Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
THIS IS A SCRIPT OF GREAT PORTENT! – “We are entering the 80’s and the Church needs a foreview of what is coming by prophetic utterance and in general opinion; also in what the Scriptures forecast!” – Rev. 19: 10, says, “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy! – “As the age closes the Holy Spirit will give forth what is coming in Apocalyptic judgments! – The next 5-7 years will be the most critical we have ever seen!”. “Here are some events that will bear watching throughout the 80’s!” – “Due to the food shortage in parts of Asia and the unrest the Communists are planning more wars in this area. . . because later the Kings of the East prepare for the final march!” (Rev. 16:12,16) – “Also Russia has one eye on the “Middle East oil” and we saw the trouble that came into that area as predicted already! And according to the Scriptures some day will make her final move in that direction! Also Russia has her eye on the minerals and wealth of Africa including the gold, etc. And sometime in the later 80’s we can expect severe trouble in that area!” – “Also in South America, due to the dictators and the economic conditions, we can forsee much turmoil in this location in the 80’s!” – “All of this is preparing for the anti-christ to move into position! You can watch for much activity concerning the Communist and also the anti-christ system subtle workings as never before! “
GROUND WORK IS BEING LAID FOR THE COMING BEAST AND THE FALSE PROPHET! – “The 10 Kings are moving into power and so is the revived Roman Empire of Dan. 2:33,43 and Rev. 13: 1.” – “The 80’s will bring forth a new era and tremendous changes! We will have different type leaders than we’ve ever had before; not only in the United States, but in the world! Also a bulletin was released by the atomic scientists and they warned that an atomic war could break out in the Middle East even before the end of this decade or very soon after!” So in the 80’s we should see the forming of a new world government, a new money system, and a complete foundation change in the U.S.A. government!” – “Also the heavens are forecasting unusual changes ahead, because by the end of 1982 there will be a lineup of planets with the sun, plus other conjunctions, eclipses, etc. There will be ominous events before this date above and major events affecting the world long after these heavenly signs appear!” (Luke 21 :25) – “Also about 1986 Halley’s Comet reappears again and other comets toward the latter 80’s, evidently signaling the beginning of catastrophic conditions that will appear in the near future, before and afterwards!” – “It is my firm opinion that somewhere in these later 80’s a super dictator will rise!” – “Remember in one of my prophetic letters the Holy Spirit said, “The coming trouble in the Middle East would bring on changes worldwide and Iran (Persia) and the Middle East oil countries did and later will suffer in even more confusion, turmoil and changes, paving the way for one world rule!”
THE ELECT SHOULD WORK AS NEVER BEFORE, “there is coming a great outpouring! Also in the 1980’s it will be possible to preach the gospel to all nations as a witness by electronic means and satellite, bringing the return of Jesus closer!” (Matt. 24:14) – “So let us do all that we can now, because severe economic conditions are coming, then afterwards it will go back into prosperity, but leading to the mark! – The Bible warns in James chap. 5 concerning where the world is headed! Plus the Holy Spirit has given forth prophetic events that are occurring now”
“GOLD IS SIGNALING ECONOMIC CONVULSIONS-AHEAD! – as was written in my letters to watch it! Some type gold coins reached as high as $800 – $1,000 an ounce showing the loss of value in all currency depicting an inflationary depression!”. Isa. 2:7 gives another prophetic and final picture. “Their land is also full of silver and gold and no end to their treasures!” Verses 20-21, “shows what happens right at the end as they flee! – There was a run on and great storage of gold in the 1929 era! It served as a refuge from financial uncertainty! But remember President franklin D. Roosevelt confiscated all gold in the United States in early 30’s! And something like this could occur again under the anti-christ system!” – “Also after “currency” is removed people will be given some kind of electronic money (credit identification) through the mark!” (Rev. 13:13-18) And evidently through this mark they are allowed to buy silver and gold again! (Rev. 18:12)bBut of short duration! (See verse 8) – (Isa. 13:12-13) mentions gold again, but after a great disaster has occurred! Read verses 9-1O! – “So let’s give and get the gospel out and lay up treasure in heaven while we still have freedom!”
