Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
The most significant age in prophecies – Shattering events have been covering the globe the last few years and it will increase into 1996-97. – Scriptural prophecies given thousands of years ago are now occurring in their final stages! Also the Scripts prophecies have covered every facet blending with the Word! – “It predicted a covenant will be signed in this age and it will be, and that assassinations would pick up momentum on world leaders and it did!” It was unusual but even bullets were fired at the White House several times this past year! – “This is definitely the time that all the elect should band together and prepare to be translated!” We are entering more severe and perilous times ahead.
Here is some good news – Right in the midst of the worst immorality and apostasy that we have seen God is doing a quick short work giving us an outpouring like thunder bolts of fire on His people! – “Dynamic miracles and healings are occurring to the masses!”
Continuing outlook and facts – It was wonderful to watch how our T. V. programs and publishing stirred up the other ministers all over and they are more fervent and crying out Jesus is returning very soon! Many came right out and said in this century! – “My definite opinion is the church age will end in this decade and soon!” – The charismatic ministers and politics are causing quite an effect on our two parties of change! “And like I have predicted definite great changes and surprises are going to come in 1996-97.” – Be watchful. Politics and religion will definitely take on strange and a different twist than we have ever seen! Plus our money system will go into a cashless (or almost) society in the years ahead! The things the Scripts prophesied years ago are happening all around us as a warning to prepare! -I don’t want my writings to seem like dooms day! – “The Christians will receive persecution, but God is going to give the most comforting of the Holy Spirit they could ever imagine as the dark shadows are forecasting the coming of awesome events bringing society, nature and technology to a peak!” – But still yet some Evangelists are trying to be more liberal to reach the masses (and they should have a witness) but wisdom must be used and they had better be careful. Because like a flashing of light the elect will be caught up and the remaining masses will be caught in the tribulation. – Rev. chap. 12 gives a very good prophetic look not only of the past, but into our very present time plus the future into Armageddon. (Rev.16: 16)
Advancing events – In one of the store Magazine racks a startling view leaped forth. On the front cover of one of the magazines showed a man’s arm with a type of mark (possible computer) and words that said, U.S. citizen approved for work in USA. – The article was titled identity crisis! – “This was only in symbolism, but God is revealing that just around the comer crises will force them into the dreaded seal of alliance to world government and religious mark!” – Some of the most exciting and yet ominous events are just coming into view in the short period ahead.
Prophetic cycles – The lines of the Great Pyramid that started possibly 5000 years ago have inched their way through history on the lines of the pyramid! – “They are now reaching the end of their cycles and proclaim by the end of 2001 a total new world emerges out of chaos!” The cycles of the Scripts closing out in this century and crossing over into the 2lst century. (see bottom of Scroll #187) – According to Luke chap. 21 and Matt. chap. 24, Jesus words gave us clues to the end of the age!
The heavenly bodies – in our galaxy are moving in a formation! Some of the outer bodies in a final move for our century while the others are still in conjunction, pointing and giving forth signs! – “They also are proclaiming this century is the most important in events in 6000 years, except for the first coming of Christ!” – They are also spelling out a new age is springing forth in the 21st. century! These cycles tell us our age is concluding! – The earth is now travailing beneath, upon and above! – Behold, the 4 elements shall pick up momentum!” – Earth, fire, water, wind (air) – plus diseases, pestilence shall creep across the nation increasing throughout the 9O’s. We are living in the apocalyptic era! “We can hear the sounds of Rev. chap. 6 as the death rider of the horses appears!”
The commotion about angels – While the visions of the Virgin Mary is occurring there is great activity in the spiritual concerning true and false angels in the world and will pick up momentum! And indeed the Scriptures speak of true angels working in God’s harvest!” An illustration is shown in the net parable. (Matt. 13:47-50) – Right now the true angels are separating the elect from the others! That’s one reason we see streaks of lights coming and going out of the heavens! (signs) – One can hardly walk in a book store without seeing on one hand all sorts and diverse kinds of angelic books! In some instances some stories may well be true, on the other hand you see all kinds of witchcraft, sorcery, voodoo and satanic worship on covers!
Continuing angelic prophecy – On several book covers it showed angels with wings wrapped up in affairs with men and women on earth! It seems no longer things are hidden in the back, everything is out in the open! Surely demonic powers are demonstrated to the youth and population! – “The age is ending! And in the future there will be much more of God’s angels working!” – In apostasy we will see also the false powers working bundling them up into delusive systems! – “The elect will be surrounded by God’s spirit and angels!” As more evil comes out of the pit, so will God give us a greater outpouring! – “And all of a sudden the elect will be gone!”
In the midst of all this – Here is good news and a true story! – A documented case by a captain and his crew! – They were carrying a cargo of logs (lumber) – A crewman was watching a section of the logs as a strong storm hit. The logs broke loose rolling him into the sea with them; he was underneath! “Suddenly he saw a bright light!” The rest of the crew saw this light too and yet the wind was blowing the waves out away from the ship. Suddenly by a miracle he was pushed up back on to the ship! “They said an angel had delivered him out of the deep!” – In another way this reminds us of Paul’s experience!
Prophetic miracle – Some of you have no doubt heard of these type occurrences lately. We will relate one. – While a Dutchman was driving along the highway he saw a man and he decided to stop and give him a ride! As he was driving the personage said; you are driving a little too fast aren’t you? And before he could answer, the person said, Jesus is coming very soon! He turned to look, but the person had disappeared! – Remember Paul’s words, “Be careful for you may entertain angels unaware!” A wonderful sign! We shall see indeed some incredible sights and events of all types just in the period of time left. – There will be an explosion of God’s power and also of evil forces as our age ends! – “But the Lord Jesus will win the final victory!”
Note: God’s angels are ministering spirits and His ministers a flame of fire. (Ps. 104:4)
Nature out of control – Note: Since the writing of this Script, the east coast and around New York had the worst arctic snow storm occur in Jan. 1996. The news and the people said it was unbelievable how much snow fell in a short period of time leaving death and destruction as never seen in a decade! This is a fulfillment of what the Scripts said would occur as the weather would worsen and worsen towards the end of the century! Plus many more catastrophes will occur like shock waves! Also all the other above was forewarned by the heavenly bodies as we said! – “God’s prophecies are true!”
False christ – Just lately according to the news a 19 year old man in Israel claims that he is Jesus and has been doing some strange miracles. It is all false for Jesus was 33 1/2 years old when He died and was resurrected! But the Bible says many would come in His name saying they were christ. (Matt 24: 23-24) So we know the age is definitely ending! For the Lord Himself said when you see these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. (vr.33) – Remember the generation begins to close at the end of this century between 1999-2001, plus the Jubilee. And we are already over the 6000 year period! One more word, tremendous and powerful occurrences are on their way now in this century of centuries!
Scroll #235