Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
WHAT’S HAPPENING AND WHAT’S NEXT – The great outpouring that the Scripts predicted is happening! “We see healing and deliverance revivals not only in the United States, but all over the world!” – Sweeping spiritual changes are pushing forth, cloud burst of revelative anointing and rain! – “I am restoring saith the Lord!” Our publishings have started a flame around the world and especially in this nation! I told the ministers and masses that we are in the midnight cry and the ending of harvest. Now expectation is occurring everywhere as they see Jesus is coming soon! “We are living in exciting times where startling and amazing wonders are taking place!” Even more is coming! – But right in the midst of this is the worst apostasy ever seen! Nudeness and immorality is right out in the open. Perversions that surpass olden days in Rome are occurring! Some things are even unprintable. (May explain some of this later.) – And in rituals and in the churches too. – All these evils and wickedness will grow. Plus the tares are moving to one side, and now God’s wheat is moving to the other as the rain falls! The thunders are rolling, the lion is roaring! Who can but prophesy? Now the rest of this Scroll will give forth some futuristic light and unusual sights! – Note: We are at this Scripture James 5 and especially Vi. 7, it is already transpiring!
PRQPHESY AND LISTEN – The Scriptures say, He that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches (and people) (Rey. 2:7) – “In the next few years we will see some of the most momentous changes and vital, even important events that the world have ever seen explode, sending shockwaves around the world!” This will affect the world systems, government, and International Trade. This will all lead to practically a cashless society. (Read past Scripts) – New world leaders will be rising. Israel and the USA will go under a completely new revolutionary changes concerning every facet of our government and society! – “And the Lord Jesus is now preparing us for the Translation! Oh ye watch, for I am placing thunder, fire and lightning of the spirit around My elect.”
UNUSUAL SIGN – A lot has been said lately about the buffalo prophecy in the news of unusual events concerning the Indians. We know that when they follow nature in the wilds they seem to understand things that the population doesn’t. And for the first time in 600 years a white buffalo was born. But to make it prophetic, it’s color has to change by a certain time to a reddish brown. And this definitely occurred! And people from all over the country went and witnessed this phenomenon! The Indian spokesman said that the last time this occurred was 600 years ago! He said according to their understanding it means global peace! – He is right, but let me explain how it will occur! – After a few more wars and crises will come global peace under the anti-Christ. And as I said in this decade the covenant will be signed. (Dan. 9:27) – But after this brief peace occurring, during the Great Tribulation will emerge the bloodiest war of all time! (Armageddon) – And then global and universal peace will reign in the Millennium! Note: Evidently among their tribes when this occurred they had peace! – But we must remember that war always came back again among the tribes. But their biggest trouble came to them when God sent the Pilgrims and people from many parts of the world into this country. So 600 years ago found the world in a black plague wiping out most of the population on the earth! – Of course, peace reigned because of the devastation probably before and afterwards. But it was probably during the dark ages of terrible sin. Also the United States is the land of the buffalo. – In Rev. 13: 11, a young buffalo looks like a lamb when born. And the USA follows this pattern of freedom, but it will turn and speak like a dragon! – “The USA will be involved in all the above, plus world religion and global trade!” – So nature speaks, evidently the buffalo prophecy will be true!
A TRUE MIRACULOUS SIGN – This is an incredible story printed here in brief form. This occurred 10 years ago, but because of the soon coming of the Lord it has been put in book form and televised. – One night this woman was shown she was going to be in a terrible plane crash. Her husband had a small plane and was going to take her with him on the flight to another city. She told him of the dream and did not want to go! But he insisted that the day looked so nice and what could go wrong on a 20 or 30 minute flight and she was persuaded to go! But right in the midst of the flight came some strange thick clouds circling all around the plane. And it crashed bursting into fire! Her husband looked and saw a golden transparent arm pick him up and pull him out of the flames. It was miraculous and he was okay, but his wife was literally burning. Suddenly and miraculously something put her on the ground. Fortunately they were close to the highway. They got immediate help and she was rushed to the hospital. But she was burned so badly she literally died. “She saw herself rising away from the table as she looked upon her burnt body. Then she saw some beautiful lights and coming out of it a dazzling white light. She walked into it as a figure came towards her!”
CONTINUING – The figure put out her hand the woman reached out and touched her and feft such a divine love that she had always wanted to feel. Then she looked and it was her grandmother who had passed away years before and she looked so beautiful. She did not want to come back, but to stay. But her grandmother said you must go back. “And told her remember the key word is love!” – And she released her hand. Then she turned her head toward a brilliant light and saw this young person walking towards her and crying. And said my name is Nathaniel and he called her mom and told her she must go back! God showed the future in this incredible experience (because the boy had not yet been born) Then she woke up on the table and the doctors were astounded! – And after all of these years, you could still see the scars on her face showing the trueness as spoke. Oh yes, she had a baby and now he was growing up and it showed the picture of him running towards her as she held out her arms. In a real compassionate voice she told the audience I will never ever forget what I saw and the experience! – “The Lord is showing His people in every way that He can, that He is real and will return soon!”
PRAISE YE THE LORD – Here is another remarkable and amazing answer to prayer! In this case, the woman had an incurable disease and sent to the hospital and then to the operating room wherein the doctors said she was clinically dead. And all of a sudden, she was taken up in spirit into a beautiful light seemingly like a Cross. A voice said she was healed (evidently the Lord Jesus) then she woke up on the table and the doctors were dumbfounded! And on the film it showed that she is alive and able to do her garden work, housework and everything. “On the film a doctor came forth and confirmed this miracle and said only a higher power could do it, for there was no cure for her!” Oh yes, the woman said tell everyone Jesus still works miracles! Praise Him! – Note: later we will tell of a true story of a man’s incredible deliverance from the attack of evil powers. A strange story, but true as Christ intervened!
THE FUTURE UNVEILED – We are entering a new era of swift and unbelievable changes to some! The whole earth is changing beneath, on top and in the sea. “The populations in their thinking will make another change as they drift deeper into a world of fantasy and imagination!” – As the Scripts predicted technology, science and inventions are beyond anything they have ever seen including the USA weapons! One top army advisor already has shown robots like men that they can use during a war! We will explain how they are entering a 3rd dimension later.
SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS – As they cross in their circuits are giving forth ominous warnings that the earth will come face to face with crisis and judgment. As the whole creation is travailing and etc. (more on this later), Plus the scientists are seeing new things and are watching the asteroids and say definitely in the future one will strike the earth! Just lately Geographic’s put out what they called an earth kit showing the plates of the earth are moving. And they also showed many coming catastrophes as the Scripts predicted! – Plus more volcanoes as the earth goes through storms and great divers shakings!
Scroll #236