Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
THE AWESOME AND MAGNIFICENT CREATION – Oh how beautiful the hosts of the heavens are! “I believe there are Universes within Universes that the Most High hath brought into existence with His eternal wisdom!” The Bible said the heavens cannot be measured. (Jer. 31 :37) – The Scriptures say the heavens declare the glory of the Lord. Ps. 19 reveals immense insight! – Many people are ignorant or have not took a deep lookconcerning these valuable and vital subjects. This Script will be different,interesting and should be fascinating shedding light and bringing forth secrets and hidden facts into understanding by the Holy Spirit. – We shall also bring out the point that they are prophetic and associated to signs as Jesus said so Himself! (Luke 21:25) – But besides this we will bring out many other important facts!
FOREKNOWLEDGE – Way back in the eons of time we don’t have words to describe how long ago in eternity it was! But the Lord of Hosts always foreknew us. And at the proper moment. Like a great cocoon spawning out of God’s mind and in the mist of His presence all of us were foreknown and came at His appointed time since Adam. Many Scriptures reveal this. One of them is Eph. chap. 1 – And here is another one Job 38:6-7, His chosen was with Him when He laid the foundations of earth’s corner stone. When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
GOD’S MANIFOLD CREATION – Now we shall begin to discuss about how stars were and are created. Evidently in the awful gulf of space in different dimensions every creation of God is different, awesome and beautiful as the spirit has revealed to me! Man can also confirm even millions of light years away that the gases in the nebulas art; forming new lights. – Nebulae are where stars and planets are born. – Also a nebula is a giant cloud of gas and dust in space. Some glow with light of their own or with light reflected from nearby stars! – Scientists marvel about the great Nebula in the constellation Orion. – They’ve looked inside with their telescopes. It was so magnificent they said it was like sparkling lights and God Himself surrounded by millions of angels! What a mystery! “We know it is just God’s beautiful lights of His creative glories!” And there are other sights even beyond the imagination of man in the deep mysteries of God’s splendorous wonders which are without number!
VARIOUS HEAVENLY CREATIONS – For acts, duties and signs Comets are big, dirty snowballs several miles across that orbit the Sun. They spend most of their time far away, near the outer limit of the solar system, but every few years a bright one zooms close to the Sun! As it approaches, the snowball gets hotter and begins to melt. A dust tail grows, formed from dust particles in the melting ice. The tail is millions of miles long and so thin that you can see stars through it. (Scientists data) Scientists have watched and certain comets do have a meaning. Leaders have risen and fallen during the appearances. Such as Julius Caesar and some modern day leaders and etc. 1986-87 Halley’s Comet arrived. The time that it appeared before this was just before World War I. So evidently some were about the ending of the century a great war will explode! Preceding it was an assassination of a president and the 1906 earthquake! – Many comets are appearing in the 90’s. – “Some did when Christ came the first time and so shall it be again in our time!” -Also the beast power should be ruling between now and the ending of the century! – Jesus Himself in The Scriptures give note to these heavenly signs! (Luke 21:11, 25) – Before the ending of 1999 shall be some mighty star shower flashes to earth!
CONTINUING – A Generation of Eclipses – And they are continuing in the 90’s… A lunar eclipse is when the earth’s shadow is cast upon it. -A solar eclipse is when the moon passes between the sun and the earth! “During the tribulation will occur strange wonders!” The moon will turn to a deep fiery red blood, and the sun will be an eerie type of black! Great sights and enormous events occur after the signs. (Rev. 6: 12) – “An awesome eclipse takes place just before Armageddon in association with heavenly bodies that are conjuncting in strange ways!” Also omens and various sign types will be seen ending the century and shortly after! Besides this gigantic asteroids that are made out of broken planets or star parts like a burning mountain will crash into the sea and upon the earth! Star fragments will fall hitting many areas of the earth and sea! Jesus Himself confirms this. (Matt. 24:29) – “Some of these will fall before and greater ones will fall after the sun and the moon sign that we spoke about above!”
