Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
THE FUTURE UNFOLDING QUICKLY – Events in the next few years concerning the end of the age will appear more drastic, rapidly and explosive more than they ever imagined! Financial men and religious governments have already prepared a snare that is beginning concerning every facet of life! They already have the inventions to occur over night! This is so vital and important we are going to write about this futuristic prophecy. It is going to occur sooner than most think. “We are living in the most exciting and joyous time in history as the harvest soon will be ending!” – But on the other hand dark ominous things are approaching. So our subject is a must. – So let us read Rev. 13: 16-17, “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” “The word causeth shows that through the government and different groups he will make events occur along with worldwide crises!” In fact in this new society, especially the young ones that are growing up are demanding something on this order as we will explain later! This is the decade of data and information. And the governments are combining all facts about every one and combining them in computers that will lead to one master computer! According to John’s prophecy everyone will receive a complete computer chip under the skin!
FUTURISTIC LIGHT – Some students of the Scriptures took a Bible to those in government and etc. who operate computers and read the above Scripture we spoke about in Rev. 13. And to their amazement the communicator experts told them that’s the phrase that we are working on now to be presented soon all over the world. “Satan is going to enter every type of electronics that there are, cybernets, laser and etc. as an angel of light and evil in every way he can!” Especially in Rev. Chap. 13, many now believe that it will be a computer chip put under the skin with very one’s own personalized number. One of the reasons will be because of the prevention of counterfeiting. This chip will store all information concerning your finances, credit and all data since birth! With all the world crises that he creates underneath bad things; and then in front of people showing them good things many will be deceived!
CONTINUING THE MYSTERY – There will be a world keeping peace force. And my opinion is the sons and daughters missing in action will be reported that way. You say why will the world receive this? Because they will be given special privileges and no man can work, buy or sell without it. The church will be gone” so as many people leave, there will be jobs left and property to divide up as Dan. 11 :36-40 says! – He will maneuver all wealth into his hands! -He will be a wizard. This little chip will be more than anybody ever dreamed of. – The Scriptures reveal that it will be digital. Scientists now say they can incorporate in little crystals or particles into it, making it a wonder chip that would be able to warn of a coming stroke, heart attack or other illnesses that appear in the body, and even correct them, or alert in time to save life! And they will also immediately be able to trace any child or person lost. They say if there is an accident they will immediately be able to know what’s contained in the medical records by a personalized number. It will sound wonderful to the people! “Remember the Bible says they wondered in amazement after the beast.” In my opinion many more privileges will be given to those who have it, like credit, money and etc. All of this sounds amazing, but it is a ploy and delusion into final death!
CONTINUING VITAL PROPHECY – This fantasy god will demand worship, for he doeth some kind of lying wonders and also signs! The people will not know how diabolical he is until they are in too deep. One of the dictionaries that we looked at also says a mark could be a scratch in the skin for the numerical and all of this information to be implanted. The government has a clipper chip that is gathering information on everyone already. Now far out into space by satellite they can look back and read a newspaper in your hand. They can also tap your telephone from space concerning home or government for use, knowing all secrets and etc.
CONTINUING PROPHECY – Rev. 13:18, “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” It says count the number. Meaning to calculate a number meaning computer electronics is involved. It is a man from a Babylon system meaning it is a world wide religious government. (Rev. Chap. 17) – A scarlet prince. “He will control all gold, precious gems and every commodity will be controlled by him plus the oil, food, etc.” – It says let him that has wisdom and understanding harken back to the days of Solomon where they gave unto him each year 666 talents of gold. (II Chr. 9: 13) – If you turn the number of satan upside down you get the number 999. Meaning that the mark could be given before or by the year 1999. “Nevertheless just before this numerical system is set up the elect is translated!” Then the anti-christ would like to do to the foolish virgins what satan did to Job and even more so unto death concerning all those who do not worship him or his image! Nevertheless however one looks at this or how it comes we definitely know that it will be fulfilled soon! This is the century of centuries. Before or by the time that they cross over into the 21st century they will be entering the worst tribulation and the fire storm of judgement! My opinion is, and I told the audience here that I don’t believe that I will miss the latter event give or take by 18 months one way or the other. We know that it is soon! And by the year 2003 or before just think the world could be entering a whole new era into the Millennium! The final prophecies are here for our Church age concerning the elect. As Israel is preparing her Covenant we have already entered the former and latter rain, plus the midnight cry, and let the thunders roll. The Translation could take place sooner than anyone thinks. Prepare for His return at anytime now!
PROPHECY FULFILLING AND REPRINT – (They are just now revealing some of these things to the public. The Scripts are fantastic depicting the futuristic times!) – ELECTRONIC WONDERS AND FUTURE WEAPONS COMING AS PREDICTED – Many things have been kept secret, but new and more powerful destructive weapons are being made and more are concealed on the drawing boards! Besides new type land vehicles like robotic tanks and sea submarines, also they can use high pitched sound waves to destroy the enemies minds at a far away distance! – “Some of their new inventions will be almost like supernatural, but yet computerized, – laser and electronics; also will use…new magnetic rays and waves! – “They will be able to use even the forces of gravity to work as a weapon! They have drone planes (robotic) shaped similar to bullets that can speed thousands of miles per hour without man being in them! Mankind now are entering the dimension of the God of forces. (Dan. 11 :38) – From 1995 on, I have foreseen fantastic inventions concerning every facet of use! And including space inventions. God gives us this Scripture, (Gen. 11 :6) Between now and by the ending of the century, man will practically do all that he images, not only in discoveries, but in the immoral dimension!
CONTINUING – “A super highway of electronic radar control for cars will appear! – Visions of the Virgin Mary will continue to appear along with all kinds of false religion seducing the nations into Rev. 17.” – “In this ‘time frame’ the U.S.A. could be nearing its last presidents. The same concerning the Popes! And the same for Russia’s future! – The mammoth quakes ever seen in history will occur – also including the great quakes predicted for the Los Angeles and California region!… Also the sea shall cover many of its cities in this generation! – We must mention a world food shortage (famine) of severe conditions will emerge in proportion as in the days of Joseph!… Everyone will receive a code mark or receive no rations!
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