heavens above, and from the Abyss below they will come in countless legions until Babylon shall be full of demon-possessed and men and women, and at the height of its glory, and just before its fall, Babylon will be ruled by Satan himself, incarnate in the ‘Beast’ – Antichrist. If you will read Rev. chap. 18 you will find a description closely paralleling this!” – New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Paris are already reaching these stages! And now they are only awaiting their evil leader (the man of sin) to push them into the final throes of this age! – Our Scripts predicted between 1967-1995 the time will be filthy, pestilent and violent! War and invasion and International crisis will occur and forward (95) the worst is yet to come! – Amen! Watch and Pray!”
Scroll #193