HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 213

Prophetic Scrolls 213

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

Run prophecy run – Never before have we seen such vital events take place so suddenly and so swiftly! Also many by the unexpected and surprise just as the Scripts predicted. “Important global prophecy is occurring all over the globe!” What a decade! Everywhere we look we see crisis and judgment transpiring around the world. Scripts and Biblical prophecy is speeding up -“The final prophecies to our Church Age concerning the elect are now coming to a conclusion!” Soon time will be no more for God’s true children! – The man (Jesus) like the parable says has been on a far journey and is returning. Of course He being the Almighty spirit has been constantly with us too! Our generation is nearly up! – “Jesus is separating and choosing His children daily now; this is no hour to be spiritually sleeping! For He is now guiding us with a more sure word of prophecy than ever! The day Star has arisen in our hearts and is guiding us in His light!” Apostasy abounds all around us, but the sweet spirit of the Lord is truly with all those who are believing, watching and praying! We should see the Master face to face soon; as the world in amazement begins to wonder after the beast powers!

A time to be aware – “One night events came before me like flashes of lightning of the disasters, screams, desolation and destruction that will begin to cover the earth! The unexpected and surprise will still be occurring in the years ahead! (More on this latter) – We are seeing International changes occurring now that have already been predicted. “And more global events with extreme importance will be stepping forward to fulfill their part of God’s plan of destiny!” – People’s minds will be changing more and more. Shocking situations, altering and unbelievable occurrences are casting their shadows as we enter deeper into the 90’s! – “Watch, be on guard, saith the Lord!”

Heavenly signs – Besides this nature is preaching to the people of this planet that their time to seek salvation is slipping away! The harvest will soon be ended! -“Jesus is choosing a royal people and before long this earth will be missing them!” Because as we can see it is just about time to get off of this shaky and stormy planet. Perplexity and fear will grip the hearts of the population as the dragon begins to rise! We can already see the shadow and movement of his system! And they are not in step with God’s Word! – “So beware, as a snare shall come upon the dwellers of this world!”

Continuing – “As we said God’s creation is travailing, bringing out of it His desire!” Divine providence is in control. He will now begin to bring to a head His plan of the ages! – “As we said nature is preaching giving a sign for men to repent!” – Jesus said, “There would be signs in the heaven warning the earth of coming desolation!” – As the Scripts said, from the fall of 1991 – 93, three different rare conjunctions concerning the moon and heavenly bodies would take place! – Two of these have already occurred with the third one occurring in the fall of ’93 as predicted. The last conjunction a great earthquake struck India. And right now just approaching fall as predicted, a gigantic quake has struck India again! Over 30,000 dead have already been found and they are expecting more to be found. Some of the villages and buildings were just wiped out. –“As if the pale horse of apocalypse was giving a preview of even greater disasters that shall befall the world before the ending of the century!” So as we see all three were fulfilled in perfect order, not a one failed of the heavenly signs given. (Luke 21: 25).

Continuing prophecy – Here is what the Scripts said that we were to expect in the late 80’s and 90’s!. God’s Word also confirms this. Hag.2: 6-9, “For thus saith the Lord of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the Lord of hosts. The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts. The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the Lord of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the Lord of hosts.” – “So we see the wealth of this world actually belongs to the Lord that the devil and the anti-Christ has gathered in one way or another since the days of Eden!” – And it will be used in an improper way to seduce the nations into worshiping the devil’s false god and image! There’s a shake-up coming! This Scripture will occur soon! Rev. 12:12, Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” – Then according to vr.5, the elect are already caught up, rejoicing in heaven! -Time is definitely short according to the signs! The Lord said, “Behold I come quickly!” – “I am their shepherd and they shall be in a heavenly pasture (place) shining in My glory for ever more!” – Praise Him!

