HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 215

Prophetic Scrolls 215

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

Era of fulfillment – “The nations shall be in astonishment for the events of this age shall be unexpected and climactic! – “It shall surprise the people for they will be caught off guard. The generation that the Lord God spoke about (Matt: 24:33-35) is finishing its course up! – “The events in the next few years shall really cause the heads of the people to spin!” – The earth’s changes will be tremendous. The magnetic forces will also be acting in a different manner! Be watching for the unusual and occurrences and mysteries never seen before! “And also keeping our hearts on Jesus return at any time!” – Already some of the things that people are doing have shocked the nation just as the Scripts predicted. Some news media have said, what’s going to happen next, or have we seen it all? –“No!” The incredible and startling is still right ahead! – “This decade will produce the unbelievable in occurrences concerning the population! But yet it shall be so!” – Also while people have been caught up in a fantasy pleasure world a snare has been set and the last part of the puzzle have been set!

What a century of prophecy – As predicted hatred, greed, violence, sex and crime are abounding in a very forceful way! And all of the other events that the Scripts spoke about will add energy and fuel to Abaddon and Apollyon as they prepare the nations for Armageddon! (But first after a spell of peace and prosperity.) – International Leaders will change. And East and West Europe and most places over the world! We will be living in swift and perilous times! – “This is no time to spiritually sleep, but to be awake in the Word and prophecy! ” – “The Day Star (Jesus) is coming to every open heart and will manifest His enormous love and power to them!” Take courage, have faith! Soon time for His people will be no more! “Eternity will have a place for them!” – This is the hour of urgency, alertness and steadfastness in the spirit. Jesus words were, “be ye also ready!” – Notice the word also; meaning the very elect should not be hindered. For He says, “in an hour ye think not, the Son of Man cometh!”

Uttering prophecy – “Behold, saith the Lord, My coming is soon as many of the streams and rivers shall dry up, by drought and man’s doings! – Note: (Evidently dams & etc.) – “In other places before this, great floods and winds shall ravage the earth! Storms, quakes and hunger shall be widespread!” – Beginning of sorrows is near! Also nature and much of the land shall be spoiled. – “Yea, when mankind worsens more than they are now, and children become their own guide, not listening to man nor spirit, the Lord neareth the calling! – His own!” – Behold, even the animals and domestic ones will be filled with madness and demonic powers among the streets and etc. – And the animals and birds of the wilderness change their environment and migration routes! (Some of this is occurring now) – “Yea, the Lord appeareth!” – Yea, saith the Lord, when they shall say good is bad, and bad is good so shall this government become an abomination, likewise the people! And new sights and sounds shall there be from the heavens, and celestial wonders giving forth warnings. For they speak of My return! – When most of the church women (including fundamentals) dress, look and act like whores; I am beyond the door! – (Notice: Most of the men and women are following the trends that Hollywood and Paris has produced!) – “Yea, saith the Lord, for men shall be also like the women and what I have just spoken! – Yea, saith the Lord, Mystery Babylon the goddess shall seduce the nations, (Rev. 17) – For the people already are acting like these Scriptures (Rev. 3: 17) – Pagan Rome is rising, as illusion and witchcraft are spinning a web in her! Commercial Babylon (Rev. 18, her counterpart) shall lead the nations to a fiery ruin, as she falls and rises not again! (Vr.21) – “This is the late hour saith the Lord, and ye must do my work for these events are already creeping like a shadow across this earth!”

Continuing – “Behold, the translation is hidden in the heavens, the same as My First Coming!” But the Wise will understand! The wicked will continue in their ways despite the warning from My witnesses! (Note: Structural upsurge; new type cars for highways, new governments, greater activity like unto Sodom springs forth, fantasy replaces reality.) – “When inventions and technology take the place of wisdom and knowledge in the minds of men. When movies change in light and dimension, and become demonic; and carelessness everywhere, no peace, rest nor quietness! – “Here comes Jesus, in an hour ye think not!” – The dictator will no longer be a shadow, but wil1 rise in reality – Cults, Satanic worship; and great signs with false lights (UFO’s etc.) from the heaven appear. – When the moon gives signs and the sun produces strange and differential changes, scientists take thought. The Lord wil1 appear in clouds of glory soon!” First there was horses and chariots, then men in chariots (cars) and soon there wil1 be chariots (cars) that can guide themselves, (radar – electronic control) while men think and wonder of new evils to do! – Mankind’s path shall end where it began. – Fire from heaven and fire from men (atomic) shall destroy them from within and without.” – Note: Evidently mankind first began somewhere near the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers or area. (Rev.chaps. 9 and 16) – “All of these brief utterances and notes were given simply to let us know that the sands of time are running out in our century!” (This Scroll may seem ominous and peculiar; but it tells a true story and gives a warning to al1 indeed).

Israel – Vatican – signed an agreement to establish diplomatic ties! –“It’s the first time in history that there will be official ties between the Catholic Church and the state of Israel!”

US. and Europe – on verge of global trade agreement! – “It’s expected to pave the way for approval of the largest Trade Agreement in history! ” – New era for the economy; Newspaper said.

News caption – “Preacher Clinton dwells on family values. He preaches that many of the nation’s ills are caused by the breakdown of the family! In Washington he holds prayer – breakfast! – The pragmatic preacher in Bill Clinton has emerged in a burst of (charismatic) rhetorical fire!” – All ready the people have seen the unexpected in him! The media said he is like J.F.K. of the 60’s in a lot of ways; causing sudden and bold changes!

Continuing occurrences – Also the future shal1 be quite interesting and amazing to say the least. The unexpected is ahead for this earth. The events shall be of great magnitude – Already as the first of the year started, 7 heavenly bodies gathered together as a warning! And the year begins with a tremendous shaking as the 3rd largest earthquake in California’s history hit, stunned and terrified the Los Angeles area! (Much property damage and death) – The Scripts predicted the momentum of earthquakes there and elsewhere would increase! What a decade ahead concerning what all has been forecast. We are living in the final chapters of prophecy! Watch and pray! – (Most of this script was written before the California earthquake and the Northeast – South freeze!) 

Scroll #215

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