HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 222

Prophetic Scrolls 222

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

The mystery of Mother Shipton – She was born in July 1488 and she died in 1561 – Also she was able to predict the very hour of her death. They said that a monument marked the place of her burial, between the villages of Clifton and Shipton. It bore the following epitaph: “Here ly’s she who never ly’d, Whose skill often has been try’d. Her prophecies shall still survive, And ever keep her name alive.” These subjects should be very fascinating, much enlightenment and very informative! And I shall also add some of my futuristic prophecies and explanations of all the events! – “First we will tell of a true story that occurred in her life of foretelling! – One of the most sensational prophecies credited to Mother Shipton had to do with Cardinal Wolsey, the duke of Suffolk; and other men prominent at the court of Henry VIII. Baker describes this incident as follows: “When Cardinal Wolsey intended to remove his residence to York, she announced that he would never reach the city. The Cardinal sent three lords of his retinue in disguise, to inquire whether she had made such a prediction, and to threaten her if she persisted in it. She was then living in a village called Dring Houses, a mile to the west of the city. The retainers, led by a guide named Beasley, knocked at the door.” “Come in, Mr. Beasley, and three noble lords with you,’ said Mother Shipton. “She then treated them civilly, by setting oat cakes before them.” ‘You gave out,’ said they, ‘the Cardinal should never see York’” “”No, she replied, ‘I said he might see it, but never come to it.’ “They responded: ‘When he does come he’ll surely burn thee’. .. “Cardinal Wolsey, on his arrival at Cawood ascended the castle tower, and while viewing York eight miles off, vowed he would burn the witch when he reached there. But ere he descended the stairs, a message from the King demanded his presence forthwith, and while on his journey to London he was taken ill and died at Leicester:” “Mother Shipton” was evidently a great student of the Prophetical Books of the Bible, for in her writings she says, “Prophecy declares it so.” “She saw what was going to take place in the 20th century, or the ‘Latter Days’, She wrote it, it is thought, shortly before her death in the form of a poem.

Continuing – Quote: “A carriage without horse shall go, Disaster fills the world with woe; In London, Primrose Hill shall be, Its center hold a Bishop’s See. Around the world men’s thoughts shall fly quick as the twinkling of an eye. – And waters shall great wonders do – How strange, and yet it shall come true. – Note: Her first prophecy as we know is the automobile.” But soon our super highways will have a guiding system, computerized and etc. They have all the inventions now, it’s just a matter of time till they do it!” – (The Translation could occur at any moment soon!) – Her second line was meant World War I. – Her bottom lines spoke about radio, satellite, plus T.V. -“Speaking of great signs shall waters do is all of our electrical appliances, lights and etc.”

Continuing forecast – Then upside down, the world shall be, and gold found at root of tree; Through towering hills proud man shall ride, No horse or donkey by his side. Beneath the waters men shall walk, Shall ride, shall sleep, and even talk; And in the air, men shall be seen in white, in black, as well as green. – “The first line means that the world will actually

change so much that the world will be upside down!” Note: “This also shows men out in space looking back to earth. And that men’s thoughts today would be in reverse of her day!” – How true! – Let’s say it may also mean that the earth’s axis may tilt as the Scripts predicted! (Amos 8:9 – Isa.24: 1) –Then she foresaw the California gold rush. The next line shows trucks, and the rest reveals the submarine and aircraft!

Continuing events – A great man shall come and go, for prophecy declares it so. In the water iron shall float as easy as a wooden boat. Gold shall be found in stream and stone in lands that are as yet unknown. Water and fire shall wonders do, and England shall admit a Jew. – “This speaks about Jesus (Son of Man) coming during the age of inventions that she spoke of! – And she saw the great ships and she speaks of gold found in land unknown. This would probably still be in areas like the West Coast, etc. – Next to the last line meant the Atomic and Hydrogen Bomb. It’s strange that she mentioned the Jew in the following line, because they came up with the formula for the atom bomb. – In my opinion the atomic flame will cross the world somewhere around or by the ending of the century!”

