Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
Mysterious and unbelievable latter century – In other words if told now some would not believe what is going to occur in the future! “We are living in an age of wonder, amazement, fantasy, and yes, even reality concerning science, technology, medicine and inventions!” Their knowledge is occurring in leaps and bounds as Dan. 12:4 says. Super intelligence will be breaking forth at a greater speed daily. Things are coming beyond human comprehension. Fallen angels will reveal secrets to mankind that have been hidden! Satan will reveal dark secrets to the wicked and unbelievers! Society also will be changing very rapidly in different manners in thought and actions! “Behold, saith the Lord mankind is about to be swept away in amazement and wonder by an evil prince of subtlety. His promises, propaganda and dreams will turn them into man worship!”
Continuing prophecy – Because of such upheavals in nature, violence and bloodshed, starvation, famine and great shakings will cause mankind to look for a superhuman leader. “And they will receive because of their perplexity and for protection a false prince of delusion!” Plus dark lured orgies mingled with idols and images and satanic rituals will be forerunning the coming of the beast power! But it within itself will come as an angel of light. While speaking of peace will be promoting lawlessness, murder and sin underneath! The worst has not yet been seen that shall appear! “As we put all of this together you have the making and foreshadowing of world catastrophe in judgment!”
Continuing future – We are entering the age when men are understanding dark sentences and a new type of knowledge never given before in this fantastic hour! I preached a sermon concerning the Electronic Brain, in the 70’s. It is now coming to pass! Mankind is now using cybernetics in radar, electronic computer chips and soon will enter into the Internet worldwide computer network and cyberspace. Here is what the dictionary says about the word – Cybernetics – The comparative study of the control system formed by the nervous system and brain and mechanical electrical communications system, such as computing machines. – Cybernetics is being intermingled and is similar to the human brain in its operation. We are getting nearer each day to this scripture. (Rev. 13:13-16) This scripture seemingly seems something will be implanted (chip-mark) in the skin. Anyway this all has a three-dimensional digital aspect (more on this later.) Science has now said it has produced a camera that everyone will want. It is a digital camera that you use without film. They released a magazine that said man is swiftly moving into the 21st century. It foretold of societies preferences. They showed a man in a car without a steering wheel and etc. In my opinion as they pass into the 21st century they are going to be in the world’s greatest war! “I predicted mankind will continue to invent incredible energy weapons and other things that are hidden will come to light. I predicted that mankind will use magnetic forces, lasers and different types of light rays will be used in future medicine mingled with cybernetics and electronics!” This is just a tip of the iceberg. Super science is springing forth everywhere as Dan. 12:4 predicted in the latter times (now).
God’s moving as men sleep – Right in the midst of apostasy. He is preparing his true children, then suddenly will move like lightning to finish it in the last outpouring as our harvest work is finishing. “Behold, saith the Lord, summer is ending and I will give unto the wise the understanding of the hour! For it is late midnight and the cry is going forth, go ye out to meet Him! For a flaming light of the Holy Spirit shall lead thee directly to your proper position in my will saith the Lord of Host!” Amen! Let’s make every day count for our Lord Jesus! We need no great witness to know that suddenly it will be over with! “I might say the angels and Holy Watchers are quickly moving from heaven to earth in lights, because the cup of iniquity is full. And God is soon to give this world over into the hands of an evil system!”
Prophetic earth warnings – God is preaching through nature as the earth, under the sea and upon the ground is spewing fiery volcanoes! God is forewarning that man is headed for atomic holocaust and lake of fire (Isa. 24:6). Travailing nature and weather the likes we have never seen before and shall never see again in this century as this planet breaks up into near collapse as God will intervene in and crossing this century! Also the heavens are and will be forecasting ominous signs and great sights! During the period we spoke of two heavenly bodies will change their positions followed by a great alignment of planets! (heavenly lights) And then shall come the great earth shaking axis tilt as the cities, earth, mountains and hills are leveled! “For behold, saith the Lord God, Babylon and the peoples sins have reached the heights of heaven! As the Lord thy God thunders the earth will shake and roll, tilt back and forth! Jesus shadow shall cross the earth, a dark day as the Scripture says, the sun shall go down at noon!” (Amos 8:9)
Spiritual significant phenomenon – As long as I live I will not forget this experience God gave me one afternoon! As I was sitting in the car I noticed birds along the wall and on the wall quite a distance away. And I looked and saw one on the end of the roof of the house. I was thinking about God’s creation and how it is travailing and I said to myself, little bird you prove the Creator and the Lord’s soon return! – And I saw all of the animals in the sea and on the land and what’s taking place. I glanced up and saw some white clouds flow by and watched the trees so tenderly waving in the wind! “I said to myself, like the Holy Spirit telling me all of this is like God is soon calling His children home to be with Him!” And to myself I replied, but right now I don’t have anyone to preach this message to (because it was coming as a message and later on I did preach a message on the subject). All of a sudden right in front of me a little sparrow landed on the mirror of the car where I was sitting. Puffed out its chest and tilted its little head back and forth and began to chirp just like it was talking to me and it was looking right at me as if to give forth a message of what I was thinking! “It was as if the Lord was saying to me and all my partners that He is coming soon and is preaching through nature here and all that are occurring today!” What an unforgettable sign, it is absolutely the truth. The Lord often used animals in the Bible. “A dove appeared when Jesus was baptized!” And the ravens came right up to Elijah and fed him and he went away in a chariot. And I was sitting in a chariot (car). Soon we shall go! Oh yes, another person saw this occur. Oh what a startling, and marvelous wonder! “God loves His people! He is calling us. Be ready!”
Dynamic movement in power – Right in the midst of apostasy and the worst wickedness and debauchery that this world has ever seen! God is gathering His wheat while men sleep! Immediately He is putting in the sickle for this hour! “Behold, saith the Lord the lion is thundering, the latter rain pours as prophecies are shedding their true light! The eagle is on fire as he shoots forth his fiery spirit. Behold saith the Lord as I brought Israel out on eagles wings of power, I shall also bring forth My elect and set them forth in heavenly places! Those that humble themselves I shall exalt in the wisdom and secrets of My Word and anointing!” (Acts 2:4) Praise the Lord for He has not forgotten His real true believer! – “Be ye also ready and watching!”
The earth out of balance – The earth is changing significantly. According to a science topic it said, the coming plagues and new diseases. In Ps. 82:5, it says the earth’s foundation is out of course. The magnetic poles are gradually shifting. Fire is shaking greatly in the center of the earth! The tectonic plates under the sea are slowly moving the continents for coming upheavals! This planetary pollution is taking its toll the same as the volcanic eruptions are affecting our weather along with other things bringing tremendous changes in nature’s cycle patterns! The sun spots are causing and will cause powerful heat waves and frigid storms, winds, rain, and etc. “Sin and rejection of the true God has caused the earth to be out of balance just like in the days of the flood! And Jesus said it would be so! Now scientists are confirming the Scriptures and the Scripts that foretold of it in this decade! “Behold saith the Lord, today is the day of salvation!”
Dark sun hovering – blackout the decade – After the white horse of false peace and the horse of bloodshed shall come the bruised black horse as one rendering the rider of famine, starvation and cannibalism followed by the pale horse as he cast her shadow across the planet turning the 20th century into a nightmare! Only half has been told yet of what is to appear. God’s vials fall afterwards (Rev. Chap. 16) “Now is the elects hour, it will be too late to witness afterwards! Yea, the Lord saith, it is supper time, the invitation has been sent out. Many are too busy to hear it. It will soon end!”
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