HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 214

Prophetic Scrolls 214

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

Prophetic foreview – Soon and even now some occurrences are taking place beyond science fiction! Baffling and puzzling events in the seas and the heavens among many other events occurring in nature, oddest weather patterns and in society. Already bizarre things are transpiring! “But first in prophecy the city of Paris which is so proud of its buildings and sin will be destroyed by fire the same as Rome by submarine missiles and atomic from space!” Plus the Lord revealed to me that all the cities of the Mediterranean area will be destroyed. Plus the Persian Gulf will be a lake of fire from Iran to Iraq, in my opinion by or before century end! In fact the whole world will go through a fiery holocaust!

Science prophecy – Now scientists say they can take human embryos, freeze them and years later bring them back to life! Also they have a way of making them identical twins. – But remember they never created anything, they first had to use a man’s seed.” – Quote: News clip – It’s not exactly a sex-change operation, but it’s close. Take genetically female chicken eggs, inject a chemical, and here’s what you get: female chickens that look and act like male chickens. – “Remember in a similar way in Gen. chapter 6 they altered the sex changes in a different way and giants sprang forth!”

Illusions fulfilling – Mother of God – A man says he sees visions of the mother of God daily. He was one of the young children that says he saw the Virgin Mary during the visits in Yugoslavia. – Note: In France, a noted Cardinal of the Catholic Church replaces crucifix with statue of Buddha and offers sacrifices to strange pagan gods. – The world is being filled with delusion. It seems apostasy is appearing in every form!

Continuing – Of all the crazy excuses to do the unseemingly and bizarre, just listen to this. – News Quote – 20 Pentecostal’s were headed to Louisiana from Texas, and said the Lord told them to leave everything behind. So they took all their clothes off. But later run into a tree and were arrested for indecent exposure. Two said they were Pentecostal preachers! – “As you know the Lord revealed the immoral and degradation of the world to me over 30 years ago! And foretold me that even the fundamentals will dress and act like Hollywood before Jesus return!”

World gone mad – I preached a message here, “World Gone Mad!” In Florida a woman shot her husband just for changing the T.V. channel. – In another state a woman cut off a man’s private organ while he was asleep or drunk. She said because of his abuse. They rushed him to the hospital and was able to attach it again! – “Remember on the scripts I said, such unbelievable things would happen in the 90’s that people would have to wait to see them to believe it.”

Continuing – In the same sermon-subtitle-People can’t wait to get into trouble! A man was married to 9 wives, but they had sense enough to kick him out finally. – “Jesus said events like this would occur like the days of Noah! ” (Gen.6) – Can’t wait. – Some couples have pulled in on church property and have been seen having intercourse in late evening and even day time! – Don‘t care where! – Even at night can’t wait! – Several reports of people driving down the highway and the woman’s head would disappear into the lap of the man driving. Up for a while, then down again. (Oral sex) One couple doing this drove into a triple XVideo store. Jesus said, Sodom would be alive and working again at His return! – “Surely we can see time is short!” – Reality is slipping away, being replaced by a fantasy pleasure world!

Invention signs – A T.V report said, that people can now put on a certain kind of suit attached to a T.V. screen; and while watching will receive the feeling of sexual pleasure and all that goes with it. – “Remember the Scripts said, they would carry it even farther into the hologram type before the ending of the century!” Surely the world has gone mad! In some fundamental churches and etc they are allowing young people to have sex in their cars and vans while church services are going on inside! – Cults are carrying it a step farther, they are doing it right inside with people, serpents and different type animals and etc. – “The signs are reaching to the heights of heaven!” – Awhile back some young girls on the streets said they were whores for Jesus! And had regular services later in certain type ceremonies! – See what movies, books, magazines and Hollywood have done to increase immorality to a peak! – Jesus said, “Behold, I come quickly!” We are entering final harvest! – Some things occurring among men and woman are unprintable. – (Quote from Nightnight) – One young prostitute said, I never knew who my father was. I may even have had sex with him and never even knew it. – “The cup of iniquity is running over! As the Holy watchers report the sins of the earth to a God that already knows what is occurring!” – Even before time began on this planet. He foresaw all including the fall of man and has made a wonderful way of redemption through Christ who forgives all manner of sins! “But people must ask, repent and believe!”

Delusion – It s been reported lately by good authority that several spaceships have landed in the desert and some type personage getting out; then leaving with tremendous speed. The tracks that the spaceships left have been photographed. – Some cases men and women have been said to have carried on affairs with these creatures or people. Illusions are abounding from the heavens and upon earth. Jesus said, great signs shall there be from the heavens! – Concerning many of the things we wrote above, this Scripture seems to fit pretty well. I Tim. 4:1, Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.

Drug sign – Here is a special News article: Quote: New wave of heroin use spreading across country. – High-grade product can be used like cocaine, officials say. – Even with her striking beauty, hardly anyone seemed to notice the young model as she glided through the swarm of heroin dealers and glassy-eyed junkies on a patch of steamy pavement in Harlem. This was not her crowd, but they had what she needed and she would endure what she had to, to get her drug. She was one of the new ones, drawn to a high grade of heroin that does not need to be injected with a hypodermic needle but can be inhaled like cocaine without the slightest damage to a finely turned nose, at least in the beginning. – (The end results is the same. The life of the young is ruined; to many it’s a death sentence, life of debauchery and degradation!) – “Pray for our youth!”

Prophetic warnings – Many times in my messages here, I have told the people that this century will blow out into a fire storm! – In another message and said hot scorching winds are coming! And a few months later Calif. had the most devastating, fiery winds in its history. Many Hollywood stars lost their homes, much property damage! – These fires are God’s way of warning of the great quakes that are coming! – Each year underneath inch by inch Calif. is slipping near the sea. Soon catastrophic and giant quakes will shake her to the ground and slide it into the sea! “Take heed, all the sinful cities of the world are soon coming under God’s hand of judgment!” As by foresight, He shakes the planets and will jar the earth mightily!

Signs abound – While we are in the midst of a great apostasy cycle, we are also ending soon a great restoration cycle as heavenly rain falls on Gods elect! “And we have seen true chariots of fire over Capstone.” People have reported and photographed great wheels and other lights similar to what is shown in Ezek. chap.1 – “Truly what an amazing and glorious hour to be living in. It is a sign to us, Jesus is coming soon!” – “The door of this age is closing, and we must be ready with our lamps full of oil, and filled with power of God’s Word and spirit in order to stand up against a world that has gone completely astray and in some cases mad! “Let us pray for our nation and the youth!”

Scroll #214

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