Amazing prophecies – The Jew, that once was held in scorn, shall of a Christian then be born. A house of glass shall come to pass in England – but, alas! alas! A war will follow with the work where dwell the pagan and the Turk, The States will lock in fiercest strife, and seek each other’s life, when North shall divide the South. Then tax and blood and cruel war shall come to every humble door. – The beginning lines have proven true! “Many Jews have converted to the Christian faith and some have been given important positions in society and the control much wealth!” History has proven that the following lines have also come to pass! – Note: The latter part is significant and very correct. The prophecy was fulfilled by the Civil War that occurred in the United States!

Startling prophecies – Three times shall sunny, bloody France be led to play a bloody dance. Before the people shall be free, three tyrant rulers shall she see, each springing from a dynasty. Then, when fiercest fight is done, England and France shall be as one. The British olive next shall twine in marriage with the German vine. – History also records the first few lines of this prophecy occurred! In a moment we enter some very interesting events of our time! -Where it says England and France shall be as one! – “This came to pass when they built a transportation tunnel under the British Channel.” Script Quote: “A Mag. just reported a 250-year-old dream to link England and France comes true, as they are joined together by a transportation tunnel under English Channel! (just finished) – “How ironic the one who gave us the translation of the King James Bible – joined by a Catholic country that gave us the Statue of Liberty!” -Now known as 2 sin cities! (More on this later) Where it uses the words British olive and German vine. “This is for certain the Common Market that has come into prominence.”(In the 90’s as the Scripts predicted!)

Seeing through the corridors of the future perfectly – And now a word in uncouth rhyme of what shall be in future time; For in those wondrous, far-off days, The women shall adopt a craze dress like men and trousers wear, and cut off all their locks of hair. They’ll ride astride with brazen brow, as witches do on broomsticks now, and when their virtue shall be shorn. Wear shoes with heels like Devil’s horns. Then love shall die and marriage cease, and nations wane as babes decrease. Then wives shall fondle cats and dogs. And men live much the same as hogs. – Here she was describing the very styles that came in this century! Many women wear high heel shoes that go to church, but they have salvation and are not out in the world. “Then Mother Shipton was simply bringing out that the immorality would be very terrible! She would bring out the points of abortion, the wrong use of nature and etc. – The waning of babies in many instances during the last decades. Planned Parenthood and etc. The Scripts carried it farther. And we are living in the days beyond Sodom with even more to occur! She surely had foresight nearly 500 years in advance!” – “The Scripts went beyond these years ago predicting a sensuous X-rated society advancing into open view!” – When speaking of brazen brow, witches and broomsticks she was bringing out a harlot look! – Also the men would wallow in sin!

Continuing – Men shall walk beneath and over streams – fulfilled shall be our strangest dreams. All England’s sons that plow the land shall oft be seen with Book in hand. The poor shall now great wisdom know, and water wind where corn doth grow – Great houses stand in farflung vale, all covered o’er with snow and hail. – She saw modern bridges and tunnels under streams where men would walk over and underneath them. She also saw the great educational push coming! She also saw the building of great houses and castles in England!

Continuing – In nineteen hundred twenty-six, build houses light of straw and sticks, for then shall mighty wars be planned and blood shall flow in every land. When pictures seem alive with movements free. When boats like fishes swim beneath the sea, When men like birds shall scour the sky; Then half this world, deep drenched in blood shall die. But those who live to see all this through, In fear and trembling this will do: – Mother Shipton gave the date 1926 of the way the building would be! –”She said great wars were beginning to be planned!” This was Adolf Hitler’s World War II and other wars to follow! She also showed during this period the Hollywood production of motion pictures on the big screen, plus T.V. – She definitely saw the modern atomic submarine! “By mentioning blood would flow in every land this would even take in Armageddon!” – She mentioned modern aircraft and half the world drenched in blood. Also she spoke of all that saw this through with fear and trembling would near a terrible holocaust that would occur in this century! – So we see as England said all that she ever said came and will come true! Some called her a witch, but she was a prophetic student of the Bible! Her prophecies were very similar to the Bible. Evidently she felt this generation would bring all to pass! And I also believe that it will! – “Her writings have stood the test, so we did this to clear up any confusion about her faith in God!”

Scroll #222

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