HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic scrolls 81

Prophetic scrolls 81

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

IN THIS SCRIPT WE REVEAL dynamic and prophetic wonders that are soon to appear; the future unveiled! We must work seriously and quickly, the Lord is about to return!” – “We were not to be as the Pharisees in Jesus’ day who did not know the signs of the times!” (Matt. 16:3) – I Thess. 5: I, 4, “reveals we are to know the times and seasons although not the exact day. And that the elect would be aware of it and not overtaken as a thief! We are nearing this very Scripture now where Jesus said of Himself of going into a far country and then upon returning would begin to check things out to see who obeyed!” (Luke 19:12, 15) “We trust these prophecies will alert the true, “For in such an hour as ye think not, He will appear!” Events are going to occur swiftly in the years of the 80’s. And I will list here what is most likely to come concerning the prophetic years ahead!”

IN THE 80’s NO DOUBT WE WILL SEE the final form of this Scripture Ps. 102: 16, “When the Lord shall build up Zion (Jerusalem area) He shall appear in His glory! – “No one can dispute this sign, it is occurring before our eyes!” – Also during the next few years we will see the final growth of the fig tree which represents Israel’s return! St. Matt. 24:34, wherein Jesus was very specific and said, “This generation shall not pass away until all is fulfilled!” – Read bottom Scr. #78 for more information! – “We should look for the Jewish Temple to be completed sometime in the early 80’s!” (Rev. 11:1-2) The Scriptures clearly indicate that this is near and will be done! No doubt somewhere in the 80’s it is my opinion that we will see this Scripture fulfilled, Dan. 9:27.

WITH SCRIPTURAL SIGNS AND EVIDENCE we are in store for some dramatic and staggering events concerning the 80’s! It should bringing to view the windup of the 4O-yr. period the end of the 70th Jubilee, the windup of Daniel’s 70th week of years! (Dan. 9:24) It has been said before that the years of the 80’s could hold the final consummation of the age or at least during some point the world will be entering the Great Tribulation! It is definitely a possibility that during some point of this time we shall definitely see this Scripture fulfilled, Matt. 24:15, The abomination and desolation of the Holy place! Also the fulfillment of the Gentiles is practically and completely fulfilled now, if there is any left it will conclude in the 80’s! – (Luke 21 :24) – “We have definitely been in a 40-yr. transition period since 1948 ’til ’88!”

IT IS MY OPINION that at some point in the period of the 80’s the concluding formation of the foolish and wise virgins will be taking place! (Matt. 25:1-10) – “Also we are witnessing a great “falling away” even now from the “true Word” and it will grow worse in the 80’s!”. ‘’The Bride is preparing to go up, and the foolish preparing for the Great Tribulation!” (Rev. chap. 7) – “It is very hard to see how that the world could enter the 90’s because of this Scripture called the shortening of time! (Matt. 24:22) Somewhere along the line there will be an interruption of time and things will just begin to happen overnight!’ 

DURING THE 80’s I believe the full restoration and revelation of the Capstone will have been revealed to the Lord’s people! Their finest hour is fast approaching! With all these events we can certainly see that the time is short for the Bride to prepare and be ready! The Lord will be revealing some important secrets and divine prophetic utterances in the days ahead! Just watch!”

IT APPEARS that somewhere in the period of the 80’s that Calif. will receive its greatest earthquakes and evidently the severe judgment that has been predicted! And sooner than most realize! Many parts have been given completely over to the ancient practices of Sodom! Also what occurred in Sodom will reach its full cup of iniquity! In fact all over parts of the United States will witness tremendous judgment and holocaust in the few short years ahead and especially 1983-86! Also somewhere in these periods mentioned will be great rebellion and overthrows! Witnessing new form of government!”

