HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 194

Prophetic Scrolls 194

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

The prophetic parables of Jesus – “The parables are very important. Some were only to be deciphered (unveiled in this age! They are couched in symbolism and cryptic sayings…The hidden factors are revealed unto the elect! Various parables have a secret time (season) element involved! – Jesus at times took His disciples aside and explained some to them, but not to the multitudes! The same as He will today! – The mystery in the Thunders which holds a time sequence (Rev. 10:1-7) may very well be found in the futuristic parables! – Some accused the Lord of speaking in riddles, but He was hiding the truth from those who did not believe! – And is now revealing it to the believers expecting His return! – Remember “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”(Rev. 19: 10) “And so it is in most of His parables. They will match the time dimensions found in the book of Revelation!”

The early and late hour workers – The labourers in the vineyard. (Matt. 20:1-16) – “The householder is the Lord who hired the early workers and then the late hour workers. This parable holds many revelations. The early workers remind us of the Jews whom God used through early history! And then after Christ here appeared the late hour workers and Gentiles! And the Lord gave them the same amount of wages – a penny, an eighth of an ounce of silver – (a whole days wage)! “The early workers accused the Lord of not being fair, and He rebuked them! Witnessing Salvation whither it is in early or late stages it is still witnessing! – The late workers evidently did as much or more as the early workers did but in less time! The Scriptures say, ‘a quick short work’ will the Lord do! – It says the Lord called them at the eleventh hour! -This speaks of our age now, and we are nearing the midnight hour as the other parables will prove!”

The ten virgins – Only those ready will enter in with the Bridegroom! – (Matt. 25:1-10) – “There were five foolish and five wise virgins. And the ‘group within’ called the midnight cry! The wise and latter, form the man-child group! (Rev. 12:1-5) The foolish had the Word, but they did not love the Lord as much or expect His appearing! – Their oil leaked out. The wise had the oil (Holy Spirit) and they were awakened by those who gave the midnight cry, the late hour workers! – They were expecting and they loved His appearing! They were in love with the Bridegroom (Jesus) and He took (translated) them away and the door was shut!” (Matt. 25:10) “Evidently these foolish are associated with the Tribulation Saints! -The key word to be awake with oil and to watch! – There is a time element given. There was a delay it said! This is the lull that has been going on lately during the falling away! – At midnight ‘the cry was made, go ye out to meet Him!” (vr. 6.) In vr. 13, “the Lord said to watch for ye neither know the day nor the hour… But He gave the elect the season! It was late hour, midnight! – It’s called the zero hour, the darkness hour when the sun is deepest below the horizon!” (It was also midnight when He took His people out of Egypt!)” (Ex. 12:29-31) – “In the parable it shows us in late history. This would put us before the ending of this century, prophetically speaking! In God’s time we are actually over the 6,000 year period! And the dawning of a new day is near, called the Millennium! – Below let us reveal some eye opening detailed facts! -Many now believe the 6th day of God’s week will end before the year 2001 A.D.!”

Continuing – The 11th and 12th Hours – “It is considered the 11th hour began at the ending of World War I – This occurred on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of the year 1918! Exactly 11 months after Jerusalem was liberated on the 11th day of Dec. 1917! – This was not accidental! – God’s clock was striking! It was His way of showing the world we had entered the 11th hour of destiny, and that the midnight hour was soon to appear! – Then during World War II we were nearly half way through the 11th hour! …1948 a great revival broke out, also Israel became a nation. And now in the 90’s we are only a minute or so away from the ‘midnight hour’ of this century!”

Continuing – Now let’s break down prophetic time to solar time! (our calendar) -“God’s day is said also to be symbolically 12 hours in length.” Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day? (John 11:9) – “Numerical insight shows us on this scale, an hour would equal 82 solar years. Since the 6th day ends about 2000 -1 A.D. Then the 11th hour would strike just 83 prophetic years or 82 solar years earlier! – In the year 1918 the date of Armistice! – So if you add 82 solar years later would be the midnight hour, it would strike near the year 2000. And if you use prophetic time it would strike near 2001! But remember Jesus said, “I will shorten the time for the elects sake! – All this is not just a coincidence, we are at the midnight hour!”

