HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 233

Prophetic Scrolls 233

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

The question – Is the Church Age really ending? Yes! – “The signs, the wonders and events from every corner of the globe are literally showing us it certainly is and shall do so swiftly!” – Also in the very beginning of Genesis to the very end of our age was told in various ways! One that most through the ages have used, is God worked 6 days and rested on the 7th day which would be the millennium of our time! Each day as a thousand years as unto the Lord. (II Peter 3:8) – But also it has been 6000 years since the days of Adam. Prophetically we are over time, but God has given an hour of grace and we are in a transition period! “The Gentile church is ready to be Translated and the two witnesses under the Lord’s leading are preparing to appear in Israel!” The budding of the Fig tree is about over; the Jubilee is coming in this century for the Jews! So we see we are in the latter times, and a very short period of time ahead until all will be finished! – Watch and pray! – “Look up your redemption is near!”

We are living in the most mysterious hour of strange and unexpected events! A period of high voltage is coming! God will move on His children quickly as Satan energizes his systems towards a world dictator! – “The Covenant will be signed in this century!” – The prince of darkness will rise. He will be full-fledged by 1998-99, but will be working even before this! He is on the scene and ready to be revealed at the proper moment! – God’s people are entering an era of the likes which they have never seen! On both sides, the spiritual and materialistic false side. – “Great Babylon is spinning her wheels drawing all nations into her religious and world trade!” Rev. chaps 17 and 18 will burst wide open in what they are going to do. Every Christian now should be careful and make every moment count for the Lord Jesus! The angel of light is already working among the organized churches. Hot and cold are mixing, the hot mostly on cold grounds. And they will become lukewarm and God will spew them out of his mouth. (Rev. 3: 16)

Technology, science and inventions – are coming forth in leaps and bounds! With the most unusual inventions that have ever been seen! – 1995 revealed some. A new wave will hit in these later years! – They have one such machine that can diagnose sick cases, detect whither one has pain or not, and how much stress or weight the body can lift. It can depict whither one is telling the truth about where they hurt and more things, etc. – The government and other companies are looking into this new scientific approach! – More inventions beyond this are coming that is going to lead to Rev. 13:16-17 – Also they have new satellites which can detect almost anything on the earth including rare metals, oil, quake zones, weather and etc.

Immorality – has become beyond mortal conception even in our nation! All one has to do is pass by any Magazine rack in the department stores and bookstores where they can see literature that they use to have to buy in the back streets and adult stores… Here is a few title list on the front of the Magazine covers given to us. Sex – acts – details on what men like most. – Love and lust and no regrets! – How to get yourself in the mood for great sex. – Happy and healthy sex and hot sex, etc. – And on the same type magazine covers, and we quote. “Nymphomaniac finds man who satisfies her after 58 previous lovers!” – No, she probably has not found the one. The eye and the flesh and hell are never satisfied seeing and doing! – “Unless such a one finds Christ there seems to be no hope in certain cases!” – The USA is going through a revolutionary stage in their change of sexual morality which the Scripts foresaw nearly 30 years ago! – Also there is a regular epidemic even among the 10 – and 12-year-olds and the teenagers! Plus sorcery and witchcraft are growing in electronics that lead to illicit material. – “Again let us pray fervently for our youth! For this outbreak of immorals is affecting almost every family’s children upon the earth!” – Our society a few years ago was X-rated type. Now it is in a XX – and the next few years will enter a XXX. – And during the Tribulation even this will double. The beast nature will surely control the masses even beyond the Romans and Sodom! – “Jesus said, a flame of destruction would follow!”

