HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 217

Prophetic Scrolls 217

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

The desolation is near – As I looked into a sinful turning world and saw by the word of prophecy the future. What a sight lies ahead in the few years left in this decade! “The earth will be filled with the most amazing and shocking events known in history!” We will not relate all of the destruction and judgment coming across the land! (Past scripts relate most of it) – Great deception right in our own land is and will take place! The truth will be hidden from the people until it’s too late. This will also include the religious, financial and political world right to the top! Note: The president and his wife are in some kind of scandal, right at the time that we were writing this paragraph, that you no doubt have been reading about.

Continuing – Later a great structural change in our government and society, plus an upsurge in the materialistic building before the age closes! (After these recessions this nation has been going through) To some it will be unbelievable the events and the things that are in store for this nation as the whole world will be affected! After wars and rumors of wars loom for a little while. (Rev. Chap 6) The white horse of peace will prevail! (Trust to write more on this later) – “But also in this hour now God will give His children spiritual faith that they have only dreamed about preparing them for the translation!” – This is no hour to slumber, but I say unto thee awake, and be ye also ready!

In this decade – of apostasy the violence and immorality will supercede anything seen in history! So watch and pray especially for our youth and the souls that are appointed eternal life! – Quote: One Mag said, the Clinton White House is the most corrupt and depraved in our 220 year long history! By the type of appointments that they gave anti-Christians, lesbians and gays and etc. to high positions, and believe that many of these hold the reigns of political power in the Washington D.C. Capital. – I might say that in the early 60’s politicians did a pretty good job of corruption too! – “Watch the future, our nation is sliding toward the worst types of evil known in any century!”

My prophetic trip – At the time we told no one, but during the last few days of 1992 God led me to make a trip to California – When I stepped off the plane touching the ground I knew the Lord was going to reveal different things to me! We rented a car and while driving through a very sinful area, we crossed Sunset and Vine in Hollywood. We saw the place of the vision and the buildings! I noticed the streets and the buildings all go downward toward the sea! Some day like a great land avalanche through a valley, this will plunge into the great harbor of Los Angeles! The sea will overcome them! Also many parts of California will slide into the sea. One great catastrophe! Screams and horror beyond imagination will occur as people panic in utter chaos! But before this I told my son standing beside me, that a powerful major quake would take place by the ending of the following year or beginning soon after! We came home right at the beginning of ’93. (We were only gone a total of a couple of days) – I told the audience here of the trip later. Sure enough, within one year and 17 days (94) a most disastrous quake struck near the very area where the prophecy was spoken! While I stood there the Lord also revealed other things to me that we’ll write of later!

Continuing – In the 1960’s I told of the mighty cataclysm that would visit California even when scientists said there was no danger; but they have now changed their mind! – I related a little later about fire in the sea as a sign! And just lately from satellite out in the sea they have seen over 150 volcanoes on fire! – “Evidently a sign that judgment is getting closer to its appointed hour!” (The reason I’m writing this is many people have asked me to write more about this and I am) – So the trip was very prophetic and all that was foretold will take place! Evidently one of the greatest disasters of this century will not be stopped by man! – “The hour is nearing, the clock is ticking! The sin cities will reap a harvest of desolation!” – The film industry has led the world into shameful debauchery, pleasure and sins!” And it will have to pay for the deeds it has committed!”

The truth or a hoax? – In the era that we live in it is sometimes hard for people to distinguish between the real or fiction! – A Mag. article said, The faces of Jesus and Satan were seen over Texas. Supposedly stunned witnesses watched as the eerie mile-high images, materialized and hovered in the clouds as they confronted one another! Some Bible scholars said it signals the beginning of the final-earth shattering battle between good and evil. – Note: The faces do not match out, especially the Jesus that we have known! — The article that showed the repainted pictures seemed more of a hoax than anything! Some even sent the information to the Pope. – “One thing for certain, the Tribulation and Armageddon are definitely going to occur soon, but before it does there are still some events in between such as the Translation, the mark, the rising of the beast and etc! – Although it’s part truth Satan would like to confuse people in God’s timing! Jesus said, there would be signs in the heaven, and at the same time the scriptures said there would be delusion and lying signs and wonders! (II Thess.2: 4-9) – Sometimes cults grow out of things like this and present a false doctrine of half-truth and falsity! Jesus said, “Be careful some things would almost deceive the very elect!” – No doubt we will see many wonders from the heavens and among His creation many manifestations! But He will always guide His true sheep!

The age of delusion – What about this? – A Mag. article said, Time portal found over South Pole. – Incredible window in the sky will let us send people back into the past to alter history, say scientists. – This is nonsense -another hoax! Somebody has been reading or seeing too many science fiction pictures! – Scientists sent some instruments and time piece or clock up into a whirling mist and it vanished and they reeled it back out and the clock supposedly said 1963 – This evidently was either made up or someone was trying to convince that this was a reality. – What they saw was an illusion! – There have been some strange things occur at the North Pole.

Continuing – There are some amazing lights that appear in the North Pole. Some Eskimos have said that when certain colors appear in past history a great war would occur in the same decade! – Some unusual things have already been seen! If there is any facts to this it could be a war or evidently Armageddon! – The colors are supposed to be mixed with a blood red. – Now getting back to time dimensions they belong in the hands of God! He can take us backwards and forward while we are still yet in the present if need be! (by vision or etc) – Remember this dimension? Jesus allowed Satan to have power to show him (Jesus) the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time! (Luke 4:5) Right from the Roman Empire, right up through our generation to where the beast actually sets in the 8th kingdom. (II Thess. 2: 4 – Rev. 17: II) – And Satan said, fall down and worship me and I will give you all of this; but Jesus did not fall for the delusion! – “For He being the Almighty needed nothing, but to complete His Commission!” – It said, in a moment of time. But in God’s time we don’t know how long this was! But they looked through some kind of time portal or veil similar to a speedy vision!

Continuing – Be on guard for some things will be true from God, and other things will be false from Satan or just plain science fiction! Some mysterious things have occurred in the north, because that is once where Satan sat, in the sides of the North! (Isa.14: 13)

A different illusion – One final look -It was reported that the giant Hubble telescope in space that scientists sent up, has photographed a city at the edge of the Universe some say. – NASA neither denied or confirmed it. Satan can show certain things or they may have seen a mirror mirage, like one would see in the desert. God would hardly show them the Holy City before He would the elect. At least they are talking about a city, but I believe they wanted to bring out this point (the edge of the Universe) – Limit the Almighty! This is hardly possible as there is no end to the kingdom of God. (Luke 1:33) – One reason is that He is constantly creating! Another fact is the Lord said, the stars cannot be numbered or measured. (Gen. 15:5-Jer. 31:37) – Whatever they think they photographed we will just leave in the hands of the Lord! As I said before, God will reveal true things to His people, but one must be careful of deception. (I Tim. 4: I) – In other words some of these things are not coming from the proper sources! But remember Jesus will show real profound signs because His return is near! Keep a prayerful watch out. Amen! This is just a few of the many thousands of heresy occurrences to take peoples’ minds off God’s real true facts and manifestations!

Scroll #217

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