HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 246

Prophetic Scrolls 246

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

The weather in prophecy — Also nature is in a global upheaval. It’s forecasting the sons of God are being made ready and the return of Christ is near! — They fail to recognize great famine, huge quakes and nature’s weather bring disaster! Note: Just after writing this as we are entering 1997, awesome floods took place in the Northwest — California deluged! Severe arctic weather from the Dakota’s and many parts of the United States. It even snowed 4 feet in northern Arizona. In many parts of the states, records were broken!

World conditions — Dear saints be not deceived — Satan and his subordinate demon powers is now beginning in every way to prevent, harm or destroy the very elect, and will do away with them first if possible, but God is preventing it! “The devil is working through various types of the science — medics, many levels of the government and through many of the cults and false systems!” And it is and will be bringing railing accusations against the true! Already through the anti-Christ spirit I have definite proof, evidence and witnesses that Satan is cleverly trying to harm in any way he can those who are going to be translated and believe in the Lord! But the Lord said He will protect His chosen in His powerful hand against the devil. — “So in the days ahead be not afraid saith the Lord, but only believe, watch and pray!” Through electronic and computer means and etc. Satan probably has many true Full Gospel people’s names and will reveal them to the Babylonian system. (Rev chap. 17) — But just before the mark the Lord will catch up His elect. (Rev. 12:5 — 1Thess. 4:16-17) — “Oh how wonderful Jesus watches over His children!”

Revolutionary age —A most prophetic era concerning vast changes in science, inventions and technology! Man is carrying himself into a 3rd dimension and will try to make his electronic and light forms (inventions and etc.) look more supernatural than God. “But at the same time the Lord is pouring out the former and latter rain and will supersede anything than ever seen before!” — The midnight cry is awakening! The Thunders uniting the elect together! Bodies of light will soon burst out through the graves as we go up through the air together to meet Jesus! — The final prophecies of the true believers are fulfilling. What a fantastic hour to be living in! “Look up, soon the heavens will break forth in great light and it will be over with. Be ready!

Fascinating future — In one way or another things are going to become so dimensional in the supernatural that people are not going to know which way to go except those who know the Word of God. Because of new inventions of all kinds, including working and pleasure! Even now, people don’t know the difference between fantasy and reality. The world will choose the fantasy leading to false worship! — “But the people of God will have God’s Word of reality, guidance and power and will be swept away into His presence; evidently into the 4th dimension!” — (Speaking of the disappearance of the saints — read (Rev. 4:1-3) — Whatever God calls this dimension the world cannot go with the true elect. Elijah and Paul got an experience of it. “Yea, saith the Lord, I am sending more and more special angels to gather and be with the elect! Amen! May your home be brighter and glow with His presence from now on! This one thing we do know a tremendous amount is going to occur before the year 2000 concerning these events! —

In prospective prophecy — Society is showing us that Jesus is coming soon by their actions; drunkenness, drugs, fast living, more ladies of the night, etc., their hectic race to sin and be wicked as if they had no time left to get all they want to do done! So we see crime, vice, etc. galore! — Their attitude is eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die. God has put it in their heart unconsciously that a great catastrophe is coming! They feel it. (For the fear in their hearts, atomic, etc. Luke 21:25-26). All of this is a sign to the Church that Jesus is coming soon. Society’s actions are proving He is coming. — The severe sensuality, sexual power and sudden desire will be so strong that it will even overwhelm the Christian Church and will rip it apart. It’s beginning and will be more prominent! — “Family unity and prayer is absolutely necessary!” The whole earth is entering a lurid and debauched society.

Prophecy fulfilling — Geological upheaval spawning global changes! A monthly magazine confirmed the Scripts saying, that due to all the volcanic eruptions, giant earthquakes, uproar in the seas, nature blasting winds, heat waves, arctic winters, global warming and pollution affecting the earth shield that protects the earth from the sun’s damaging rays! — Another magazine said, what will happen if there is an arctic meltdown? — Note: It will gradually occur, then by the ending of the Tribulation will be a powerful arctic movement! And even before this, the ocean will overflow its bounds bringing great destruction! Scientists now say concerning another matter that the earth’s axis will tilt between 1999-2001. (Read Isa. chap. 24) I believe somewhere before or during this period as Scripts predicted the planets will shift, the magnetic poles will also move and the earth will be shattered! Cities in the nation will fall. Also a space wobble will be involved. Space scientists now predict a great asteroid will fall anytime between now and then! In fact, for 1997, they are making a movie concerning it. (You know what the Scripts have already said.) — “Behold, saith the Lord it shall surely come at My appointed hour!” Let us all like the Scriptures say. Be ye also ready to escape the greater judgments! “Wickedness across this planet will bring the hammer of God down!”

Sun spot cycle in prophecy — A fantastic awareness and sign to the believer! The sun is giving forth foreboding warnings of catastrophic nature and weather conditions ahead! Severe travailing! As the Scripts predicted, the scientists now say that the 11 year cycle will reach their peak by 1999 (In that same year, some rare conjunctions and planetary shifts to follow). — We will see record conditions concerning quakes, heat waves, droughts, famine, winds and all type of nature in an uproar. From now on increasing into a climatic shock wave and shakings! Death shall ride the wind. This coincides with Luke 21:25. — “Indeed this is our hour to pray, to prepare and be ready for His appearance!

Scroll #246

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