HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 257

Prophetic Scrolls 257

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

The incredible scripts reveals the future — The two following paragraphs were written nearly 30 years ago and the later Scripts you can find some more information! We saw what happened in Florida and California, some of this lately, more to be fulfilled worldwide! “The scientists speak of the ocean waters warming up. Yet the spirit foretold it years in advance!” — Read the two paragraphs below. —Reprint from Scroll #9 – The Weather element sign — Read Luke 21:25, Seas and Waves roaring. Jesus shows me weather signs will become unbelievable, as the earth axis is changing, now. We will see tornadoes, mammoth hurricanes. Florida will receive worst soon. 1967 thru 72 record conditions in all parts of the world, unusual weather in Calif. And great earthquakes. Ocean currents will change. The climate will change to just the opposite in some places. Floods and droughts where never known before. Record typhoons and snow and rain. Great quakes will come to Russia, China, Japan and South America (Just before the Lord appears as a sign great islands will appear off our coast!) out of the sea. Later I will give a complete insight in my magazine, on quakes and the gigantic earthquakes that are to come to Calif. One day sharks will be swimming over what was known as Calif. feeding on dead bodies! We will move our location later. — (As you know shortly afterwards we did move to Arizona.) — “The foundations of the earth was out of balance before the flood foretelling us that immorality, science and society would be out of balance committing horrible sins ending our very age!”

The significant poem like prophecy— given to me suddenly in a few moments written probably 10-15 years ago. And we quote from Scr. #113 — Prophetic Dimensions — “I wrote this in just a few minutes to go with the message that I was to bring in the Temple. And we will list part of the message here for your benefit.” — “When men live among the stars as an eagle in nest! (Space stations) — And men in chariots are guided in light (radar, electric, etc.) — and run like lightning (speed) and fly as the cloud! — When men dress in red and in scarlet (symbolic of Communism —Romanism) (Nah. 2:3, 4)….then the Lord will return!” — “And women (churches) sleep without the trumpet! (Matt. 25:5-10) — When earthquakes increase and the earth heats up (volcanoes and atmosphere above, etc.) — And starvation and famine appear!..Then the Lord Jesus comes!” — “When men create the flame of noise and store up violence (atomic) — and nations are in confusion, and the weather changes to the contrary….It is near His return!” — “When men walk in the sea and hide in the sea. (Amos 9:3) And send fiery arrows of destruction to distant lands…then the Lord appears!” — “When children act like men (drink, crime, rape, etc.) and have no correction — And women rise on high and are rulers as men (political, groups, etc.) then witches shall take charge and sorcery shall lead—it shall stand!” — “Destruction in fire will talk of hell and they shall say, death will be our friend. (Rev. 6:8) — Atomic horrors! (Rev. 18:8-10) . . . The Lord shall come before!”— “When men go into Babylon rather than come out…then the end be near! — “When men by beams (inventions) combine together for world trade…My coming is nigh!” — “When men say they are women, and women say they are men, and some say we do not know what we are, and also live with and as beast…behold I come quickly!” — “When men and women buy prostitution in rays of light (this evidently means a figure will be beamed into the home in ‘filmed light’) not exactly the solid state, but fantasy state, talking and doing! — Like magic, figures (images) in light performing pleasure! — Coming inventions!…Armageddon is not far away!” -When money becomes ‘worshipped’ then men will become slaves —they are branded and will wear the mark thereof! (Rev. 13:15-18) Perfect insight!” — “The plagues, curses and holocaust, then smoke filled with pestilences will bring terror!… “Gamma rays — radiation, chemical warfare — then men hid underground and in caves and high above! But will come up, come out and come down!—At this time the end shall overtake them in their madness!. . . The Lord shall sit as King over the earth!”…“The prophecy shall be, and all shall see!”…“We might say that you can order the whole message on cassette, called ‘Prophetic Dimensions.” — All you have to do is just look at how the nation is acting now to see only how the Holy Spirit could have written it. Men now have global satellite T.V. 39— Starting International space stations. Also we see child-teenage murders, violence plus the Clinton appointments in his administration post and etc — At the beginning of 1990, I wrote that technology would increase daily and that the news media would have its hands full of events, as immorality is reaching the heights of heaven! Although written years ago some of the prophecy will occur on the other side of 2000. (Read later Scripts) —There is not enough space to print it all, but you can see the above fulfilling.

Century view and preview — In each age God allows a president to fit that time and place! This one (Pres. Clinton) has been raised in the awareness of the Bible and yet immorality, true and false gossip, and affairs shroud him and others depicting an age of pleasure, technology and etc. — The public and news media is confused about who is doing what and with who. (God knows who and what.) — One interviewer said, if you got all of our congressmen and etc. for what they are accusing him of there wouldn’t be many left to run the country! How much is true and how much is false God may someday reveal at the proper time (Other presidents in past was found out later, but this one has been right out in the open.) — Where there is smoke there is fire! — The beast and the false prophet will coincide with the era coming! — In this century every president was placed, good or bad, according to God’s plans! Remember much is going to happen concerning the presidential office between now and 2000. Plus remember the presidential assassination cycle begins in 2000. — Gossip and sin destroyed civilizations before such as Pagan Rome within!

Celestial prophecy — Many mysterious signs will definitely be given in the heavens along with strange movements of the bodies with conjunctions! But also some catastrophic fire balls, asteroids and comets will appear. (Some have hit earth.) Many scientists say soon, others put it off. — Some small damaging ones have already hit as predicted. — Rev. 8:8-10 could occur anytime or crossing over into the next century! Watch ye therefore! “The earth is entering the age of apostasy and debauchery!” — We will list a little below. — World News — Rome — HIV- positive prostitute sparks nationwide warning in Italy. Doctors have issued a nationwide warning about a prostitute who allegedly had unprotected sex with thousands of people, while knowing she had the virus that causes AIDS. Italian media ran a photo of the woman and estimated she had sex with 5,000 people. Physicians called for her clients to be tested for HIV. More than 1,000 calls from around the country swamped the hotlines set up by police. Most of the calls were from men but some were from women who said they had group sex involving the woman who is now in a hospital for treatment for the virus. — In Nebraska A Methodist minister performed a wedding ceremony for 2 lesbian women. In other places men are marrying men, etc. — Child prostitution anywhere from 8- 12 years old is on the rise! — “Jesus spoke of these type signs upon his return!”

Scroll #257

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