Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
Mysterious age – This Scroll is exposing and unveiling all type prophecies breaking forth! – Like the cults, Virgin Mary visions intertwined in sorcery, witchcraft, numerical symbolism, science and ufo’s. All type of the true and false are now manifesting! Just as the Scripts predicted in the 90’s we would see a craze of religious fervor of all kinds including idols, crystal and devil worshippers; strange rituals producing false doctrine! The worshipping of goddesses and gods seem to spring up all over the earth according to reports! We will not be able to list all, but we will shew forth some of the topics and then some true prophecy! One thing for certain it seems that even many of the false are declaring a world catastrophe soon. This is to confuse the people into the false cults and into Babylon!
Different prophetic highlights – The Chinese zodiac, which repeats five times before the great cycle of 60 years has passed. – “Also they use the number 60 and evidently claim that their cycles will run out after 6000 years, which some believe will be around the year 2000. Note: Also it is said from some of the Jewish believers of old times that they’ve always contended that the age of man will be put in the hands of God after 6000 years. And they claim that it could occur at any time in this decade! – “You might say that the world has been given an hour of grace because we are in a transition period and the elect are preparing to leave!” – Some other information declares through Jesus Christ teachings and hidden words that His return would be before the passing of the century. Although they were wrong about many of His doctrines, they seem to be close to the truth on this subject.
Prophetic numericals – Now this has something to do with science. It is claimed the ancients said that every 60 years that the sun passing through a cycle producing a change of the weather patterns, storms and etc. Of late scientists have found out that the sunspots activity pick up every 11 and 22 years bringing quakes, storms and devastation! And the world is entering in the midst of these phases now! More on this later) – Note: I predicted the latest Asian and Japan devastating quakes. (Jan. ’95) – Also I foretold that Japan will sink in our generation! – “Also great quakes will continue in Asia, the Mideast, around the world passing through the Latin nation, South America & etc.” – And coming powerful ones on the USA Western section and coast of California.
Misrepresenting visions – In some of the same literature of different cults, they said that Ezekiel was told to eat a Psychedelic roll (scroll) and prophesy. Claiming that it was a type of drug producing the strange visions that he saw. We know this to be completely foolishness! – “He did eat a roll; (Ezek. 3: 1-3) but the spirit of God moved up on him and he saw the future of Israel and the ending of the age! He saw God’s fascinating wheels and cherubic patrollers and Holy Watchers!” (Ezek. chap.1) – He also saw the cataclysmic war of the ages (Ezek. chap. 38) wherein Gog is mentioned. “This leader is alive and I believe will be in position in this decade!” – This same group said concerning the apocalypse given to St. John by Jesus. Evidently also thought he had eaten a Psychedelic book – ‘roll Greek Rendering’ (Rev.10: 9-10) and saw the fantastic visions of the ending of civilization and the beginning of the millennium)… “The Bible says the spirit of God moved on John and he foresaw the Church Ages, the coming of the Lord for the elect! (Rev. chap. 4) -Then he foresaw the return with them in Rev. chap. 19 – John foresaw Armageddon and the Great Day of the Lord and etc.! – I believe and so do certain ministers and my opinion is that it will occur in this generation! And my opinion is that this generation is reaching its climax and not too far hence from now! Note: “Blessed be the Lord Jesus the God of our salvation, for soon our eyes shall behold him in all His glory. In the twinkling of an eye, we will be gone!”
Complete nonsense – (Debauchery) – In the ancient world spread over different parts of the East was a form of religious rites called the Delphi Oracles. These took place in various ways! In olden times, they even found that Israel had partaken of this type of religion. One such manner that it was used in was brought out in history and book research was that the rich, elite and important people would go underground in large cravens and held theater style ritual plays! Their goddess type women would come out on a stage like place, bare in sight of the audience. Then several priests would speak in various type tongues. Also behind the woman sitting in a chair was a unclothed man and at a certain point of the rituals the woman would back up and set down (you know where) up on the man, and begin to speak in strange languages and prophesy various things and events of sort to the delight of the audience! – (In our time it would be called an X-rated movie or theater) – Satan made all of this actually a mockery of the real Holy Spirit that was to be poured out later in history! (Acts 2:4) – They actually found a statue that revealed the position of the man and woman commemorating the false worship of that past age! – It has been noted that some of these same things are occurring again, the goddess, witchcraft and sorcery! – We are living in days exceeding Sodom and Gomorrah!
Science confirms the scripts – Men have just found out that our solar system has a great effect not only upon the planets, but concerning the weather and earth movements also! And we quote: Sunspots reflect major changes in the Sun’s magnetic field, which affects every planet in the solar system. They can ruffle the usual calm of the ionosphere, a layer of atmosphere 200 miles above the surface of the Earth composed of ions and charged particles. It affects radio waves and etc. This spotlights the Scripts! – Quote: The changes in the electromagnetic field of the sun also affect the magma under the Earth’s crust or lithosphere, producing additional stresses and strains which can only be released by earthquakes, sometimes volcanic activity, and slippage of one tectonic plate against another. Such events often need only a tiny trigger for the stresses will have already built up to a point where a small additional stress will cause a major catastrophe, like the San Andreas fault slip in California in 1906. (Incidentally, this occurred after 2 heavenly bodies conjuncted.)
Continuing – Note: In 1995, a tilted heavenly body (Uranus – the telescope reveals it always had rings and body tilt). It moves in the Constellation of Aquarius and remains about 61/2 years. “God has given us a sign that this portrays the earth is going to tilt on its axis and cause a great axis shift leveling mountains and cities! In my opinion this should occur by or shortly after the century ends! “Also I forecast look for more deadly earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the next few years ahead!” – Plus 1996 will have some tremendous effects on nature in every great way. – And to the sunspot cycles will reach a peak by 1999 (science data) – But the Scripts have been years ahead of science! – “And the California reckoning is not far off! And by the end of the century the world should expect crop failures all over the earth!” (I’m not scaring people, the Holy Spirit is trying to warn the nations of the deadly and accurate judgment ahead!) – “The powerful apocalypse looms just ahead!” – Oh, yes just look at Japan’s deadliest earthquake in more than 70 years, Jan. ’95 thousands dead! – Note: Jesus definitely confirms the above effects! (Luke 21:25)
Strange and various prophecies – Lately there has been an explosion in witchcraft, sorcery, crystal stones, physics in giving forth predictions! And the Virgin Mary Visions and etc. Note: I told the audience here that soon the magnetic forces would wobble the planets and this earth would crack, tilt and move back and forth! It will scatter the materialist, Babylon and the people! Like this Scripture Isaiah 24: 1, 20 – Perhaps later there are many other type occurrences that we will list. – But the people that released one of these books without taking sides with all the differential forecast said after their observation it seemed to them that a great catastrophe will definitely take place by the year 2000 concerning civilization!
Real insight appearing – II Peter 1:19, We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts
Prophetic witness – We print from the end of Scroll 187 – Continuing – Also Psalms 100 ends the century… new things beginning like the Millennium then vr. 5 ends with, his truth endureth to all generations! Notice we started in Ps. 90 with the word generation and we complete the cycle with the same word all generations! The years 2001-3 should be the most total and creative change the earth has seen in 6000 years! Truly He sitteth between the cherubims to rule. The earth is in His hands completely. His people exalt Him in joy!” Amen.
I told the audience here that my opinions concerning the end of the age would not miss very many months one way or another. But prophecy will definitely take place!
Scroll #226