HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 242

Prophetic Scrolls 242

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

Sex — true love and divine love — Love is a splendid event! — This Scroll is about how the Bible teaches couples in the art of marriage! Love is a mystery how it unfolds in providence bringing two separates together in a bond! — Today, we have all kinds of immorality, but this will be one of the most interesting Scripts bringing light to this needed subject for young and all. — Will explain how much liberty marriage partners have together in relations! But first some true insight! There are so many misguided books that fall in the hands of the young that this should be very helpful.

Adam and Eve — The Great Love Story! After Eve had sinned and was taught by the serpent all manner of sex, Adam loved her so much that he was willing to give his life to have her. (Gen. 3:12) — (She ate of the fruit. It has been said it was not an apple, it was a pair on the ground) — We will skip ahead a little for a reason!

The love story of Jacob and Rachel — Jacob loved her so much that he was willing to work not only 7 years, but 14 years to marry her. Due to the circumstances he had to take Leah which wasn’t his first choice because of Laban’s trickery! Rachel was beautiful and well favoured. Leah was tender eyed. (Gen. 29:17) — In those days they were allowed to have concubines and more than one wife. God did this to replenish the earth faster then and also to show that one wife was plenty; because Rachel and Leah were always in contention leaving Jacob in a cross fire! Leah had the 10 boys (tribe) and Rachel gave birth to the mighty Joseph and Benjamin! But through all of this Jacob became a prince with God!

Abraham and Sarah — (Now we should have done Abraham first, but we are bringing out a point) — Abraham did love Sarah and he did have concubines. And it was Sarah’s idea to get Hagar. (Gen. 16:1- 4) — But we see again there was a constant quarrel because of more than one woman. But Abraham loved Sarah so much and obeyed her and God’s Word that he put Hagar and her son out in the desert where an angel watched over them! — Evidently Hagar was beautiful, but Sarah even in her old age was good and fair to look up on. Again the reason showed it was for population. Abraham stuck close to Sarah. “Isaac took note and only married one. (Rebekah)”

Solomon — had a thousand wives and concubines. It showed there was a constant feud between them and they brought in idols which caused his kingdom to fall. (I Kings 11:3-11) He said a virtuous woman was far above rubies. (Prov. 3 1:10) — “But out of all of this and his wealth he said it was vanity! And that to love your wife and family, as that was the only thing that you would get out of this world! Plus keep the commandments of God!”

David — had 500 wives and concubines, but Abigail was one of his closest wives and friend because she helped him in the wilderness of Paran. — It seems that Bathsheba was close to him, his confidant and close companion! “Remember no matter what, David’s first and foremost love was for the Lord ahead of all.” God was revealing all of this for our admonition for later He would reveal a better plan. Oh, yes, the Bible described David as having a ruddy complexion and probably was a fairly handsome man. But just like today and during those times people and prophets were of divers shapes, sizes and etc. — “There are great love stories in the Bible.” Like Boaz and Ruth typing the bride of Christ.

God’s wisdom — Also remember Esther? She was schooled by the Holy Spirit in prowess of love. She was sensual, and very charming, but she was also humble, obedient and kind. She had the divine touch with it. The Persian king was pleased and could not shake himself from her and made her queen and God used her in a special way; she saved her people the Jews from destruction. (Read book of Esther)

To sum it up in wisdom — “Jesus plainly revealed that one woman was plenty and all that a man needed, and He said a man should have only one wife!” (1 Cor. 7:2) — He gave several reasons for departure. Only if one mate committed fornication. (Matt. 19:3-9) If the spouse should die, then the other one is free. — Paul gives further information. If a couple was married and one was an unbeliever, he said that they should remain together still. But if the unbelieving one did not stay and left for good, then the other one was free to marry. (I Cor. 7:15) — In our day that is why it is so important that a young couple should both have salvation when they marry and see eye to eye about the Lord! — “The Bible teaches not to marry an unbeliever!” (II Cor. 6:14) — As Christ is the head and loves His bride, so shall a husband be in the same manner! As the Roman’s spear was cast into the side of Jesus’ ribs, it reminds us when Eve was taken from Adam’s side to be his bride.” (Gen. 2:21-22) “So shall the bride elect stand by Christ side!”

The honor God gives — Heb. 13:4, Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. — “In other words what a man and wife does in the bedroom is perfectly proper and their own business. And what they do is their own secrets of how they cherish one another in love!” But then He speaks of whoremongers. In Sodom most were not even married and were gay and as Jude 1:7 said, going after strange flesh! They were involved with bestiality, serpents and fornicated with idols. What was done in the Old Testament concerning the lessons and re-population may occur again in the Millennium due to atomic war leaving few men. (Isa. 4:1, where it speaks of 7 women and one man!)

In rare cases celibacy is allowed in the Bible as Paul stated for himself. (I. Cor. 7:7) He had a special gift. But in all things considered, Paul said it is better to marry than to not. — (The lessons of Lot and Samson concerning their wives show how important it is to pick a proper believing mate.)

A viewpoint — I thought this was a most significant view point written by a Christian doctor in the 70’s. Of course, wives are a little more aggressive in the 90’s. We quote: “Have ye not read that He which made them at the beginning, made them male and female?” (Matt. 19:4). Marriage partners are sexual opposites coming together solely on the basis of difference in sex. And why did God place His image in opposite bodies? Marriage brings the thrilling privilege of sexual satisfaction. God intended it so. Sexual delight is calculated to satisfy the deepest longings of the organism. God meant it to be terrific! His genius designed it! Why? It pictures the satisfaction which comes to our souls through union with the Lord Jesus. What sex is to our bodies, Christ is to our souls! He that is joined to a woman is one flesh with that woman. “He that is joined to the Lord, is one spirit with the Lord!” (I Cor. 6:17). Just as we find spiritual satisfaction in Christ, so do we find godly completeness in our mates. You know what often happens to sex in marriage. A couple drifts into a condition. Alas, in many fine Christian homes, sex is an adjustment. What is probably the most glorious ministry of the Christian woman is reduced to a tolerated inconvenience. Satan deceives wives into tolerating their husbands, when all along they should be pleasing them. Pleasing and tolerating are two different worlds. No husband is pleased with a wife who simply tolerates his sex needs. “Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the Lord!” (Eph. 5:22). Does that sound like toleration? And again… “Whatsoever you do (sex included) do it heartily as unto the Lord!” (Col. 3:23). A wife who knows how can use her sexual role to advance her husband spiritually. The marriage bed gives her a great ministry in the Holy Spirit. Not as a pulpit for preaching, but as a base for reaching. The wife who serves as a sexual minister can give the Lord Jesus a man who can “lick the world” in His Name. Few suspect the significance of sex in this regard. It should be thrilling to be a woman — vigorously alive in Christ! Dedicated sex is the secret power of a godly wife! — (Some might not agree with all his viewpoints, but it has much truth. Let the reader discern.)

In this world of unrest and uncertainty the husband and wife need divine love! The Christian wife by being fully submissive should not think herself as being like a whore, but God will give her more ability. Remember God is love! (I John 4:8) and merciful!

Scroll #242

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