YOU WILL SEE THIS SCRIPTURE II Tim. 3:1-2 definitely coming to it fullest extent in the 1980’s with much of it occurring by 1982. “You will see more perilous times, people love themselves more than God, Blasphemers, children unthankful and unholy, disobedient! These Scriptures foretell the wickedness of last days. You can read the rest of them including verse 13.” – “Also in the 1980’s we will definitely see this Scripture fulfilled, Rev. 3:15-17. The apostasy will be in full swing, you will witness it! Also concerning verse 10 which has to do with the true children we should see this coming into view very soon!” – “Should Russia and China have a short war they will only unite back together again at the end of the age in preparation for Armageddon against the Western nations.” (Ezek. chap. 38) “As the age closes the Scriptures unveil the strengthening of the kings of the East!” (Rev. 16:12). – “The world should not be surprised to see Russia make its move towards Israel at some point in the later 1980’s.” (Ezek. 38: 8-15) – “All signs seem to indicate that the Great Tribulation should be finished in the latter 80’s or at least starting its final period phases! We are to be alert and watchful of the seasons! All these final events will take the world by surprise!” (Luke 21:35) “We should witness this Scripture – One taken and the other left, Luke 17:26-36.” – “This Scroll is a Bible study script that you can always refer to as events are coming to pass! – There is no way that any of this is false as I’m giving a general viewpoint of what seems to be ahead! – And also definitely some true prophecy that will take place in its appointed time!”

IN THE NEAR FUTURE we will see the 10 kings join with the beast!” (Rev. 13:1- Dan. 2:40-44) – Rev. 12:5, “is getting near and evidently at some point in the 80’s we will see the scattering of the foolish virgins!” (verses 6,15-17) – “It won’t be too many years until we will begin to move into the cycle of the mark of the beast! – It will, definitely be issued and sooner than people think!” – “In the 1980’s we will definitely witness James chap. 5 reaching fruition!”. The reckoning of the rich industries is not far off and the labor problems too! – There will be two economic convulsions! One just before and in association with the rise of the anti-christ and then again at the end of his rule at Armageddon when people will throw their money into the streets!” (Ezek. 7:19) – “Verse 20 reveals the images in the last day! Right now world economic problems are precarious and we will definitely see some worse things ahead!”. “Now is the time to work and give to the gospel while we still have a little value left. We don’t have long! ! You don’t have forever to give, because something could occur overnight and the opportunity will be gone!”

THE 80‘s is definitely the midnight hour! During this time .His house will be filled concerning the true elect! He said so Himself!” (Luke 14:23) Somewhere in the early 80’s we should see this Scripture begin to fulfill, Matt. 13:30, the binding and the gathering. The final great harvest to the Bride will take place in the 80’s! Matt. 24:14, “concerning the final preaching could very will take place in the 80’s!” – Also, according to Jesus’ words this generation will close witnessing Rev. chap. 9 – Rev. chap. 16 and atomic desolation Zech. 14:12 – “It reminds us of Dan. 5:26, God hath numbered thy kingdom and finished it!” – Here’s a reprint “All the signs indicate the world is preparing for a super dictator of master deception, a world emperor and should begin to arrive on the scene somewhere in the later 80’s. Evidently during those times predicted we are to watch for economic chaos, various droughts, quakes, famines, floods and food shortages!” – “There is coming a catastrophic showdown, the holocaust in the 80’s is practically beyond mortal conception to realize!” – The crises coming will be of major intensity!” “Changes are ahead! All prophetic signs indicate this time of chaos and trouble will occur probably before the 1990’s!” – “So we see through the 80’s things will intensify and the most important events of all time will converge and take place!. And from what the Bible reveals and from the general point of evidence now, it would seem almost impossible for the Lord to give man any more time that what we have just spoken about! Because surely the judgment of the book of Revelation will fall first!”

I WILL RESTORE SAITH THE LORD – The 80’s will witness the completion of this Scripture, Joel I :4. Also evidently in the 80’s these verses 18-20 could well be nearing or finishing courses! – The fire hath devoured the wilderness, the flame hath burned all the trees of the field, the beast cry unto thee for the pastures and rivers of water are dried up! In Joel chap. 2, “Blow the trumpet!” Verse II reveals the Lord’s camp is great! Verse 16, “the Bridegroom appeareth from his chamber and the Bride out of her closet! Verse 23,” shows the completion rain, and verses 28-32 show the outpouring reaching even over into the Hebrew age! Rev. 7 – Be not surprised if all this takes place throughout the 80’s! – “May we say, Alas, for the day of the Lord is at hand!” – “and if it were possible for men to reach into the 90’s only a few words would describe it” – “as a destruction shall it come from the Almighty!” (Joel 1:15.) WITH ALL VINDICATION and symbolic evidence, can anyone doubt? We are very near for Jesus to command His Bride upward where a door was opened – and one set in a rainbow glow! (Rev.4:1-3) So believe, give, act, occupy!

Scroll #81

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