Continuing – Reckoning in solar years, 4000 years elapsed until the era of Jesus! – And nearly 2000 years have elapsed since! God often used prophetic years of 360 days in revealing prophetic time! (2000 prophetic years) equals 1971 years (of solar time – Gentile calendar). – So we see that by God’s time we are well over the 6000 year period now! And now we are in a transition period, showing His divine mercy! – So by adhering to Gentile time this will run out before this century ends! – The 50 year Jubilee cycle from 1948 (Jewish state) will run out in the late 90’s! – Is it too much for one to believe that the elect could very well leave at an earlier point in the 90’s! …The evidentual signs portray that it is very near indeed! – “Don’t forget this, the foolish virgins supposedly thought they had plenty of time (and we see this today). They had no expectation to prepare, nor did they have foresight! – But the elect had all of this! Because through the prophet’s midnight cry, the future was revealed! May we say this again, – “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy! …And added to this, He said, Behold I come quickly three times before the closing of the book of Revelation! – The Bride will be given ‘foresight’ through the spirit of prophecy! And they will develop a sense of ‘urgency’ now… that has not been seen in this generation!”

The budding of the fig tree – The Generation Sign – Ps. 1:3, “This speaks of the individual but it also is portraying the tree Israel! – And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season! – Then in Ps. chaps 48-51 reveals actually the return of Israel to her homeland again!” The Ps. 48, giving the actual date (year 1948). Vr. 2, tells of the beautiful situation! Vr. 4, the kings saw it and marveled and then hastened away! Vr. 8 Established forever! Vr. 13, tell it to the following generation! The Hebrew word for following is Acharon! It means last generation! Ps. 49:4, “I will incline my ear to a parable and dark sayings!” (Jesus – Fig Tree) – Ps. 50:5, “It says gather my saints!” – Ps. 51:18 says, “build thou the walls of Jerusalem!”…Actually the great immigration took place 1948-51! – Also in Matt. 24:32-34, Jesus spoke of the Fig Tree! (Israel) – “Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh! So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors! Verily I say unto you, “this generation” shall not pass, till all these things are fulfilled! – Jesus in this prophetic parable actually tells us that He is coming in this generation (48-2000) – And we gave the above information concerning this! – Also I might add, there are 6000 Pyramid inches, (line following line), in the Great Pyramid. The last one ends in the year 2001! (at autumn) – Could this be the feast of the Trumpets? The Millennium era! – Jesus said, till all be fulfilled! – meaning Armageddon and the Great Day of the Lord in this Jubilee generation! – Watch, in my future writings I will give detail of the Translation and the Great Tribulation that evidently could precede these final dates! – The Scripts prophecy will definitely be fulfilled, and the seasonal dates could be very close indeed concerning the ending of this age!”

The prophetic parable – “Right after the parable of the 10 virgins, came the prophetic parable of a man on a far journey!” (Matt. 25:14-30) – Wherein the servants were to do their work and carefully watch for the Lord’s return at all seasons! – And as we see upon the Lord’s return some were rewarded for watching and working (supporting the gospel) while in the other case those who hid their talents and did not watch were judged)” – Jesus said, and they were cast into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth!” (Vr. 30) – “Jesus went on His journey 2000 years ago and He is about to return, exactly as the prophetic parable says. And He will reward some and judge others! Now in this same chapter, the wise were the profitable servants! They were watching, working, helping in the gospel and was expecting Jesus to return as a man on a far journey! – It seems the journey will conclude before the twilight of this century ends! – For we are now in the midnight cry!”

The Great Supper – (Luke 14:16-24) – “We know that the supper is the last meal of the day! – The prophetic setting propels us into the last part of this century! -Those originally bid turned it down with excuses! Because of commercialism and the cares of this life! – Evidently they opted for Rev. chaps.17 and 18! – There were three wonderful calls (invitations) of the spirit. The first call the outpouring of Pentecost (1903-5.) The second appeal was (1947-48) the gifts of the spirit restored! – The final call was a strong compelling force (urgency!) – This takes place in the latter rain of the time of the translative faith evidently now beginning to occur in the 90’s!…(Read the parable) -“There are yet more prophetic parables perhaps we will continue them later. The key word is be alert, watch and pray! – The age is vanishing right before our eyes! – Remember the vineyard parable – The first (Jew) shall be last, and the last (Gentile elect) will be first!” 

Scroll #194

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