Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
SCORES OF PROPHETIC EVENTS written in advance have accurately taken place in the last few years! One such prophecy was the exact problem that we are seeing in the Middle East, etc.! “Also new developments are occurring in prophecy concerning the ten kings that we will write of in a moment! But right now let’s turn our attention to prophetic events concerning Israel! – Most nations ignore the prophecy about Jerusalem but not too far in the future it will rank again as a major issue! The Bible forecast this!” “Behold I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people around about. (Zech. 12:2) The Lord said, I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle! (Zech. 14:2) Cup of trembling denotes the nations would get very shaky and nervous because of events surrounding Jerusalem!” – “According to Ezek. 38 Russia finally makes up her mind to possess this land. Probably using several Arab nations to prepare the way for her march into Israel! – Zech 13:8-9, “reveals two thirds of the people in Israel shall die but the third shall be left in it, and this part He will bring through the fire and refine them as silver!” – Zech. 14:2, “says, the city shall be taken, houses rifled, women ravished, etc. – But then Zech. 14:3 reveals the Lord shall go forth for Israel and fight against those nations! This climatic event in history is edging closer!”
IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE MIDDLE EAST “PROBLEMS, will arise, a man of consummate wickedness, events are paving the way! He evidently rises out of the Roman Empire in Europe and moves his operations near Jerusalem!” (Dan. 11:45) – “And after the Jews build their Temple (Rev. 11: 1-2) he sits in it claiming he is god the last 42 months of the Tribulation!” (II Thess. 2:4) – “But at the end of his rule Russia rebels because she wants this spot of wealth and control from the center of the earth; and has an evil thought to invade to get silver, gold, goods, etc., that the anti-christ has under his power! (Dan. 11:43) And this causes a terrible eruption exploding into Armageddon. (Verse 44) But neither one of them succeed to control this location and wealth, but true Israel does!” (Zech. 14: 14,20) – “The Lord will be King of the earth in this location!” – “We have some more information concerning a sign of late that we will write in a moment concerning the 10 Kings and the Little Horn!”
BUT FIRST THIS IMPORTANT SUBJECT – “The book of Revelation revealed as the pagan Roman Empire passed away, in its place would stand up an Ecclesiastical power! And we know exactly what power it is and it is referred to in Rev. Chap. 17” – “Many Christians do not know the real meaning of the term anti-christ! Let’s explain this, in the original Greek it means vice christ or vicar of Christ! Thus antichristos in explaining the vicar of Christ means “substitute  of Christ” rather than an antagonist of Christ!” “Satan is sharp in approach! And another word is antitheos, a vice god, or one equal to God! And this same man styles himself in the role of prince of peace, a title which belongs to Jesus Christ alone!” – “For more information concerning all the above subjects, read Scrolls 78, 80, 81!”
SILENTLY ANOTHER GREAT SIGN IS TAKING PLACE. “According to the news, the European Common Market has added the tenth nation, “Greece.” Their choice was made because it was once in the old Roman Empire! And the 10 horned beast must come out of the Roman Empire! (Dan. 7:7 – Rev. 13:1) The image (Dan 2:42) has 10 toes! – If this be true about Greece (the tenth toe) then it’s not long until the divine stone (Christ) smites the toes!” – “But first, very soon, the anti-christ will be in the saddle!” – Rev. chap. 17, “describes a religious system in full collaboration with the 10 Kingdom political system! – But, a word of warning, this little horn will even destroy many in his own religious system!” (Rev. 18:1-4)- “The electronic horseman will soon ride! ” (Rev . 6:8)
ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES he will be associated to an electronic computer age, making him wiser that Daniel! (Ezek. 28:3) Verse 4, “In this manner he manipulates the wealth! – He is an electronic man of lights!” (Verses 13-19) “Paul called him an angel of light, meaning also associated to electricity; doing signs and wonders!” (II Cor. 11:14) – “Of course this means in a religious form too!” – “Also in Rev. 13: 13 reveals fire, electric and atomic!. Verse 14 shows these miracles of science, among other things, gives him power to mark and kill!” (Verses 15-16) – “Evidently he has a computer dossier! – Also he will control finances as if by some electronic (credit) money associated to the mark! – “Evidently he will declare all currency void!” – ‘ ‘We will explain more concerning this as age nears it!” “By all evidence we are headed for deep major crisis, so let us do all we can now for Jesus! Soon the opportunity will be gone forever!” See the reference pages to our Pyramid book, and the volume called, The Electronic Brain! – Also book, The Numbering of Babylon!”)
