HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 239

Prophetic Scrolls 239

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

What a future – On the one hand God’s great deliverance and outpouring of the miraculous upon His people, and on the other hand terrifying, perilous and foreboding visions of things to come! “Asteroids falling, earth plates moving and shaking!” – Not only are scientists puzzled and baffled by what they are seeing in the heavens, but are also excited and startled by what they are seeing in the sea! Off the coast of Monterey, CA. is a gulf deeper than the Grand Canyon under the ocean. “They have reported seeing beautiful sea creatures deep within the ocean floor! Some are transparent and glowing, some have beautiful colors, some fishes have wings like small angel wings, some give forth glowing vibrant colors!” The scene was heavenly like! They are just finding astounding new evidence that God is a great creator and is revealing the hidden things as the age is ending!

Continuing – Mysterious Age – And they also will discover many more new puzzling things in the heavens! “Our great God is unsearchable in His creation and wisdom! Still puzzling and dumbfounding men!” – Also by satellite lost cities are being found in different parts of the sea of late, especially around the mid-east seas and elsewhere around the earth! Awesome things are coming in all facets of the earth, sea, sky and etc.

Building boom – In the deserts and in many parts of the world new incredible cities are springing up just as prophesied! Just lately in Japan because the island is heavily populated, they are going to build super structures many times higher than in the United States to house people in. They are actually going to call them small cities! As the Scripts said, between now and the year 2000, the building structural changes will be beyond belief as the world spreads out its population, (even though crisis will come in between)! Some of the cities are like a fantasy world involved with each and every type of debauchery available! But as we mentioned about the tower sky scrapers will be diminished to the ground by gigantic earth movements! – Note: Since building our great white pyramidic (temple) style here, the devil thought to imitate and build a great glass pyramid in Las Vegas and sitting beside it the great Sphinx. Certain people said they got the idea from flying over ours here! They have other places built for pleasure like the Mirage Hotel. Now they are going to build an Island complex involving adult pleasure only. And near by Nevada they claim there is a volcano that has been shaking underneath and moving the plates of California near the sea! Watch out, this decade will witness the most astonishing destruction that the earth has seen in 6000 years!

The nations in sensual madness – In the United States sexual immorality and perversion is right out in the open just as predicted! In ordinary book stores, movies, magazine stands, on the beaches, at night in the streets! In some cities oral sex can be seen given in cars and in dimly lighted street ways, alleys and etc. – Some cults have even added this into their ritual services! As one girl testified that she had sex with animals while preparing for the high priest of the cult to partake also! But she later gave her heart to the Lord and told her story. – In Las Vegas prostitution is legal. There to the tourists they pass out their cards giving a room number; shape and sizes of the body! – “But what is horrifying in our big cities is 10 and 12 year old girls and boys are being led into prostitution by the underworld. – Pray for our youth as never before! In fact let us pray for all of God’s children to come out and come into God’s hands!” For the world is going deeper into sensual orgy madness even beyond pagan Rome, plus Sodom and Gomorrah. – 1997 will bring tremendous events even in the midst of looming war clouds. My opinion is the Jewish Covenant will be signed in this decade. As I said, there would be pitfalls, as we are seeing by the bombings of terrorists in Israel now. – From 1997 will be some of the most astonishing occurrence and incredible changes in technology, society, and science (more on this later.) – “But the good news is right now in the midst of all of this, God is pouring out one of the greatest restoration revivals that we have ever seen, all over the earth!”

Angels of fire – All is not ominous or foreboding – God has given us some wonderful and marvelous signs and miracles of deliverance! Here is a beautiful and true story concerning a fireman! This was reported even in secular and some religious programs! – “A great fire broke out in a certain building in a downtown area, and the fire trucks rushed to the scene of billowing smoke and fire! During the process him and his buddy were trapped in the fire and smoke. His partner turned around and went on back. But thinking of saving lives, he went a little farther into the smoke and fire. Then too late he realized he was cut off from escape! He was choking in the smoke for his last breath, he thought it was the end of his life! He prepared his heart just in case of death, but he asked God for divine intervention! Shortly afterwards he looked out of the corner of his eye and he saw a real bluish light increasing in size. And then he saw out of it an angel glistening in a white garment. And the angel pointed toward a certain direction and so he followed the instructions through the smoke and fire! But he could see no door on the wall. But the hand of the heavenly visitor kept pointing at this certain spot. So he kicked at the wall and sure enough a hidden door came flying open and out on the street he went to where he could breathe!” He told the story and after the fellow firemen put out the fire he went back in and all the walls that were left standing were still warm. And he walked over to a post near where the angel had been standing. He reached up and touched the post and it was cool, and all of a sudden a blue light appeared on the post and his hand then disappeared, to confirm the reality of what just had happened. He is still thankful and in amazement and wondered why God has spared his life in divine providence! But later he knew why! During other fires he was able to save many people out of burning buildings. And some of them gave their hearts to Christ as he tells his story! And it gives him more boldness and confidence! Praise ye the Lord our guardian angels are also around us. And those reading this shout the victory. What a beloved people God has! – (The light the fireman described was like the one seen photographed in color in our Temple).

Prophecy – The rest of this year will not be without dramatic and climactic events! But as I foretold bad moon rising 1997-2000. – I will give a few things in part and the rest later! Of course the world’s greatest droughts and famines; diseases, pestilence. Terrorism as I predicted years ago may involve nuclear devices. We are hearing the beginning of some of this on the news now! – Nature travailing in great and powerful storms! Arctic winters and heat waves in summer! All of this leading to a great axis shift. The moon also has to do with the Church. (Rev. chap. 12 – Song of Sol. 6: 10) The sun and the moon have to do with prophecy also! (Luke 21:25) – Also man landed upon the moon and left his foot print as a sign that Jesus is coming in this generation! Note: During the Great Tribulation the moon will be turned to blood and the sun became black as sackcloth. During this period of time that we spoke about the world could very well be moving into the Great Tribulation and the rising of the scarlet prince. Finally every island and mountain will be moved out of its place! Before the ending of this time we expect L.A. and part of California coast line to have sliden into the sea! – Note: Right in the midst of apostasy now expect great and marvelous wonders from God to visit you and His elect! Also before the above date ends, let us expect the Translation and to be with the Lord forever!

What does the future hold crossing this century into the next? – A startling opinion and evidential signs! Many now believe the Translation will take place inside this century at any time or very soon! Will the mark of the beast be given before or by 1999? Will a great war using some atomic power start by the middle or the ending of 1999? Then Armageddon starting near this or ending of 2001. Rev. 9 shows a period of time – then Rev. 18:8-10 shows that it is reaching a peak as God pours out His plagues. (Rev. 16) – By 2003 the earth shall be beginning a new age. – We could have some atomic occurrences before the ending of the century and war somewhere around the crossing of the century! Be watching for we have some beautiful stories of deliverance to tell you, plus some very unusual occurrences and major futuristic events! We are living in a fantastic age! Keep your spiritual eyes and ears open!

Scroll #239

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