Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
China and the kings of the east — By the year 2000 the rising of the Orient will have been in full swing using our technology. “China and her satellites will be a great block of trading nations with the world just before the age ends!” Before the great battle of Armageddon, Japan will join in with the kings of the east! They will ascend against the west. (Dan. 11:44) — Though our inventions and computers they will have completely changed. While planning peace, underneath they will be planning war against the west. Finally they will have computer technology — atomic space weapons, missiles! — “In 1997 China took over the big modern city of Hong Kong! At a later date China will be a rising star!” They will pass over the mountains crossing the Euphrates with death, fire and hail stone! — Footnote: In the early part of March 1997 a total solar eclipse took place in China, and it was said there will not be another one take place like this until after the year 2000 or end of the century! The next significance took place in view of the great Comet Hale-Bopp’s passage! — “China and the kings of the east will be in the spotlight in some incredible events!” This also proves a great leader will rise in Asia that forms a unit for trade and etc.
The age of the dragon — We just wrote of China who uses the dragon as their symbol. But scripturally that’s only part of it. The real dragon is worldwide Babylon. The dragon of Rev. 12:3 — and the one the false church rides in Rev. chap 17 and the commercial part is Rev. chap. 18. — “Through electronics, laser and computer the whole world will be connected together with these new dimensional inventions that are already working and will increase daily!” — The scarlet prince will use the god of forces (magnetic waves) which includes all sorts of electronic inventions, atomic, energy, chemical and weather weapons! (Read Dan. 11:38) — They have the technology that already leads right to the mark of the beast soon! The USA is the leader above and also in this land of freedom and religion known as the lamb, which will also speak like a dragon in the future! (Rev. 13:11-13) Below these verses shows supernatural and science signs (inventions) of all kinds. This digital generation is speeding up the end of the age! The whole world will be caught up in this and every facet of modern life will be connected to it through these magnetic and fantasy forces and etc.
Mysterious bright lights — Long ago the Scripts predicted these coming events and now the scientists are all warning about the changing weather patterns, falling asteroids, underground changes and quakes! Now they are talking about the comet Hale-Bopp, called the greatest comet of the century! There has not been one like this since 1811. Depicts powerful and dramatic changes coming throughout the century! Watch world leaders, covenant, also the 10 horns (10 kings) and 7 kingdoms of Rev. 13 are in sight. — Revived Pagan Empire. (religious and government) — Also the presidential cycles takes place again around the year 2000 or a little after. But after President Reagan the cycle was broken it could occur at any time! Any way you look at it world shaking events are ahead! “Important celestial signs like these enhance the evidence of the coming of the Lord!”
The thousand year sign — In the first thousand years, the fall came. (Adam and Eve) — Enoch was translated and Adam died just before the first thousand years was over! The next thousand years the flood came, Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed and Abraham closed it out. At the end of the next thousand years, Israel’s greatest king came (David) and Solomon took over the throne! — And just before the 4,000 years closed the Lord Jesus came! (The sun of righteousness with healing in His wings) — The 5,000th year, incredible things begin to happen including other great Comets! Terrifying plagues struck including the Black Plague in the 13th century. So many things took place during this thousand year period that we cannot print them all. And now at the end of the year 2000 another thousand year sign is here with this Comet… the largest ever seen! Plus many more heavenly signs are ready to occur! Now to show that it is a sign, after the atomic — Armageddon War, Satan is sealed in the pit for a thousand years! (Rev. 20:2-3) — Now we see the significance of the thousand year sign!
Continuing — The Millennium is also called a thousand year period. So we see it is definitely a sign from the beginning to the end! A thousand years is as one day with the Lord, or one day as a thousand years. (II Peter 3.8) — The creation He said lasted 6 days and He rested on the 7th. — It’s symbolic of thousand year periods. “So you see at the ending of the year 2000, it is spelling out to us important events between now and then!” — The Translation, Tribulation, Armageddon, The Great Day of the Lord and etc. We are leading up to this stage now and afterwards! Anyway you look at it some of the most incredible events ever seen are just ahead in our outpouring of spiritual fire and the travailing of nature leading to a fire storm of destruction! During the fantasy rule of the anti-Christ it will be a world mad whose faith has gone into the word of death instead of life. Yes, there will be even events occur past the year 2001 that we will touch on later. This was a quick sketch of the future. Behold, saith the Lord, look up, your redemption draweth nigh! Halleluiah! What an hour!
Little Gods — Satan has always tried to take the place of God or imitate Him even to the point of false creating. Remember Moses and the magician, he finally met his match as Moses pulled away with his faith and using the forces of nature! Today scientists are trying to build up cloning in their achievements. It’s been on the news about them wanting to clone various animals like frogs, etc. By using cells from adult sheep they’ve cloned another one. But they admitted it took nearly 300 tries and some of the sheep died and others were maimed, others had defects! But they never created anything, they had to use cells that God had created from the other sheep! The Lord used certain species to confound man! Some creatures on land can impregnate themselves also in the sea without a male. And some vegetation can do the same thing. “It’s a unique wonder that God did on purpose!” So His creation by God’s hand is ahead of man! Some are speculating on cloning humans. The ones that cloned the sheep said they should not try to because of the consequence to the poor artificial humans, if they even could do this! — “Of course, they would still have to use what God had created.” — They would have done no more than if they put corn in the ground or any seed. You have used what God has created. The Lord foreknew us and designed us differently, even our fingerprints! (Ps. 139:14-16) — The saints are not cloned they are predestined and have eternal life through salvation! — But it is Satan that is like a clone and artificial because he does not have eternal life like the saints. (Ezek. 28:17-19) — Science can take a man’s frozen seed and implant it in a woman’s egg and a baby will be born, but they still use what God created in the beginning! They are dealing in the dna, cells and etc. and remember Jesus said it would be like in the days of Noah. They did something similar when they hybrid Adam’s seed with the evil seed of some sort and huge giants came forth. (Gen. 6) So Jesus said, as it where then so it shall be now! It’s a sign of His return! The prophet said knowledge shall increase in all facets. (Dan. 12:4) — The immorality of sexual orgies and severe carnal sensuality in the ways men and women are acting out in the open are surpassing Sodom and Gomorrah! So much for all of this!
The far journey — Luke 21:11, 25 said there would be awesome signs from heaven! Concerning this Comet of the Century, Hale-Bopp, there was a lunar eclipse in view of the comet on the west coast in March. All of this is a sign for west and eastward it includes much more in this decade! “There is a huge belt of comets way out in outer space and they said that every once in a while a comet breaks loose and comes through the solar system!” Unexpectedly they begin to see this one coming brighter and brighter and in intensity. They claim it has traveled for 2,000 years to get here. So about the time of Christ it began to head towards this earth and has arrived from its journey. What a sign! Remember Jesus the Lord said in the parable it was like a man was going on a far journey and would return! (Matt. 25:14-30) So we see a double prophecy, a rare wonder; revealing Jesus is even at the door! Behold saith the Lord, what I say unto one I say unto all, watch, witness and pray!
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