Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
GOD’S SUNDIAL – Right after I preached a message called, “Numerical 7 And The Shadow of God” This picture was taken showing the sundial of the Cap reaching down the 7 Church Age ridges to the sidewalk – “Which from the air forms a number 7 (See bottom picture) symbolizing The 7 Church Ages, The 7 Seals, and The 7 Thunders!” (Read Rev Chaps 1, 8, 10) – In the message I spoke that according to the evidential signs I believed the Lord could very well come in this decade.
Each year during Christmas we’ noticed people put a lot of beautiful lights up allover the city, but without a message. So Brother Frisby decided to put on the side of the Temple facing the highway in large letters and beautiful moving lights, “JESUS IS COMING SOON!”
(Right where the shadow was taken) This was a great witness as several hundred thousand cars a week go up and down the highway! And some of your support helped in this.
‘If you notice from the air both sides of the sidewalk to the temple form a 7 depicting what we spoke about above!” (The books and Scripts cover these subjects in more detail.) Jesus Himself declared, “I will come again!” (John 14:1-3) “Angels also confirmed it!” – (Acts 1:11) – Paul spoke, “The Lord Himself shall descend!” (I Thess. 4:16) He will come suddenly, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye!” (I. Cor. 15:52) – And now most elect feel in our decade! The pictures give us a sign confirming His return! (Matt. 25:6 Prophetic clock) – Remember the sundial on the Pyramid!
CAPSTONE – The Night Eagle – “The midnight cry is upon us!” (Matt. 25:6)
THE WHITE EAGLE – “We have also a more sure word of prophecy – and the day star arise in your hearts.” (II Peter 1: 19) – And Jesus said, “Surely I come quickly.”(Rev. 22:20)
“In the evening time there shall be light! We are in the latter times!”
We used this type paper so the pictures would show up better, but it is still scroll #207