Continuing – celestial signs – And even according to the scientist the heavens are full of new events and things to come! “And they are uttering their prophecy and portent just as Jesus said.”(Ps. chap. 19) – Among the many things occurring, here is one! – A News Quote: “Scientist abuzz over comet heading for Jupiter! A shattered comet streaking toward a spectacular collision with Jupiter could provide an unprecedented look at the sort of cataclysm many scholars believed may have killed earth’s dinosaurs ages ago! – (Note: I personally believe besides star fragments hitting the earth that the great Ice Age wiped out the period of the dinosaurs.) – It said the Galileo space probe is likely to provide mankind with its first glimpse of a comet smashing into a planet! – “The collision is to take place in July of 1994 – The nucleus of the comet is estimated to be up to 3 miles wide and could release millions of times more energy than the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan! – “Most of the comet’s pieces are about one-half mile in diameter, large enough to become powerful fireballs! – (Note: This is God’s way of showing us that huge asteroids evidently in the later century will strike in the sea and the earth. Rev.8).

Continuing proprecy – “Yes, as the Scripts said, 1994 will be a celestial year for the earth!” (Read the right top side of Scr.187 – Read top left side of Scr.178). – And the spirit begins to tell us of all of these events in the heavens that were to come! “The Lord is faithful in witnessing in the heavens, earth and sea!” – As we said before, the tectonic and continental plates are moving. We are seeing great quakes like what occurred in Japan and India. – “The celestial heavens also are revealing the catastrophes that are going to come to the Western side of the United States, including the gigantic quakes coming to Calif. – This will occur soon in our generation! What a decade! And what a century of amazing, unusual and may I say awful disasters and events. “Indeed the hour of His clock is striking midnight! Go ye out to meet Him!”

Prophetic look – The reason the Lord is showing so much about desolation and destruction is because of the tripling of the immoral situation; plus the luke-warmness and falsity among the population! – “In the 1960’s the Lord revealed to me the worldwide degradation that was coming!” – It was revealed to me in stages; even up to where we are now and beyond. “1 saw semi-nudity and see-through fashion even in and among the fundamental churches. Which was unheard of in the 60’s!”-The Hollywood and street prostitute look is entering many churches! And what is happening already among the cults are unprintable here! “Jesus gives us a clue of what He revealed on the Scripts then!” Read Rev. 3: 17, it said they were rich, full, wretched, naked and blind! —“ And things will worsen, nearing and entering the Great Tribulation they will really unveil themselves! “The most lured, lustful and horrible scenes will abound in our cities of night clubs of pleasure! – Plus right out in the open on our big city streets! Right now the word amidst them in Hollywood is everything off and everything goes! There is coming yet another dimension of immorality wherein Satan and evil spirits join in union with mankind with an orgy of debauchery that has not yet been seen! – Also Hollywood has not reached its ultimate in filmmaking concerning sex gods (evil spirits) in intimacy with men and women! – “No wonder God is warning!” – If you think Jupiter is going to get shook up some, wait until the axis of this earth is jarred by the Lord! And He said, “the cities of the nations fell! “Already the axis and tectonic plates are moving and shaking a little bit in comparison to what’s ahead! – “As we pray, may the Lord guard and keep His people ready at all seasons!” — The line is being drawn, God is separating and choosing! For He said, ye have not chosen Me, But I have chosen you! (John 15:16).

A reprint from scr. #178 – The Future – “These predictions released below are going to definitely take place, but we don’t know the exact dates for some of these, But it is my opinion they will all occur before the ending of this century! – Now here is a snapshot – events –90’s – Storms – Massive Quakes! Floods – Famine – Food Crises! – World crises (Russia -Pope -Japan – USA – Mideast – Jews) – “Good Times mixed – bad times! – Mysterious lights increase! – The worship of a woman! – Jesus return near! New Pope sign! – Different type charismatic leader USA! – World Leader rises! Tribulation mark – 666! – Chinese and Soviet invasion – Mideast! – Atomic War! – Onward – “A catastrophic axis poles shift!” – “These are my Scripts prophecy and evidently the strange heavenly signs will confirm them during their periods of providence. Like the magi – the ‘wise will’ understand and shine in the brightness as the stars forever and ever! (Dan. 12:3,10). – Some events are already fulfilling!

Scroll #213

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