Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
The whole world – “Or most of it know something is going to occur soon. What is it? It is the climax of the age! Also the great trumpet is about to sound for God’s people. Millions will vanish and this planet will be given over to Satan’s underworld in high places! – The sinister figure is already prepared as the false leader but before this, there are some remarkable events on the horizon. There will be no decade like this one! On the one hand, the miraculous will shew forth powerful wonders and on the other hand science will increase, fantasy will replace faith and facts as the falling away reaches its peak! – Apostasy everywhere! “We are seeing a man run for president who has been accused of womanizing and other things. President Bush calls his plans the New World Order, and Mr. Clinton calls his plan The New Covenant. In the last Democratic Convention, Peter Jennings said, “they used more Scriptures than in any convention they could remember in a long time. No matter which way you look at it we are getting closer to the final deception!”
Earth worship – “Today we see articles about earth worship, where people actually worship the planet as Mother Earth! It is a form of religion. Some use environmental concern, adding ancient myths and pagan practices! They defy the earth and its creatures, (Rom. 1: 22-23) but there is only One True God, and He brought about the creation of all!” – “Some religious groups call the earth the goddess mother as the source of life. As one article said, blending Christianity with Babylonian spirituality! These doctrines now seducing the Western World! – Events like this occurred in the Old Testament, where people worshipped the celestial heavens and solar system. Not as signs as Jesus described, but actually called different stars, the sun and the moon as deities and worshipped them! So we see the old practices of earth worshipping is coming back in the day we live! It shows you how far the Western world has sunk in debauched religion. The Lord brought great catastrophies upon the earth because of these type occurrences! – So we see it is one more sign the Lord will soon judge the earth again! – Of course Satanism is also on the rise, and cults and witchcraft is invading the youth! We have already seen the evil rites that shocked the police across the United States. So we see everything how easy it will be for a religious world leader to deceive the masses! – But he will also win over the religious systems by delusion, and this includes some in every system down to some Pentecostals! – As various ones are already working with modern Babylon. (Rev.17) This system is now rising in the United States to great power, and will control world politics in this decade! – The anti-Christ through super inventions and electronic magic will turn this planet into a fantasy world, wherein he becomes their escapism. But too late they will find they have entered his nightmare of no return!” We have only spoken of a few events, there are many other falsehoods and this earth is coming under their spell! – Soon religious fanaticism will sweep the earth and in a daze they will wonder after the beast!” – “But also God’s power will sweep the earth and He will gather His own before great desolation!” – “So watch and pray, and keep your eyes on all of God’s Word! In 1993 shocking and startling events will take place paving the way for 1994-95 which we already wrote about. This planet is headed for some surprises!”
Events ahead – New things will appear. We are entering a new phase of history. What a decade! Magnetic and astonishing events loom in our future in this century not seen before! Prepare and be ready, and surely one of these events will be the going away of God’s people! – According to prophecy, God will do “a new thing” among His elect. AS the world does theirs, God will do His! – Prepare with an open heart, for God is sending a strong force to make ready a people for Himself! And He will do it swiftly, alerting them how soon it will be etc. – A real experience for God’s people!”
Continuing prophecy – Some of the signs we see today will increase in magnitude. Super inventions, increase of knowledge, International banking trademark, more things concerning space travel in technology; events in the weather, earthquakes, new computer systems. ” – “Western Europe and the Revived Roman Empire will come to the forefront! This world we know now will change dramatically; it has already been planned underneath by sinister figures and they will take it over and have complete control of the masses!” –“Time is fleeting, this is the hour for the elect to win souls to Christ. For soon darkness will settle in; harvest will be over! A gigantic cloud of war looms in this century! And when it ends, billions of souls will not have been saved! So while we have the opportunity let us save as many as we can for the Lord Jesus!”
