HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 219

Prophetic Scrolls 219

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

This script – will be different than usual, but it will give us an opportunity to bring out some very good, unusual and mysterious view-points! Some events occurring today cannot be explained by man, science, aeronautics or even in religious circles! “But the spirit of the Lord can and will reveal much insight concerning such subjects that cannot be understood otherwise!”

Mysterious sights – Many years ago in a section where some miners used to work and was buried in a grave site. Strange phenomenon for a long time has been taking place and cannot be explained! – “On approaching the site people would see strange little blue lights over the burial sites! As soon as they would get closer the lights would disappear! ” – Some tried to explain them as a reflection below, but this was proven wrong! Others have said U.F.O.’s have caused the phenomenon. They have tried every way they could to figure out what it is. This has been going on for decades! No one has ever proven what these lights are! – At night they can watch it for hours and as soon as they approach these mysterious lights disappear! – “We are living in an age where satanic forces can keep people dumbfounded, finally leading people off into sorcery trying to figure this bizarre occurrence out! If they had a meaning for leading people to Christ you might say they would be of some value!” The Bible says at the end of the age lying signs and wonders would take place. So we must leave it as we explained and stay with the Word! (II Thess. 2:4-9)

Ancient evidence – This is something to think about! With picture drawing and news quote: “The largest animal to ever walk the Earth is being uncovered by U.S. scientists. It is a gigantic 160-foot dinosaur! The fossilized remains of this huge creature were discovered by hikers northeast of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Scientists estimate the plant-eating reptilian giant weighed more than 55 tons. One fossilized chunk from the animal’s large backbone alone weighs 3300 pounds.” – What a mystery! –You could hardly put one of these on the Ark; so what age was it in? Evidently it was behind the age of the great void of the pre-Adamic kingdom. (Gen. 1:2) – The first creation was shown in Gen. 2:4 – Instead of saying days, “It says generations!” – Also in the renewal of the earth He told Adam and Eve to replenish the earth, (Gen. I: 28) meaning that some type of creatures had been there before the renewal of the earth! – In the great North Pole (arctic) under all of the ice one would be surprised what has been hidden by God concerning past ages! – Paul said, “Behold, I shew you a mystery!” – And this is certainly a mystery and must be left in the hands of God! After the void we know that the Adam race has only been here a little more than 6000 years. So what’s behind just leave it in the omnipotent of the Almighty!

A great mystery – but true! There is no greater wonder in the gigantic Pyramid that lies near the center of the earth with all the symbolic and inch lines! There are other Pyramids surrounding it, but its the only one that God has architectured as a sign. (Isa.19: 19) – “The Lord left it there as a sign of His coming!” -Mankind cannot understand to this day how such a wonder was built in ancient times. Inside it reveals the beginning to the end if understood properly. It seems to portray our building race will end in this century, starting a new age! (Millennium) – We have already written concerning this subject, but surely it has always been a mystery in the desert. “Lately many strange lights have been photographed over this monument evidently pointing to the return of the Lord! And warning the Arab world of a great coming war that they will be involved in.” (Rev. 16: 16, Armageddon – Dan. 11:40) 

Prophecy – The great city – New York City is built on a strip of land where water parts on both sides! “It reminds us just exactly how Old Babylon was built between 2 strips of water, the Tigris and The Euphrates!” – California is going to have its cataclysms, but New York is going to have its gigantic one too! – “Scientists now say that a great earthquake fault runs right under a certain section of New York!” – Atomic concussion will take place and evidently the fault will quake and sink it all. (Rev. 16:18-19-Rev. 18:21) – In comparison in Babylon there was a great Tower of Babel. And in New York Harbor there is the Statue of Liberty Tower given to us from France! – “Of course, all parts of Great Babylon will be destroyed worldwide!”

Prophecy fulfilling – Lets not forget the growing immorality in our capital, Washington, D.C. – “The Scripts have written that the nation`s immorality would surpass that of Rome, Sodom and Gomorrah, some of the politicians and presidents have proven this!” – “And I predicted the downfall in this generation!” Here is a witness to this and a quote from Flashpoint. – History shows us that just before the collapse of every great empire and nation-state, there comes an almost total breakdown in morals. Rampant immorality and sexual perversion always lead to a resounding fall. In Imperial (pagan) Rome, Emperors Nero, Caligula and other reprobate “Caesars” engaged in non-stop sexual orgies!” – (America is sinking into depravity. The cup of iniquity is running over! ” – Although our president and his wife often use the Bible and mention prayer, Lets pray they don’t turn into a 20th century Ahab and Jezebel. – “Another thing there is a great obelisk right across from the Capitol; the same as the obelisk in Rome! – It shows the direction that the nation will go in falsity and immorals!”)

Prophecy – another look. We would like to describe this 16th century prophecy again. “When weapons and documents are enclosed in a fish, out of it will come a man who will then make war. His fleet will have travelled far across the sea to appear near the Italian shore.” – The iron fish is a submarine with either a nuclear or some type energy weapons! But we must remember it has been said in the 1940’s, Hitler or his general traveled across to Italy to converse with Mussolini. – And World War II did break out. – “It is claimed two celestial bodies in 1995 move in the same constellation again.” It could be a dual prophecy. According to the Scripts, the celestial signs in the late 90’s show war, movement under the sea (atomic submarines) land and sky. (satellite energy weapons) – What I’m saying is the other could have already occurred, but repeat again at the end of the century with the new weapons mentioned! – Note: “There will be plenty of world crises coming in the late 90’s as the Scripts have mentioned!”

A celestial phenomenon sign – (Luke 21:25) – “Interest is picking up concerning a coming event. In May 23, 1994 issue of Time Mag. unveils a picture of Jupiter and a huge asteroid breaking up hitting it and creating fireballs. Expected to occur in July! Quote: Cosmic crash – “A shattered comet is about to hit Jupiter, creating the biggest explosion ever witnessed in the solar system! – Could it happen here on Earth? Yes. Note: Of course later asteroid fireballs will hit the earth!” “And a huge asteroid burning as a mountain of fire will strike in the sea giving forth much destruction! (Rev. 8:7-8) – (The Scripts predicted that in the 9O’s asteroids would start falling. Already small ones have hit in our sea and desert places! – Jupiter is more than 300 times larger than earth!) – Time continues – Quote: “Twenty-one mountain-size comet fragments are speeding toward the giant planet. And the chucks will continue hitting it for over a period of 6 days, trigger a spectacular celestial encounter! “Scientists say if one like it hit one of Earth’s oceans, tidal waves would deluge and destroy the closest coastlines. If it hit land, it could incinerate whole countries and kick up a cloud of dust that would blot out the sun and bring on nuclear winter! Millions, perhaps billions, of people would die! – Note: “You can count on it, during the Great Tribulation such occurrences will definitely occur! – ” Plus the earth s axis will shatter the earth in the day of the Lord!” Luke 21: 11, Jesus said, fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. – This event in July is an omen warning the earth will receive such and greater type judgments! – Note: “Jupiter is such a large planet that we will just have to wait and see what the outcome will be! 

Scroll #219

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