HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 258

Prophetic Scrolls 258

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

Fire from the sky — All type of mysterious phenomenon is transpiring almost daily from the heavens and are significant signs! Portents of even more powerful warnings to appear! “Jesus foretold of ominous events!” — In Luke 21:11, He foretold of great signs and fearful sights from above! “And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences: and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” This could take in atomic, fiery asteroids, nuclear fire fragments, strong winds, the good and satanic lights etc. — Before the atomic bomb was made the Lord gave us a foreshadow in 1908. I’ve always said it was an anti-matter, a nuclear star fragment. (I have written about the asteroids, now motion pictures have them taking place.) We have already seen asteroids and small fire balls hitting! — But catastrophic and large ones will hit similar to what occurred in Siberia! And we quote: “On the morning of June 30, 1908, a great meteor blazed over Siberia and crashed to the earth in an isolated region. Only this fact that it fell in a wilderness prevented its doing incalculable damage. As it was, about 25,000 acres of forest were left a smoking ruin. For distances of 25 miles in all directions, trees were blown flat to the ground. Accompanying the explosion, a pillar of smoke rose for a distance of 15 miles. Five hundred miles away an engineer stopped his train lest it derailed. Had the meteorite hit five hours later allowing the earth to rotate eastward, it would have struck in the vicinity of St. Petersburg (now Leningrad), and the lives of millions of people in that area where the Russian Revolution was to occur a few years later would have been snuffed out. Perhaps then there would have been no Revolution and the course of history might have been changed. But prophecy had to be fulfilled.” — Shock waves were felt around the world. It was also a warning to the Russian people to not become Godless communist. And that someday atomic missiles would destroy most of their nation and only one sixth of their armies were left. (Gog) Ezek.39:1-2) – (For more information read Ezekiel chap. 38) — The USA should learn a lesson. Not only asteroids will hit in the earth and sea affecting it and other nations, atomic missiles will hit this nation evidently after the asteroid warning! (Rev. 8:8 – 10) In the not too distant future some tremendous holocausts of various types are on the horizon! — Why? Because the cup of iniquity is reaching its fullness! The return of Jesus and the catching up of the elect is near! This article below is real significant.

Prophecy – Incredible insight — I wrote this close to 1967. — Some said it was unbelievable, but we see its true! We are living in this very hour (1998) and the rest of it will be fulfilled from now and crossing the century. — Quote Scr. #9, last paragraph.

Entertainment – Sodomite sign — This is written strictly as a Biblical sign, and not to be taken in any other way. We pray this will shock and keep you in God’s presence. The ancient orgies of Rome and the persecution will repeat suddenly. Jesus spoke of the pleasure sign. Luke 17:28-29. Soon through films, stage shows, books and music media people will receive a perverted lust, that has slowly been growing through sin, and abundance. Finally people will get so possessed they will pay to watch sex and perversion for entertainment, as a form of madness will control them. They will want this demonstrated before them, actually more than if they were partakers. Morals will mean nothing, to satan’s lecherous and unprincipled crowd. Openly contemptuous of all that is good. (This will lead into Sadist spirits that will now appear in the lowest form) and will produce and ask for a weird type of pleasure! (Even that which is against nature) God gives them up! The (LSD Hippies and beatniks are the beginning and will lead to worse things. Books with pictures of perversion and actual scenes of lust will be bought later as easy as a newspaper. Jesus tells me this will gradually grow until the tribulation where obscene madness takes over, and finally leads to when the people who are left during that time will be submitted to heinous crimes for not obeying the beast 666. The Lord shows me this, they will force women and men who believe in the word to be submitted to perversion acts, and other ways for pleasure of the audience, of the demonic sodomite people for watching pleasure. (raped, forced to obscene acts, and killed). All this will be done in a profane, blasphemous, abominable way. For lack of sanity their chief purpose is torture and degradation. (It will come to pass!)

Continuing — The Bible states there never was a time like this. The nations are preparing for it now. The tribulation scenes will be too horrible to mention here. For some it will be a repeat of what happened to the Christians of ancient Rome. For not obeying I foresee some of the foolish virgins of the lukewarm Gospel face this because they rebelled against Gods prophets and would not come out from among the Dead Systems Before the rapture and were left in tribulation. It will be agony for the people left but entertainment for the warped crowds. People will be like animals, in unspeakable debauchery. (Nudeness will become more popular every day now) because Satan rules supreme. “Pray saith the Lord that you will he worthy to escape this, for it cometh! I have spoken it and not a man.” (God will take His chosen away) Only the Jews and the foolish virgins who would not accept 100% of God’s word are left. Even then the mercy of the Lord will protect many in hiding. (Watch I say lest I find you sleeping!) Finally the extreme picture of this is Zechariah 14:2, Remember at first it comes as an angel of light, like unto God, but is then transformed suddenly to a ferocious beast. — This was written over 30 years ago. Jesus is all knowing and Infinite! It gradually started in the 70’s worsening into our hour and onward! During these dangerous and perilous times the nations should consider these Scriptures: Matt. 3:2. And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. — Heb 2:3. How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him; — I John 1:9, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. — Matt. 21:22, All things are possible to them that believe!

Futuristic expectations — The things the earth should be prepared for as never before, such as the fury of nature’s wrath! — Fire balls and asteroids, immoral debauchery, worsening of styles, a violent world, International crisis! Revived Roman Empire, anti-Christ dictator, Covenant, global trade! — Celestial phenomena, strange and mysterious sightings! “And increase of what occurred 1997-98 onward!” — Watch in 99 cycle plus presidential occurrences (assassination cycle. 2000 etc) — By turning of century great financial alterations, society driven like divers winds of style. New increase in technology and science — Watch for covenant, Last Church outpouring ending! The elect should be preparing for Translation! — Be prepared for the unexpected mysterious surprises ahead! Keep your eyes open! We are living in an age of unique significance! — “The cryptic future is revealed in the Scrolls!” Watch!

Scroll #258

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