Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
The whirling world — Besides mysterious and strange events occurring in our time, the earth is witnessing its most severe tragedies in nature’s disasters the world has ever seen! And there will be no let up in the years ahead. And according to the heavenly, numerical and Biblical cycles, a false messiah is here and will soon be revealed. In my opinion the Covenant will be confirmed in this century! “According to prophecy and signals in the heavens, Jesus is soon to take up His elect!” Right in the midst of apostasy we are in the former and latter rain! Suddenly, it will be over and the elect will be gone! The Holy Spirit revealed to me that by the end of the century, so many crisis and events will occur that the whole earth will be under illusion and drastic change! “Behold, the old things will be passed and the evil illusion will begin to snare all who have not trusted in My words!” 1998 world shaking events! 1999 every facet of life will be affected! Shock waves are coming!
God just in time— I do a lot of writing on the Scripts about the terrible conditions, calamities and etc. But let’s take a break and tell of some wonderful deliverances from death! These cases were documented and told on regular T.V. broadcast. And we quote: A young girl, age 14, had left home with some of her family and friends to go cross country on vacation. So they stopped in Arizona at an area where she could take some pictures of beautiful canyons. She climbed over a little guard rail – to get a better view. While she was photographing, she walked too far forward and tumbled down some sharp cliffs. Then all of a sudden something stopped her before she would have fallen to her death! Her family and friends were hollering at her. They could not see her nor she them. She found out later that her mother at that very moment was home reading Ps. 91 in her Bible. Her mother said she felt like her daughter was going to die. And as she was reading it, she prayed with all her heart and pleaded with the Lord to protect her daughter! All of a sudden, the girl appeared back right at the top of the cliff. (Read vers. 11-12.) Her family rejoiced. She said the presence of an angel had carried her right back up! When she got home she told her mother and they both rejoiced together. They knew they had got a miracle! So angels are watching over us! Praise him!
Miraculous rescue from death — A muscular man robbed and hijacked an ice cream truck. Several tried to stop him. But in his rage, he drove it toward a woman standing up against a car. She was frozen. She said his eyes were wild and angry. Then all of a sudden, between her and the truck, a bright light with a figure of a man with a most beautiful and lovely face appeared. And he took his hand and stroked her along the cheek and shoulder a little bit, turning her. But the truck smashed head on into her and the car. After her remarkable recovery (the doctors thought she would die and never walk again), she awoke to tell the story! Her sons witnessed it and said she told the truth. She said she was so thankful and said people really should believe in angels. I personally believe the beautiful person was Jesus. Amen! The angel of the Lord encampeth about them who fear (believe) Him! (Ps. 34:7) Amazing but true!
The age of abomination and desolation — Speaking of the latter days, Paul said, the end of all things is at hand! Time is short! Mass murders, violence and sexual immorality is rocking the nations!
The mysterious futuristic signs — For the unbelieving, idol worshiping and wicked, earth awesome events are rushing towards them! And for the pleasure mad systems yet a little while and even greater cataclysmic judgments await them! The spirit showed me a powerful eclipse with a sickle in between it as it took place! My opinion is that unusual things will happen before this, but I feel this has to do with somewhere crossing the century in the year 2000 proclaiming some major upheavals and changes of all sorts. In our future we will see more potent winds, tidal waves, typhoons, quakes, plagues and volcanic eruptions than ever before! At some point in this will be the rising and sinking of great land masses! Magnetic forces in the poles begin to change the earth as the tectonic plates underneath the sea and continents move! The unseen is yet to come! Flames in the sky (asteroids, etc.) famine, floods, storms, pestilence, and diseases will overcome the earth. The moon and the sickle shows apocalyptic events will increase starting in 1999 passing 2003. Reminding us of this Scripture (Rev 14:14-20), “The handwriting is on the wall. The people should be prepared, but they will be asleep until it’s too late!”
The flood gates — Right now (1997) in the midst of apostasy, sin and rebellion, God is pouring out the former and latter rain together in the thunders, and the midnight cry is going forth. “Put on the full armor as you are getting ready to leave!” Let the spirit of the Word, faith, patience, joy, love and wisdom guide you!
Destructive super rays — According to Popular Mechanics Magazine, they are making new laser weapons. In one way they can mix them with chemicals and fire them from helicopters, planes and etc. This is exactly akin to this Scripture if it does not pertain to supernatural creatures, it is weapons of warfare! It especially sounds similar to this (Rev. 9:3-10). The strange thing is some of the mid – East aircraft hangers are already underground like in Iraq’s Gulf War!
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