HE SITTETH UPON THE CIRCLE OF THE EARTH – (Isa 40:22 says.) This shows us the earth is round similar to a circle. Surrounding the Earth is a region where plants and animals live. This layer of life is called a biosphere. it reaches from deep in me ocean, where fish swim, to high in the sky where birds fly. – Note: Also the earth is surrounded by magnetic forces! The Lord will send a space energy wobble through the planets and the earth will tilt back and forth on its axis as they shift. And this Scripture will take place. (Rev. 6:14) Also the earth is surrounded by a shield that protects us from some of the harmful sun rays! It is breaking a part now. And as we near the end of this decade a huge crack will open and scorch men. (Rev. 16:8-9) The Bible tells us of this shield. (Ps. 47:9 – Ps. 84:11)Two mighty prophets will call fire to come upon the earth like the above. (Rev. 11:3-6) – One can hear their footsteps coming already! – Note: “This earth will see hot and powerful moving winds! At the same time there will be in this decade chilling winds. Some will be great whirlwinds reaching speeds of over 500 miles per hour! – “Some winds have already reached over 300 miles per hour as clocked in Japan! As the heavenly forces shakes the foundations of the earth this could even increase to a faster movement.
CONTINUING THE HEAVENS – God created the beautiful and marvelous Milky Way. At night by binoculars you can see a silvery band of light stretching across the sky. You realize that this band is actually the light from millions of distant stars. “We call it the Milky Way, and it is part of the galaxy in which we live!” – It’s a collections of stars (billions) and it is shaped like a disk with spiral arms. – Scientist have not even figured out this part of the heavens let alone the rest.
CONTINUING – Different types – Quasars are new born stars. And in deep space, literally millions are being created all of the time and expanding! While other stars millions of years old are slowly dying and collapse as some say leaving black holes where not even light can escape! – “Jesus spoke of places called outer darkness where actually fallen souls are kept. He has spoke in another place where rebellious angels are chained under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.” (Jude 1 :6) – He also spoke of some types of people as wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever. (vr. 13) – Now on a better note. Rev. 12: 1-5 the Lord shows the glorious woman clothed with the sun and the moon at her feet, with a crown of 12 stars similar to the Magi forecasting her seed in John’s futuristic visions! Vr. 5, shows the elect caught up; and the other verses shows the Tribulation saints! The 12 stars upon her head reminds us of the 12 constellations in the heavens. Although it does represent something else. Probably the 12 apostles. – Few people know this but Isa. 13: 10 speaks not only of the stars, but also of the constellations! – Job 38:32 calls the 12 constellations Mazzaroth, the circle of figures and animals that circle around and outside of the earth! As the sun and the moon transit them. According to Ps. 19 and Luke 21:25 they can give forth good or ominous signs and warnings and portents of the future from God! Also there are a group of stars and within them are 7 beautiful stars called the Pleiades (Job. 38:31) in Scriptures! And it speaks of their sweet influences! – Besides these different locations the sacred Word tells us of the bottomless pit. (Rev. 11:7 – Rev. 17:8) And of hell and evidently beneath the earth in some area! – It also speaks of the lake of fire as a type of finality somewhere. (Rev. 19:20) – “And opposite of this in the great dimensions of the heavens God not only has Paradise, but beautiful paradises for His chosen people to see!”
A GLANCE AT HOW GOD WORKS IN OUR GALAXY – The heavenly bodies have a story to tell. They are witnesses providing us with knowledge concerning God’s eternal will and purpose! Concerning the creation of the heavens we read in Gen. 1:14, “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.” This Scripture is in perfect accord with the science. The rotation of the Earth determines our days, the orbit of the Earth around the sun determines our years, and the tilting of the Earth on its axis determines our seasons! Not only is this in harmony with Scripture, but the Word of God states that all planets, moons, stars, galaxies, and clusters are for signs! There is not a planet, moon, asteroid, or comet that does not have its own place in the universal blueprint designed by the Creator! – Note: Many galaxies, including our own, look like a spinning wheel of stars in space. Astronomers call this a “spiral” galaxy. – Also there is a full moon about ever 2901 days. Also a woman’s menstrual cycle is about the same. So many revolutionary cycles of the sun and the moon and Jesus will return again! – Finally Dan. 12:3 said that the elect would shine in brightness like the stars forever and ever. The wise!
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