“Future – travailing sign – The weather will have the most unusual pattern and changes in this century that we have seen in history! The way the storms and winds act will be differently than in the past… concerning cities and crops and velocity. “It will be so strong that people, cars and even animals will be swept away.” Cyclonic tornadoes and typhoons will be record-breaking in this decade becoming worse as the axis shift. Volcanic eruptions will continue throughout the century affecting the tradewinds from the poles, sea and land! – The magnetic forces of lightning and thunder will increase and on the other hand great droughts and famine will plague the century! Hot burning winds in the summer, chilling howling windstorms in the winter as the century closes out with parched grounds everywhere! Awesome, perplexity and terrifying times between now and ending of century! – “God’s celestial signs in the heavens will forewarn of these coming catastrophes!”

The approaching prince of darkness – A mysterious one (a false god) has already risen, and will be revealed at the appointed time as the masses are caught in a snare as he uses phenomenal magic, lying sorcery and new witchcraft type of ways shrouded in illusion! – The trends above reveal that Armageddon is not far off.

Significant world shaking event – “In September 1995, tremendous prophetic events begin to occur!” At the opening of the month was a great event and at the ending of the month was another one! – “According to the evidential signs the atmosphere is getting just right and ripe for the covenant to be confirmed by a sinister deceiver!” – (Dan. 9:27) – Here is some more startling information. The Scripts predicted that would happen in the 90’s. And we quote: News article – In another milestone toward peace, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO chief Yasser Arafat signed a historic agreement Thursday ending Israel’s military occupation of West Bank cities and laying the foundation for a Palestinian state. – “Chapter by chapter, Jews and Arabs are writing a new history for their ancient lands,” Pres. Clinton said. – And he knows and is speaking of Bible prophecy moving forward! The newspaper shows a picture of Mr. Rabin and Mr. Arafat shaking hands on the peace pact as Pres. Clinton stands between them. – Israel said they would never give up the West Bank, but now they seem willing to. (There still seems to be many pitfalls) But whither they do or not prophecy will be fulfilled.

Great signs in the heavens – As was predicted! A magazine said a new wave of lights hit Texas. And as you know we spoke about droughts in places and floods, etc. – “As said before, all of these things point towards the coming of a new money system under electronic control before this century closes! Evidently producing probably a new cashless society leading to a code of false worship as they sell their souls to survive in a world gone mad in a delusion of idols and fantasy worshiping a god of imitation!” – The Scripts predicted signs would increase in the heavens, here is just one case out of many where an incredible sign was given in the heavens! And we quote from the Newspaper: Fireball lights up sky – and switchboards. – A tremendous bluish-green flash of light, apparently from a blazing meteor, illuminated the night sky over a 400-mile area from Michigan to New York state. It was also seen over Canada. Strange indeed! The paper showed a beautiful picture as it was moving with tremendous speed. It was going across the earth rather than falling! Very unusual occurrence! I predict that you can look for more amazing signs from God’s heavens!

Israel in the headlines – What a startling occurrence confirming and paralleling the end of the age prophecy. As the budding of the Fig Tree is blooming into fullness. It is the very time clock revealing Jesus is coming in this generation! Sometime during this period ahead Israel will sign the covenant that Daniel the prophet spoke of; and that the Scripts said would occur no doubt in this decade! Now here is a special news bulletin of importance leading into prophetic events during the period spoken of and even more so afterwards! And we quote the article – Jerusalem plans huge celebration! – Celebrations marking the 3,000th anniversary of Jerusalem’s designation as capital of King David’s kingdom will begin September 4 with performances, exhibitions, conferences and galas that will continue through January 1997. After an opening ceremony at the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, Franco Zeffire1li will direct a spectacle of sight and sound -music, fireworks and laser lighting. The Valley of the King, on the site of the City of David, outside the Old City’s walls, will open as Jerusalem’s major archaeological garden.

So you see we are rushing toward the 21st century. Harbingers of many things coming as we close this decade entering apocalyptic events! A great fire storm before or afterwards will introduce them into the 21st century. – “God’s pendulum swings not only for Israel, but the world in coming crises and judgment!” – Even the rest of this century will be terrible calamities of every facet! – Even now as the elect cry out, God will hear them speedily. (Luke 18:7-8) 

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