HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 249

Prophetic Scrolls 249

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

The snare — After some International crises the world will be one unit connected by satellite and cellular phones! They have wireless phones now that they can connect to and talk around the world — U. S. households and cars can get them. “These and new technologies will cause rapid changes in the world overnight.” — World Trade will be connected by these types of forces, by Internet computers and electronics! (Rev. chap. 18) — And it’s already started in many parts of the nations and they’ll finally converge together! Then after peace and safety sudden destruction! (Vrs. 8-10) Note: At this writing Pres. Clinton said, the world is getting closely tied together and people should prepare for it. — (Prophecy marches on)

Mass delusion— East and West — “The people will grow deeper into following magic, special effects, fantasy, illusion, phantasm which is involved a lot in T.V., Movies, games, Internet and computers until they will commit mass suicides led by a world dictator through lying signs and wonders at Armageddon!” — Everyone in the news was aghast by the 39 people that died in an electronic religious cult, etc. in California. — But overnight, a snare will come and the whole world will be deceived in a like manner and do the same thing! So it is a real preview warning! “As a snare, yet shall it be saith the Lord!” (Read Rev. 16:12-1 6 — Rev. 14:20) — It means the elect are already gone, he will reckon with the nations including the Tribulation saints!—The scarlet prince will control the government as the whore sits on the beast, fornicating with every nation. All cults, sorcery, witchcraft and physically in Commercial Babylon! (Rev. 18:13, 23) All false churches, ministries, organizations, witchcraft, sorcery and magic will be found in her, Great Babylon will be the biggest cult of all. The mistress of the evil prince! (Nah. 3:4-Rev. 17) — Note: “The incredible celestial signs this year reveals that we are expecting Jesus and that the age is winding up quickly!”

Prophecy fulfilling — In 1997, said by the news, the worst weather in the United States history took place! From Minnesota, to midwest to the Dakotas came arctic blast of snow, ice, hail and floods! The government and people were completely perplexed and dazed by such a devastation of nature’s wrath! — “Remember I said from 1997 on it will be hard for the Insurance Companies to even cover the damage from the weather! It is true the government has had to step in and help!” — They have yet to see what’s ahead here and global wise in this century! Volcanoes, deadly quakes, famines and plagues are coming! The Scripts predicted the situation throughout the years perfectly! The travailing is a last day sign. (Rom. 8:22) — “The former and latter rain has brought forth the sons of God for translation!”(Vr. 19)

The comet of influence and prophecy — Spectacular Comet Hale-Bopp is said to be the most outstanding one in all history! A significant sign! Science and the news said it would take thousands of years before one of this kind is seen again! — “Just look at what already has occurred in 1997.” Not to mention the harbingers of this century! The elect should rejoice with joy.” The celestial signs are speaking of Christ return! The news said a solar flare, a super fireball from the sun sent an immense bubble of superheated gas toward earth at almost 2 million mph. The pictures of it on the news were very dramatic and breathtaking! — Large solar eruptions of the past have caused blackouts, cooked satellites and disrupted communications for hours. This is nothing compared to the asteroids, fireballs and star fragments that will descend between now and the next 5 years. — Rev. 8:7-12, gives a fore view. And I gave my opinion above season wise. “Let us hope that the elect are in the arms of Jesus!” The weather cycle will reach a tremendous peak by 1999. “Then afterwards geological upheavals and more powerful trends will set in!” (More on this later concerning 2001 and etc.)

What’s happening — Alarming dilemma! We are faced with a moral crisis! But first, let’s look at the past. About 7 years ago, girls 12 years old were so sexually active in New Jersey that they passed a law that they could date and have sex with a man older or any age so they could not be picked up for statutory rape. Because they looked so mature, men were caught off guard and some of them were in high positions! When the bill was passed they asked one senator what he thought and he said, we have now surpassed Sodom and Gomorrah! — Update: CNN News said, many cities (they mention San Francisco) were worried concerning young girls that are reaching puberty at the young age of 8 years old. They are meeting with their parents concerning what to do about it. Of course, it will boil down to starting them off on pills and etc. Girls are running away from home young and are falling into the trap of prostitution and drugs at 12, 14 and younger controlled by the streets and underworld. — A definite sign of the midnight hour! “Pray for our youth with all your heart! Things are moving swiftly!”

Continuing — Which brings us to another subject. The hybrid meat and food and the exposure to adult movies, X-rated material, magazines, and drugs has caused a looseness of morals! Even on the book stand, children’s comic books are immoral. People noticed on ordinary book stands book covers with men with angel wings having affairs with women. Then women with angel wings likewise with men. It’s midnight in the Garden of good and evil. All of this helps contribute to the above! Surely God’s wrath and judgment is visiting America and will increase!

Century sign — Awesome Sight. — The media and the observers say that a Comet such as Hale-Bopp has not been seen for thousands of years! It has three tails, orange, blue and the third tail has sodium gas, (for the first time ever) and leaves a trail of Sodium gas over 1½ million miles long. — Three tails have never been seen before. Among many other things, it’s telling us of false peace, war, millennium and etc. Also numerical 3 is God fulfilling His final plan of the ages! A spectacular prophecy. (Luke 21:11, 25) — The Scripts are correct, but we have evidence too. The ancient writings say one of such notoriety has a meaning forewarning of famines, war, quakes, plagues and coming upheaval worldwide, etc. (Will write more later if needed) — The Scrolls foretold of 1997 concerning the celestial. Already God sent it to warn us of past destruction and birth of Christ, and His sudden coming again! Already this year is fulfilling what has been written in our literature. Look for surprises and anything to happen! For it surely will, 1997-2000.

Unusual occurrences — Prophetic Omens — To the Indians every 500 years a white buffalo is born. This occurred awhile back. To them it meant approaching world peace. But we know afterwards sudden destruction will come! — In the Arctic when the colors are a certain way, the Eskimos say it foretells of massive bloody war coming. Something similar occurred and World War II came! — And now according to the News, Israel now has the red heifer! — Quote: this Rust-colored 6-month-old heifer is hailed as a sign of the coming of the Messiah and decried as a walking atomic bomb. Of a variety believed extinct for centuries, the red heifer is seen by some as the missing link needed for religious Jews to rebuild their ancient temple in Jerusalem. Sacrificing the animal and using its ashes in a purification rite would allow Jews to return 2000 years alter to the temple site, a spot holy to both Jews and Muslims. This shows the nearness to the false Prince and Covenant. However, it will take place whither they use the above or not. (Dan. 9:26-27) One Temple is built already.

Outlook for the ministries — Evangelical, Fundamental ministries that we see now will totally change in differentials and outlook by middle of 1999 or before the year 2000. The revolutionary winds of change, surprise and unexpected will be blowing concerning the International ones to whither they be on T.V. or in publications and etc. Also affecting mainline Pentecostal or Full Gospel. Some will fall away to the systems and as mystery Babylon (Rev. 17) rises to power with the Laodiceans (Rev. 3:14-20). Some of the Scripts predicted some of these things in part years ago and we have seen some of it already. But more ahead! —“Be not deceived, the elect are being separated right now for translation!”

Continuing encouragement — We are partakers of His divine nature, and He gives precious promises! — Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: (Rom. 5:1) — “Ask — seek and knock and ye shall receive, saith the Lord!”

Scroll #249

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