Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
HIDDEN SECRETS UNVEILED – “Some of the prophetic parables, although not all as seen here and on Scroll #194 were not to be completely solved until after Israel became a nation, (1948) – And others were not to be revealed exactly until the 90’s or just before Jesus return! – They were couched in dark riddles until the futuristic light of
Jesus strikes! Then the spirit brings the puzzle together decoding the cryptic sayings, telling the elect time is up, translation is near! – The testimony of Jesus is futuristic, it is the spirit of prophecy!” (Rev. 19:10) – “This works in various ways, through Bible prophecy, the prophetic gift, heavenly signs (Luke 21 :25) symbols, numericals in the Scriptures and, of course, the parables, and etc.! – All of this is described in Isa. 28: 10 it depicts, “For precept must be upon precept, line upon line, line upon line; her a little, and there a little.” – Did you notice also
that this describes the Scripts, here a little, there a little. And it says line upon line reminds us of the Pyramid inches, and the heavens! (Ps. 19) – And throughout the Bible the coming of Jesus is revealed in the same manner, precept upon precept! “The confusion would be cleared up, the outpouring to give the refreshing, but not all would listen!” (Isa. 28: 12)
THE PROPHETIC NET – (Matt. 13:47-51) – Here we see the net was cast into the sea, (peoples). At first there were all types, and it became full and was drawn to shore! Then the angels “separated” the just from the unjust and cast them in the fire! It tells us exactly when this was to occur; right now in the 90’s it is going on in an increasing manner! For
it says, it is to occur at the end of the world!” (age) – “The truth is sought out in the parable of the tares!” (Matt. 13:24-43) “Herein it shows Jesus sowing the good seed, and the devil sowing the bad seed. (vr. 39) – Also the tares are bundled for burning. And then the wheat is gathered quickly into his barn!” (vr. 30) – “First the bundling, organizational tares, occurring at this moment!” (Rev. 17) – “My ministry is alerting ‘the wheat’ as God gathers them for translation! – It foretells us
absolutely when it is to occur… (Matt. 13:40) end of world! (age) (See scroll 176) Evidently before this century ends! Similar truths are brought out in the
mustard seed parable!” (vr. 31-32)
CONTINUING – “Now we have the parable of the leaven. (vr. 33) Wherein a woman took it, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened! This is the evil church planting false doctrine in the kingdom of God!” (Rev. 17) This is also similar to the birds that lodged in the mustard tree!” (Matt. 13:32) “Both speak of subtle working of false doctrine as the age closes out! This concerns Babylon mixture among the :lead and lukewarm systems! – Soon a false leader in the 90’s will bring ill of this vehement mess together! Tares, biros, bad fish, leaven (apostates) rod etc.! – The time measures, Jesus said, was to occur in our generation. Now! – Vr. 35, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world!… In the parables He gives forth light unto the elect. Time is up – The Sower.” Jesus words fall on four kind of hearers. (Matt. 13:3-23) We see predestination unveiled here. It says, some understood it not. Others fell by the wayside, others had no root, others chocked out by cares of this life, etc. – “It reveals only l out of 4 who started in the real gospel stayed on good ground! He that heareth the Word in
good ground bringeth forth fruit!” (Yr. 23) “Some even brought forth a hundred fold because of the whole truth! They believed the revelation of the living God. The whole Bible! – I believe the Scripts is planting the truth in good ground for translative faith! Yr. 43, Who hath ears to hear, let him hear! – Also many are called, but few are chosen!”
PROPHECY UNFOWING – Matt. 24:45-51 – “This gives an exact description of our age. It reveals two type servants, the wise and the evil! The wise gave meat (the word) in due season at the proper time. He was not discouraged and knew his Lord’s coming was near! – But the evil servant told them they had
plenty of time, and that the Lord had delayed his coming! And begin to smite his fellow servants, and to eat and drink with the drunken! And for his misleading he would be cut asunder! – The parable speak exactly what is occurring among the rich and dead church systems; and surely among the T. V.