HERE IS SOMETHING ELSE INTERESTING in Jer. 51:44, “The Lord says I will punish Bel in Babylon and will bring forth out of his mouth what he swallowed up! – We have a world wide electronic system today called bell, it’s joining all nations together in communications. The old ancient Bel idol could be symbolic of this worship! – Even the anti-christ image will appear by this means, and also having a literal idol!” – “The nations are computerized and electronically marked!” – “But in Jer. 50:2 reveals God will confound the wires and lights of Bel, breaking apart idols and images! – Verse 3 even reveals the same as Ezek. Chap. 38!”
THERE WILL BE SEVERAL ECONOMIC OVERTHROWS SOON – “One with the rising of the anti-christ and one during or at the end of The Great Tribulation; where people throw their gold (money) in the streets!” (Ezek. 7:19-29) – “Also in James 5:2-6 shows a great depression leading ,to horrible working conditions! And some of it takes place nearing the coming of the Lord and His great outpouring” (Verses 7-8) – “Evidently the last part occurs at the end of the Tribulation that we spoke about in Ezek. 7: 19-25!” – “So we see everything is joined up to a computerized push button, even our atomic weapons!” – “and we see this Scripture in I Thess. 5:3 will be fulfilled by automatic push buttons, then “sudden destruction” shall come upon them!” – “All this modern age of science will produce an idleness of time like Sodom!” (Ezek. 16:49) – “Jesus said the same thing!” This will produce unbelievable sin, paving the way for the man of sin, the lawless one to arise when the cup of iniquity is full in the latter times,about now!” (Dan. 8:23-25) – “Understanding dark sentences is by satanic power and also evidently by index computers at his reach!. A man of evil science will arrive. Watch, for as a snare shall it come upon them!” (Luke 21 :35)
THE SCROLLS MENTIONED SOME OF THESE COMING EVENTS IN THE 60’s AND 70’s – Here is a reprint – “I preached a message here just as the year 1979 ended and God gave me these Scriptures, Hag. 2:4-9. And a prophetic anointing came upon the message and a feeling of the future became real! As I feel in the early 80’s will be economic problems, and that there will be a shaking in many things! Earthquakes, inventions that shake the heavens, quakes in the sea, the land will be affected! And verses 4 thru 9 became like dates to me being the years through the 80’s to be the most profound changes that the people have ever seen! In those years I feel world wide rebellion, wars, new and different leaders. And before all this a great outpouring of the glory of God in His latter house!” – “It is hard to describe here all that was in the message, these are just a few facts! – And should the church be taken the events we spoke about will still take place for the rest of the world!” – “Let us all watch, for we are entering a new era in the 80’s of absolute change for the way the United States will be run! And the greatest events and revolutionary changes for the world will occur from middle 80’s and on!” – “But the nation will go through much even before then!” – “Also the White House will be shaken by trouble or tragedy again.” (See book, “Crossing Signs”) – “Later when the Lord speaks I will release some more prophetic Scrolls and letters describing all this in more detail!”
“A DESPERATE SITUATION” will develop over the world to strangle freedom leading to the Great Tribulation!” – “One more thing, in the 80’s we will see governments reap a bitter harvest from blunders made in the 60’s and 70’s! (But Jesus and His people will reap a ripe harvest of bride souls!) – “Watch and pray!” (Luke 21:36)
Scroll #83