IN THE 80’S WE WILL SEE MORE PERVERSION AND DEBAUCHERY! – “We are entering a dark hour indeed! And we are to warn the people from these disasters or their blood will be required at our hand!” (Ezek. 3:17-19) – “These articles are not written for mere curiosity, but to alert and reveal the accuracy of the prophetic scrolls written in advance a decade ago! – Some of this should startle and shock Christians to pray as never before!” “Paul said it’s high time to awake!” – “This is a quote from a Christian magazine of what the Communists are doing! It states Christians are sodomized! The inmates are beaten to death or kept in straitjackets! Those who suffer for their convictions are put in cells together with bandits who sodomize the men and women!” (See latter part scr. #9) – “This next article is almost unbelievable yet it was predicted earlier, and in scr. #79, #80, concerning religious prostitutes! The magazine article quotes it this way” – “Hookers for God!” – “Once a Christian group dedicated to getting kids off drugs, has become one of the most bizarre international prostitution rings in history! – Under the guise of saving souls, cult members have used their bodies to raise millions of dollars, manipulating the public and seducing them into false doctrine. (Rev. 17:5 – Rev. 18:13) Of course these scriptures also take in aU false religion world wide!
“THE EARLIER SCROLLS PREDICTED THIS NEXT NEWS QUOTE” – “The new home video entertainment boom has opened a burgeoning market for pornographic movies, X-rated for the home!” – This quote comes from the St. Petersburg Times News describing what goes on behind closed doors! – In some areas of Florida where prostitution is not allowed they have found a way around the law! It says they have found a place for young girls in the massage parlors who can not find work. – “As !l pretty 23yr old buxom girl told a reporter that her job has little to do with sore muscles, but everything to do with sex! – Under soft colorful lights in a small room she gets paid chiefly for masturbating men (orgasm by hand)!” – “The News said, other young women are part of the Tampa Bay area’s new operation that is springing up along the highway everywhere!” – “News quote, some prostitutes have joined to help ERA by threatening to turn in names of legislator clients! – A San Francisco hooker-activist says the “Kiss and Tell” campaign is a way to bring together sister whores and housewives on issues such as abortion and job security! (scr. #73)” – “News quote. – Carter staff accused of drugs and debauchery!” – “A New York limousine chauffeur tells of a night of orgy and debauchery for top aides!” – “The chauffeur said, on their drive to the Smith Club, a sex act was performed with several women in the back seat, etc. (Evidently were Call Girls).
“WE COULD QUOTE MORE RIGHT OUT OF THE NEWSPAPERS CONCERNING THE ABOVE but this is enough to reveal prophecy is true, and Jesus is coming soon! – Also revealing doom is right around the corner! The falling away is here! (II Thess. 2:1-4) Scoffers are increasing, as perilous times near!” “The harvest has started, it is the time of the blowing of the trumpets! Remember these lewd practices that we quoted are taken from magazines and daily papers, yet people ignore the signs of the time!” – “Behold, saith the Lord, pray ye for all these people and for all those around you that there may be yet an escape for some of them! Witness to every creature! “(Mark 16:15) – “Witness while it is day, for the night cometh when none can!” – “One last prophetic word. It seems world satellite television and the electronic computer (Rev. 11:9, Rev. 13:13-18) are working together to bring about the prophecy concerning the beast and his image! Dan. II :39 said “a strange god!” . . . seemingly in association to god of science!” “Men now have the means to control the world – all commerce, working, buying and selling!”. “Soon he will give his code mark and numbering identification system. This coming decade is one of fearful changes and upheavals! It appears the 80’s are preparing for the regimentation of the world’s population!” – “Take heed and watch!” (Luke 21:35-36) “For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth!”
Scroll #84