HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 196

Prophetic Scrolls 196

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

China in prophecy – “At some point in the 90’s China will be stirring again. Some of the things occurring there have already been predicted on the Scripts, and more changes are evident! This Asian kingdom will finally enter into world trade and receive more modern technology only to be used against us! Through a great war lord the Asian kings in the later 90’s will unite together. A leader as powerful as Ghengis Khan was, will command their attention! Ancient China once had the moon on its flag, it now has stars, but it is still the dragon! And will be involved with the dragon kingdom of Satan!” (Rev. 12:3-4) – “We predicted about the electrifying 80s and explosive 90s and bringing revolutionary changes, civil uprisings and wars. And said this would occur just before the rising of the anti-Christ, which will control all the West and bringing the East into global economics and International trade!”

Continuing – the future – “We have seen the fulfillment of Russia and China going through a revolution including many nations in the 90’s! – A sure word of prophecy forecast that there is yet more to come! … The revolutions of the 90’s will be controlled by a world dictator. We have seen no age like what is going to appear shortly! Later China and Russia will break their trade agreement of peace and they will invade the Mid East! There is supposed to be now a highway from China clear to the Euphrates to prepare for the onslaught. And the kings of the East will cross over with death!” (Rev. 16:12) -“As we said before a Hebrew said he derived Gog out of the name Gorbachev. And I said, time will tell if so! (The Comet did have a portent) right now he is on the sidelines! But what the name meant is evident that Gog, a new leader, will rise in this decade!- All of the events Jesus spoke about on the Scripts and in the Bible will take place in our generation! – And we are in the sunset of time!”

The mysterious future – In Rev. chap. 12, “it portrays the elect manchild is caught up, and then the flight of the woman begins in Great Tribulation! This could all well occur in this decade. According to vr.5, it gives the exact season the elect depart (just before the time period given in vr. 6) -“In the 90s you will hear of world disarmament to bring International peace! They will plan to do away with wars, poverty and etc. But at the same time the anti-Christ will have his world armies to keep the peace! He will actually promote terrible wars against small nations and groups of people. Instead of wars he will call them peace missions to get rid of the so-called true Christian heretics that are left! – Through this so-called peace mission he plans to annihilate all who object to his plans or worship of him! – So we see the real purpose behind his so-called massacre of wars in the name of peace…. All the nations in this century who have come under the name red will join into the armies with the so-called Roman god and try to terminate all who disagree with his policy! – We are entering the last era of prophecy. Wake up, watch and pray!”

A sure word of comfort – “Life on this planet is sure of uncertainties. The weather is erratic, the economics is out of control, the population faces crises on every hand, the earth is shaking and releasing out fire, disease and famine are stalking the nations! -Also the shifting sands of man’s world produce insecurity, instability, despondency, and a final sentence of death! – But in the midst of this what a wonderful privilege to turn to the infallible Word of God and find that the anchor of the Christian is “both sure and steadfast” (Heb. 6:19). In a shaky and uncertain world, we know that “The foundation of God standeth sure” (II Tim. 2:19) – And as the Scriptures say, the peace of Jesus passeth all understanding. And more of this comfort will come to those who love His appearing!”

Prophecy confirming prophecy – “The Scripts has given us such an in-depth and wide coverage concerning events of the future that when we do search out prophecies that were given in past history of long ago; we find out in one way or another the prophetic scrolls have also covered those in much detail too! … And we also only print what matches the Bible or the Scripts! – Here is an ancient prophecy given about the time of the Reformation hundreds of years ago… A medical doctor wrote to his Majesty, King Henry II, and told him of a vision to occur by the end of the 20th century. When dissention and conflicts over faith will be overshadowed by the greatest plague of history. And we Quote: “Then the impurities and abominations will be brought to the surface and made manifest… towards the end of a change in reign. (This could mean when the last personality or king rises in England or France) – The leaders of the Church will be backward in their love of God… Of the three sects the Catholic is thrown into decadence by the Partisan differences of its worshippers. The Protestants will be entirely undone in all of Europe and part of Africa by the Islamics, by means of poor in spirit, who led by madmen (terrorist) shall through worldly luxury (oil) commit adultery. (Note read Rev. chaps 17 and 18) – In the meantime there appears so vast a plague that two-thirds of the world will fail and decay. So many (die) that no one will know the true owners of fields and houses! The weeds in the city streets will rise higher than the knees, and there shall be a total desolation of the Clergy!” – Note: “This age old prophecy actually follows the description that the Bible gives Rev. 6:8, “And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth. And it says to destroy in various ways! – The rest die in the diseases of Rev. 16:2 – And they still would not repent of their abominations!” (Rev. 9:20-21) – “The doctor said it was to occur by the ending of the 2Oth Century and we already have seen the beginning of the earliest part of it in diseases!”

Continuing prophecy – “Just for example, what about the aids plague? At first, the fear of it was worse than the disease, but now aids (the hivvirus) is spreading and increasing in many parts of the globe including the United States! And of course according to the Scripts, new diseases were predicted and new diseases will arise in the 90s. And plagues will worsen in this pestilent age! As Jesus Himself said, it would occur just before His return! – We are witnessing the beginning of sorrows now! – The world is becoming fully conceived with false doctrine and abominations. And the day of the Lord hasteneth soon!”

The vision of evil – “According to what the Lord unveiled to me there are four sinister figures ‘alive now’ on this earth and will rise to their positions sooner than later. (Probably within the next few years) – The one personality will be the most subtle and diabolical of the four. At first, he seems like a charmer and man of peace! God will allow Satan to bring forth this man that the world will love at his appearing! At first, he will restore the nations out of chaos and bring in prosperity and so-called peace. He will control the Vatican and all religions and guarantee Israel protection in a covenant! – He will negotiate with all nations. Finally every major nation will be under his control. We are seeing the beginning of global economics and trade. He will bring it to new heights not seen before! – He will be adored by the population, but underneath in his very being lurks Satan and his plans to dominate this planet! By his flatteries and propaganda he will seduce the major leaders including the three we spoke of! – Then, all of a sudden, the people must take his mark of allegiance or they cannot share in his plans of peace and prosperity! And those who do are tossed into the twilight of no return! – By the use of computers and electronic means he will be able to control the people on this globe! – No doubt about this time the world will be shattered by nature, crime, lawlessness, famine, etc. And this man of peace stabilizes the world economy as all religious systems gather unto him. And he will demand total loyalty! He is Satan’s masterpiece of destruction! All real Christians should watch and pray as never before, and they will escape out of his hands, according to Jesus words!”

Collective opinion – “More and more laymen and ministers and my partners who read the Scripts are of the same opinion, that this age will finish in this century. According to the signs it definitely looks like we are in the last decade of our Church Age! …It will close out with great shakings of the earth as warnings that the elect are leaving. And the earth’s axis is going to send tremendous shockwaves through this planet! – In the 90’s are coming some amazing and incredible celestial signs that we trust to touch on and to alert our partners of the soon return of Jesus!… We salute you all in the precious name of the Lord Jesus!” 

Scroll #196

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