Evangelists, etc. in whom there has been so much bad publicity lately!… These are all signs Jesus return is near indeed… Vr. 44, in an hour ye think not the Son of man cometh!” – Just before this parable vr. 38, “spoke of the days of Noah being like our time. All were living it up in every sort of manner. We know before the flood there was an over population, violence and crime sprang forth, famine set in, then the weather pattern changed into violent storms and carried them away!… Today the seas and waves are roaring and the weather has become violent and erratic. Jesus said, when ye see these things know that it is even at the doors! (vr. 33) – “I believe it will occur in this 20th century door of time! – Also Jesus said, it would be like the
days of Sodom when fire would be poured out upon them. – We were living among the X-rated public. The Christians now are beginning to live among the triple-X society!… If you ask somebody what this means you are libel to get an ear full! Let’s just say it can’t get much more wicked and the cup of iniquity is almost to the brim! — We are in a
transiti01 – living on mercy (borrowed) time!”
PARABLES IN BRIEF – The prodigal son Luke 15:11-32 depicts the love of the father for a sinner or those who go astray and return. We know that the prodigal son spent all of his time partying and riotous living. Am when a great famine arose and he became destitute, he saw his mistake and returned to God. There also shall rise a great famine in
the world finally touching even the USA. Little by little this will creep in until it will be the worst conditions ever seen before the ending of this century. Drastic weather changes also will occur as the world tumbles back and forth in major crisis. Nature out of order, axis jolts are coming, the earth will jump and shake before His presence! Perhaps the prodigal sons will begin to see this and return to Jesus. We know the Tribulation Saints hold on to the Lord. (Rev. 12) the elect goes up, the Tribulation Saints stay.
CONTINUING – The parable of the Hidden Treasure – Christ redeems Israel. (Matt. 13:44) – This has been occurring since 1948 and Jesus said it would end in this generation. The pearl of great price, Jesus purchases the real church Matt. 13:45-46. We know one has to gather many oysters before you find the pearl of great price. Again many are
called, few are chosen. Jesus paid the price in His death and resurrection. and owns the elect, the pearl of great price!
CONTINUING – The strait gate and the wide gate. (Matt. 7:13-14)- Those who go down the broadway go to destruction (world and organized systems) – The strait gate is the cautious, narrow way (road) that lead~ to the Translation door – The two foundations. (Vr. 24-27) Those who do not obey Jesus words are those who build on sand. Those who believe and listen to His word build on the rock it stays. – The rich fool. He that layeth up treasure for himself, (without setting aside a part for God) is not rich toward God!” (Luke 12: 16-21) – “The rich man and Lazarus parable (Luke 16:19-31) – This parable teaches one must seek salvation during his lifetime, for riches will not help him in the hereafter! – Lost sheep – Joy in heaven over one sinner that repenteth. (Luke 15:3-7) It teaches those who stray, He alone is able to bring back! His disciples strayed as it were, but He gathered them back into power! The lost coin. Joy among angels over one sinner that repents!” (Yr. 8- 10) – “These two reminds us in similarity to the prodigal son parable, in whom the father received him back in joy! – I will restore all things that are mine, saith the Lord! – Ye are the generation!”
HEAVENILY PARABLES – “While Balaam was still at his self he fell into a trance and gave a parable to Israel. (Nums. 24:3) – He saw a ‘star rising out of
Jacob (vr. 17) that would be fulfilled in the coming of the Messiah! – Joseph was given a parable concerning the stars in the providence of his life!”
(Gen. 37:9) – “Joseph a type of the Messiah, saw in his dream the sun, and the moon and the eleven stars giving obeisance unto him! – This revealed his future life, but also the twelve tribes, including Joseph will bow to their Messiah in the Millennium!”… Rev. 12, “in the majestic lady reveals also the church of the ages, both Gentile and Jew rule with Him! Again we see the sun, moon and stars used in futuristic symbolism. This concludes in our era!”
HEAVENLY INSIGHT – “Since Adam the solar system will go through 7 great cycles. At the end of the 7th – the elect go up! – The 8th cycle is the Millennium. The 9th cycle is the White Throne judgment! – The the next cycle the new heavens and earth appear!… “There are 8 planets in our solar system, the 9th planet is a shattered one, (speaking of the flood) and the age end! – If you include the earth, the sun and the moon there is a total of 12 in our system! – All of this did not occur by accident, but was providentially planned! – As the Scriptures say, the richness of His wisdom and secrets are unsearchable! – But the elect will receive more than them all! – He that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches!”
Scroll #195