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Prophetic Scrolls 198

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

The elect and paradise – “The prophetic Scriptures foretell us not only of the beautiful Holy City, but of Paradise! – And evidently according to the Word, there are different compartments concerning Paradise! There also is a resting place for the departed saint, and how calm and beautiful it is! We find out Jesus gave these comforting words to the thief at the Cross!” (Luke 23:43) “Also Jesus said, that in one section, there are many mansions for those who love Him! – Our subject will concern those who depart after death. And we know those who come back with Jesus will meet with those upon the earth who go up at Translation time!” – Amen

A trip to Paradise – “Paul said he was caught up into the third heaven.” (II Cor. l2:2) “And saw things that were unspeakable or was so amazing he was forbidden to utter!” (vr. 4) – “John on the Island of Patmos was taken to the Holy City and a guide described the city and important things to him!” (Rev. Chps. 21 & 22) “He was also taken through an open door into eternity where one sat surrounded by a rainbow.” (Rev. 4:3) “Evidently this typifies where the redeemed will be translated! – John also saw the future of the bride and the elect’s duties!”

The departure of the soul – “For years, people have wondered what happens at death to the soul. The Scriptures actually reveal this to us! Jesus says the angels carry the righteous at death to Paradise!” (Luke 16:22) – “There have been those who have watched their friends or relatives at death and exclaimed they have actually seen light or an angel leave with the spirit into Paradise! – In the next paragraph, we will describe what witnesses say occurred at the time when a patient would die in a nursing home or hospital. We cannot vouch 100% in every case, but some are remarkable and match the Scriptures!”

The body at death – “Many doctors and nurses in a recent survey say that they have seen souls leave the bodies of their dead patients!” – Here are some brief samples of the signed statements made by doctors and nurses to researchers: “I saw a haze, a sort of cloud form around the patient’s body. It grew more dense as the patient’s life ebbed away. It seemed almost solid as the patient’s heart stopped, then grew fainter and fainter until it vanished” – a Berlin internist. “It’s always a point of light that appears on the patient’s head, most often between the eyes. It usually appears as the patient’s heart begins to falter, and grows brighter as life ebbs away. At the moment of death, it vanishes in a long flash of light.” – a Paris surgical nurse. – “A duplicate of the patient’s body begins to slowly materialize, gradually rising from the body. The duplicate seems almost as solid as the real body. Often it reaches a height of several feet connected to the real body by a cable of light! -When death comes, the duplicate fades into the cable of light and disappears.” A London surgeon. – Note: “Probably the doctors and nurses are only seeing the lights, but we know the angels are in the light! And if God gave them further revelation, they would see the angels in the rooms; and in some cases have! – Here is another startling case. Quote: “The patient seems to get out of bed and leave the room. The first time this happened, I was badly frightened, but after 50 or 60 such experiences, I know that it was only the spirit that is leaving. The lifeless body, of course, remains behind.” a Vienna heart specialist. Amazingly, the London surgeon says the body duplicate does not vanish simply because the heart stops. “As long as it remains, I know there is a chance of bringing the patient back, even after his heart stops,” he told one of the researchers. “When it finally vanishes, I know that nothing I can do will revive the patient.”

Note: “Yes, we have heard of such cases of a person dying and being drawn towards the light and then revived back from death to enter their body again. And they gave a wonderful story of how blissful it was! They felt they were shown this so that others who loved the Lord would not have a fear of death! It simply is just changed into another dimension of light with the Lord! That is why Paul said, O death where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” (1 Cor. 15:55) “In fact, for an eye-opening revelation read vrs. 35-55. – It may well occur in this decade that the dead in Christ rise first, and meet (the elect) in the air to be forever with the Lord!”

The foundation of God – There are 12 foundation stones in the Holy City. (Rev. 21:14, 19-20) – Plus there are 12 gates and 12 angels. (vr.12) – We know to each tribe had a precious stone representing it. And we place them here in order from the eldest to the youngest. And first 1. Ruben (sardius) 2. Simeon (topaz) 3. Levi (carbuncle) 4. Judah (emerald) 5. Dan (sapphire) 6. Naphtali (diamond) 7. Gad (ligure) 8. Asher (agate) 9. Issachar (amethyst) 10. Zebulun (beryle) 11. Joseph (onyx) and last,12. Benjamin (jasper) – Also the Urim and Thummim was a breastplate of stones and in answer to prayer when God’s spirit struck it, it would light up in beautiful colors! Evidently like Joseph’s coat or similar to a rainbow! All of this represented several things that were the past, present and yet many things in the future!”