Prophecy – immoral conditions – We were just discussing above about weird things, but this surely was a bizarre exchange. One might hesitate to write this, but it is Biblical and the Scripts prophecy. We will print this from a wire service and you can see for yourself what condition the world is in! – Quote: “Sex-organ swap may be a1st. – Chinese surgeons have performed what is believed to be the world’s first direct sex-organ swap, exchanging sexual organs between a man and a woman, a doctor on the operating team said Thursday. Xia Zhao Ji said a 22-year-old woman received the testicles of a 30-year-old man who received her ovaries during operations last week. Doctors constructed a false penis for the woman from her stomach lining, Xia said. They removed the man’s penis and replaced it with a vagina made of leather. “I believe this could be the first (such operation) in the world,” said Zia, whose Beijing No. 3 Hospital pioneered China’s first sex-change operations in 1984. Both patients are recovering well, but the former woman must take immuno-suppressive drugs to overcome rejection of the new organs, Xia said. He said he is confident the former man above will be able to have a complete sex life. But neither will be able to procreate. Both patients are single and hope to find marriage partners. Neither knows the other’s identity, and both wished to remain anonymous. – (The man thinks he will be cleaner as a woman, and the woman thinks she will be better as a man!) “We are in the age where men want to be women and women want to be men. They want to be opposite of what God created them to be. This concerns other things too. This reminds us of the flood when strange events took place and giants sprang forth! But the Scriptures nail it down exactly what it is!” – (Rom. 1:26-27), “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recommence of their error which was meet.” – “Apostle Paul said, in the last days they would be without natural affection.” (II Tim. 3:2-3) – “Jesus said conditions like this would exist at the time of His return. Evidently they are a sign Jesus will appear in this century!” – “These events are enough to shock and alert anybody to prepare! The Scripts foretold people and immorals would reach the stage of madness! That you would have to see it to believe it! Many other strange events are occurring, but we will have to write them later”
Prophecy concerning Israel – “It is predicted that a Temple would be built and a false prince would sit in it as a peace maker to the Jews in a covenant (called an agreement with hell) Rev. 11:1-2, sheds light on this, as does (II Thess.2: 4) And we quote this important News item. Vatican, Israel pledge talks on diplomatic ties. -The Vatican and Israel pledged Wednesday to work toward diplomatic ties in a historic first step that could end decades of chilly relations between the Roman Catholic Church and the Jewish state. The two sides have set up a high-level permanent commission, to be headed by the Vatican’s apostolic delegate to Jerusalem and the Israeli ambassador to Italy. The Vatican recognizes Israel’s right to exist within secure borders. But it has insisted that before establishing ties, it wanted a solution to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands and international guarantees for Jerusalem as a city sacred to Christians, Moslems and Jews. Note: The Scriptures declare, The Prince that shall come will guarantee secure borders for Israel! We are nearing the final stages of the Church Age!
“God gave a sign, most people missed it, but some saw it! On the nights of July 12-14 as a heavenly body called the bright and morning star entered the Constellation of the lion (harvest month) the full moon portrayed a fixed grand cross in the heavens (like Calvary’s Cross). In other words, the light of the full moon reflected a perfect cross on it! This occurred right after the great earthquakes in California. – “It was as the Lord Jesus was saying, I am the way, the truth and the light! Showing we are in the last days of salvation and to turn to Him!”Rev.12:1, “reveals the moon under the sun clothed woman’s feet. Also Jesus said, there would be signs in the sun, and in the moon, etc.” (Luke 21: 25) – “We are in the last days of harvest and God’s spirit is being poured out to all who will believe and accept it! – I believe Jesus is coming soon! Be sober, vigilant, watch and pray!” – Dan. 12:3,10
Note: A Dazzling Sight – “Probably some missed the beautiful sight in August out of the Western twilight glow rose the morning star – while the evening star merged almost into it!” On the evening of Aug 22, 1992 the two planets passed within 0.3° of each other. A spectacular sight. – “Jesus Himself in the same chapters told about world health conditions, pestilences, warring nations, famine, quakes and nature out of control.” It is a sign, because at about the same (Fall) time next year many events will have taken place as predicted. And will be the starting of many occurrences ahead. A definite witness!
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