HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic scrolls 205

Prophetic scrolls 205

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

ENTERING PROPHETIC TWILIGHT – “According to the scripts, it is a proven fact we are now entering the last of latter times; and this is also in accordance with Daniel’s utterances and visions! He did not give a date, but we will know the times and
seasons! With a new administration the unexpected and new changes will find their way into society. Despite the economic recession in the !X)’s, tremendous structural and society changes are on the horizon!” – “Scroll #188 revealed between 1991-93 (as well as other Scripts) that a New World Order and Peace attempts would ~ made with Israel! Sure enough in 1992 the Vatican started ~According to the News) talks with Israel about the city of Jerusalem and etc! – The New president calls his New World Order the “.New Covenant”. He may change the words later, but God has given a sign that in this decade Israel will make an agreement with a new world leader an a president! – One should watch Clinton, what he did was very close in similarity and character of a coming leader I was shown! “Remember that I wrote what could happen to a president during this decade. He spoke in churches and quoted Scriptures. In fact it said more
Scriptures were used in politics with these candidates then had ever been noticed in most of the century – “We know the lamb of Rev. 13, will start out this way, but will end speaking as a dragon!” “In the 90’s events will happen suddenly and swiftly. The elect does not have to much longer to wait until the trump of God sounds!”

THE BUST AND THE BOOM – “As I have just written despite the recession during this decade, will come great commercial activity! A building, buying and selling boom. Great activity will
rise at the appointed time! In this decade craft will prosper in the hands of a super wizard understanding trade and electronics! New laws and
structural change in our society will take place! By the mid 90’s, should one still be here, could not believe what will have occurred in this nation! Also Jesus can appear at any time now! The gathering will occur overnight according to His harvest prophecy! – But amidst all of this, will come distress in all nations. Nature will double its forces against this planet. For her sins hath reached unto heaven. (Rev. 18:5) “Here indeed is a sign. We now see women in space in the same spacecraft as men. We know there will be vice, like on earth and etc. in these programs! And during the Tribulation, this
Scripture gives another clue they could even bare children!” – (Obed. 1:4) “Perhaps this also covers the millennial reign as science will continue after an Atomic War. , believe by then, men will learn to fly with magnetic forces already in the sky! – If Jesus should teach them, the speed of light would ~e no problem at all. – For with Him all things are possible. Certainly the elect will bypass this during this millennium time, for there is no such thing as time and space with the Lord!” “Thought will be all you need to arrive where He wants you; for we will be even as the angels are! – But don’t forget, the millennium will be nothing like the ‘Holy City’ of the Elect! – However at the end of a thousand years there will be a new earth and heaven for its dwellers!” (Rev. 21:1)

DEADLY PROPHECY – “The apocalypse of the pale horse is not far off. The rider will surely come in our generation! – By the signs we hear the thundering of the hoofs already!” (Rev. 16:2,9) “This prophecy will take place in several different ways including
atomic, proton, laser, etc. Listen to this, scientists say. Quote: “A terrible doomsday weapon which could permanently damage the vital ozone shield that protects all life from deadly ultra-violet
rays of the sun can be cheaply and easily made, warns a Harvard Professor! – The device is a container of bromine gas which scientists fear could be shot or floated into the stratosphere where
the gas would be released, creating and opening in the life-saving ozone layer, 1 protective shield about 20 miles above the earth! – Exposed to direct ultra-violet radiation, crops would be stunted or destroyed, and whole populations incapacitated! – This is because of radiation sickness and sink cancer. – Furthermore, winds would carry that ozone opening around the world, creating a path of destruction to plant life as it went! – A few kilograms of bromine is all that would be needed. Any country or terrorist group could handle it.
And the terrifying thing is there is nothing right now to stop them.” Note: “Weapons similar to this will help create not only world crises, but a new world government! – Because of mans idolatry and sins, he has created his own desolation!” – (read below) “Jesus said, Our generation shall witness all of these things!”

WORLD WITHOUT SHAME – “In the 60’s, I saw the immoral plight of the whole world. And it is coming to pass right on schedule. This is about the time I saw parts of California slide into the sea) events today are going beyond Sodom! (Tribulation will be even more so) – “Some of these events are unprintable, but we will reveal a few. – Quote: “One woman boldly declares in a book, “My First 2000 Men. ” Now the networks declared they will show sex am nudity in Prime Time, completely corrupting the older as well as the youth! – In the vision I saw bestiality becoming popular among men and women because of social disease in the latter times such as HIV etc.” – In the sexual rites in Sodom they used
serpents, goats and etc. – “Today horses have been bred down to the size of a medium size dog – price $30,000 or more apiece (called. miniature) and women have brazenly declared they are their companion at home! – The same as dogs have been bred down. to whatever size a person desires! They even have beauty parlors to groom them!” – There is nothing wrong with a pet, but we are not talking ordinary uses! – But in the Old Testament this occurred and was prophesied to take place just
before the return of Jesus!’ (Even as I was foretold in the 1960 ‘s) – “Be ye not quick to judge this. “

CONTINUING – I very seldom leave the grounds of Capstone, but we went to a shopping mall one night. There was a theatre which can show 8
different movies in different rooms, some adults, R-rated-PG. – We looked around as they were getting out of the movies and people were sensually touching together and etc. and doing that which was unseemingly among the cars on the grounds! I said, my Lord, what’s occurring? Then He said, remember that prophecy you were given? You
are now witnessing the ‘age ending and my soon return!” “Also mankind is dealing in the sexual DNA of the future of men and women! In similarity this occurred in Gen. 6, “when the seeds from the fallen sons of God changed the DNA in, men, and giants sprang forth! – Violence filled the land, giants became the serial killers! – We also see the same
serial killers today. This is written to reveal and to see that time is short!”

HEAVENLY SIGNS – “in 1993″ – a celestial year – prophetic Ps. Scr.#18? year 93 – (Ps. 19- Luke 21:25) – In the 5th constellation Mazzaroth (Job. 38:32) – two heavenly bodies will be in alignment 3
different times during 1993!” (this has not occurred for 172 years) – “Two partial solar eclipses will take place but two total lunar eclipses are scheduled for ’93. (6-4-93 extreme west – 11-28-93 visible all
North America) – “In 1993 the moon will pass in front of Venus (This is called occulation when the moon passes in front of a planet or star!” (4-19-93) “The only one for the year. ” – “All this reveals changes are definitely on their way, Many events
underneath will affect 1994-95. Much deception, but yet there will be much exposure as the public becomes aware of certain things! Events, technology, earthquakes, sudden unexpected
surprises take place! The public will receive an eye full! World shakeup coming! – 1995 an awesome world wide event! – (Also if Aug. 1992, ‘Comet Swift-Tuttle’ was sighted. It returns about every 130
years, and was last seen during the Civil War.) In Aug. we saw changes leading to ‘a new’, president, etc.

Scroll #205

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