The house of Mazzaroth – We find an amazing truth concerning prophetic astronomy – (Job 38:31-33) – The dictionaries in most Bibles say it represents the 12 heavenly signs of the (Zodiac) but the Lord calls it “Mazzaroth” coming forth in his seasons! (Vr. 32) – Vr. 33 reveals something to do with God`s ordinances on the earth as signs and etc! “Now the 12 Tribes were definitely born under certain months of these constellations. Even as God’s elect people are.” (Rev. 12: 1) – “Also Joseph was given a significant dream of the sun, and moon and of the 11 stars; evidently he would make up the 12th! – These celestial figures revealed his future and the providence of Israel (12 tribes) clear into the Millennium bowing to the Messiah!” (Gen. 37:9) “Several noted ministers ages ago knew God’s constellations were telling a story and proved it. With additional information we will also. And now the redemptive story!”

The celestial circle (Mazzaroth) 1. Virgo, The Virgin: The seed of woman to bring the Saviour (Gen. 3: 15). “. ..Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” (Isa. 7:14) “Isa. 9:6, God manifested in the flesh. Messiah!” 2. Libra, The Unbalanced Scales. The story of man’s unsuccessful attempts to save himself. -Jesus came and balanced the scales for the redeemed. (defeated Satan)!” 3. Scorpio, The Scorpion: The sting of death that infects every man “except those of Translation. And Paul said O grave, where is thy victory?”4. Sagittarius, The Warrior: The One who came to defeat the old serpent, the devil – Jesus with His great arrows of victory and deliverance! 5. Capricorn, The Goat: The atonement animal (Old Testament) that looked forward to a greater sacrifice. – “Christ the Lamb!” 6. Aquarius, The Water-Bearer: The Sent (Holy Spirit) One who would pour out waters of blessings on the Earth in the former and latter rain. James 5:7-8, “a beautiful picture of this!” 7. Pisces, The Fishes: The two fish that would be multiplied, a symbol of God’s grace offered to all the world – “’the elect, abound” Jesus said, fishers of men! 8. ARIES, The Lamb: The Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world. – “The Capstone head of the body, the Lord Jesus!” 9.Taurus, The Bull: The Messiah coming in judgment to tread under-foot all who obey not the Gospel. – “The (7 stars) the sweet Pleiades are near this constellation revealing that sometimes out of chastisement comes forth blessings!” (Job 38:31) 10. Gemini, The Twins: The two-fold nature of the Messiah: “He was God and man.” (Isa. 9:6) “Flesh and spirit.” 11. Cancer, The Crab: (others have called it the Eagle) The possessions held fast, the security of the children of God – As He said, no one can remove them from His hands! 12. LEO, The Lion: The Lion of the Tribe of Judah coming to reign forever. – “The royal sign.” (Rev. 10:3-4 – Rev. 22: 16) “Scientists now tell us there is an amber star in the mouth of the lion; and just below it, a blue star called Regulus! – This could be symbolic of the pillar of fire (O.T.) and the bright and morning star of the New Testament!”

Continuing – The constellations -“The heavenly bodies proclaim a story and much more. They are witnesses providing us with insight concerning the Lord’s eternal and divine purpose! ” (Read Ps. 19) and we read in Gen. 1:14, “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for “signs” and for seasons, and for days and years! – This scripture is in perfect accord with science and prophetic astronomy! – The rotation of the earth determines our days, the orbit of the earth around the sun determines our years, and the tilting of the earth on its axis determines our seasons! – Splendid – “this is all in harmony with the scriptures. And according to the word of God, the sun, moon, stars, planets, clusters, and etc. are for signs. They all have their place in His Universal blueprint designed by the Great Creator!” (Read Luke 21:25) – “Yes, besides the prophetic Scriptures, the heavens are giving forth signs telling of His Second Coming as they did His first coming! – And God will give many celestial wonders in the 90’s proving His nearness!” 

Scroll #198

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