Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
THE ELECTRIFYING AND EXPLOSIVE 80’s – “There will be a world revolution in the 80’s preceding the coming of the anti-christ! Civil uprisings will appear, plus new wars as we progress further up in the 80’s. – Plus even before the mid 80’s the United States government will go through a revolutionary change and the government will be restructured, this I see by the prophetic gift.” – “Also a different type president will arise (later 80’s)!” – My opinion is that before this we will have another tragedy concerning a president!” – “Also approaching 1985 another new era of change, the United States and the people will be taking a new direction. It will be developments concerning the economy, the way people are thinking and also the way the United States does business and a multitude of other things!” – “This is my opinion but some where in the later 80’s they will begin on a new highway system, and the emergence of electric or computer type cars will come into being, plus everything will be controlled by a new age of computers and electronics!” – “Also during the 80’s there will be banking problems!” – “The economic woes I predicted have already taken some of their toll, but out of all of this will come forth a new system of credit and business, and then later it will eventually lead to a new computerized money system that will work its way into the mark of the beast! (Rev. 13: 15-18) All transactions will evidently be by electronics!” (verse13) “A super dictator will rise out of the revised Roman Empire! The United States will merge into this system!”
RUSSIA MARCHING TOWARDS ISRAEL – “Right now Russia is surrounding all the borders of Israel just as predicted! – The cruel bear of Ezek. 38 wants this fruitful area because it is in the center of the earth and will be in the midst of much wealth!” (Ver. 13) “It is also the very exact center of the earth where all the world could be controlled,. and one day Jesus will!” – “But satan would like to do it first from here!” – “Another reason, Russia hungrily eyes the rich mineral deposits of Israel’s Dead Sea. (According to Chemical Magazine the estimated value is one quadrillion, two-hundred-sixty¬ seven trillion dollars!”) – “Plus Israel is the gateway to the seas Russia wants!” Also an advantage point to where all the Arab oil supplies are at, but God will judge Russia according to Ezk. 38:22. He will pour out an overflowing rain of great hail stones, fire and brimstone! – This may include laser (energy weapons) and new atomic inventions! – “And only a sixth part will remain of the armies!” (Ezek. 39:2) – “Blood will run like a river for 200 miles as high as a horse’s bridle! (Rev. 14:20) A cataclysmic wrath of God upon the nations!”
SEVEN PROPHETIC EVENTS OF IMPORTANCE OCCURRED SINCE 1945 – (1), “we were swept into the atomic age!” (Luke 21:26) – (2) “Israel recovers the old city as the times of the Gentiles are fulfilling!” (verse 24) – (3) “The restoration of the state of Israel in 1948!” – (4) “The reviving of the Roman Empire (European community of 9 nations; the 10th one, Greece, is preparing to join!” – (5) “The emergence of China as a major force concerning the kings of the East!” (Rev. 16: 12) – (6) “The appearance of Gog and Magog (Soviet Union and satellites) (Ezek. 38) the savage gobbler of nations and her sudden military strength!” – (7) The building of the Jewish Temple, some believe that it is the great synagogue that is now being constructed! If it is not, then one will be built soon! (Rev. 11:1-2 – II Thess. 2:4 – Dan. 11:45) – “The antichrist could also be part Jewish and Gentile! This is not for certain but the Scriptures may give a clue, Dan. 11:37, “Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers! – So we may look for a Roman prince out of the Revived Roman Empire who could have Jewish blood!”
THE REBUILDING OF BABYLON ON THE EUPHRATES – At this point the rebuilding of ancient Babylon is called a tourist attraction! Although we know that Great Babylon, Commercial and Religious, is to be world wide, this could be symbolic of the conclusion of our age, pointing to the nearness of the anti-christ! They are also going to reconstruct the Tower of Babel!” This city will be the pride of the Arabs regardless! All around this location is immense wealth; oil and soon tons of silver and gold! (Dan. 11:38, 43 – Rev. 18:12) “According to the Scriptures the day may come when silver and gold will be almost priceless or it could one day be stored in a strong hold (verse 39) for the magnified wealth of the anti-christ system! Verses 38, 43 – Dan. 8:25!” – “Connected with world trade this area of the Middle East bears close watching! It seems that Zech. 5:9-11 reveals something that definitely could be associated to the rebuilding on the Euphrates! It depicts two women (this could be Commercial and Religious Babylon) with “wind” in their “wings” taking a large measure of wealth to Babylon (Shinar) as if something were being rebuilt upon her own base! “Wind” in their wings would mean it would be built “swiftly” and quickly!” – “Nevertheless Great Babylon and Commercial Trade Centers will be world wide and the beast will make a covenant with the Jews in Israeli” (Dan. 9:27 – Rev. 11) World Babylon will be destroyed in a fiery holocaust. Read Rev. 18:8 – Isa. 13:19. According to the news, Israel is to drop the pound as its basic monetary unit and return to the Biblical shekel! Some believe this had to occur before sacrificial worship is restored. (Dan. 9:27).
THE SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS FORECAST (St. Luke 21:25)- “Yes, unusual and terrifying events and perilous times” ‘are soon to come! The distress of all nations that Luke spoke of is evidently to occur in the decade of these 80’s!” – “Of late here is an interesting point – According to ancient sources Jupiter and Saturn were in conjunction 3 times shortly before Jesus was born!” – “And according to a Skywatch Magazine it says, from mid November 1980, until late August 1981, Jupiter and Saturn will be separated by less than 3 degrees! Within this period of time a very rare triple conjunction between these 2 slow moving planets will occur!” – “God often uses the heavens as a sign of forecasting ominous events to occur in a decade especially with so many other heavenly signs to appear after this in the 80’s!” – “Also all 9 planets will be lined up with the sun in a year or 2 of this time revealing important, awesome and incredible events in the next 5 to 7 years! – Surely the 3 woes and the beginning of sorrows are just around the corner! – Plus evidently before the late 80’s severe famine and world food shortage will begin to occur! – My opinion is the 4 horses of the apocalypse (Rev. Chap. 6) could start to ride before the ending of the 80’s leading to the terrible Tribulation! Let us watch!” – “These heavenly arrays surely point to the soon return of Jesus!” – “Also some important comets will be making their appearance in the 1980’s! The ancients always said that comets blazing forth are a prelude to upheavals and changes in nations and leaders! – The significant Halley’s Comet is due to return about May 1986! It is said, this comet returns every three-quarters of a century! Science said this comet appeared in 11 B.C. just 7 years before the birth of Christ! If so this could be a sign that He could appear in the same period of time, or even before!” – “Note it appeared 7 yrs. before His first coming and could be associated in a cycle of His second coming! – Remember, before you set any dates, Matt. 24:22 reveals that God will shorten some time, etc.!” -The last date on the pyramid whom many call the Bible in stone gives the year 2001 as its last date!” – “In my opinion chart you must allow a time for cleansing the earth! Ezek. 39:9.” – “There is a shortening of time to consider, as mentioned above! – The important lead in dates would be 1988-92, 93-96!” – “Will total world holocaust end before or by this date? Evidence reveals that it may well be so!” “The important thing that the Pyramid depicts is that man is allowed 6,000 years! The Bible portrays the same amount of years too! Man’s allotment of time is nearing its end!” – “The 1980’s will give us a telescopic view of startling events pointing to the return of Christ! In an hour ye think not!” (St. Matt. 24:44)
PHASING OUT OF THE CURRENCY – “finally instituting a credit number in the flesh!” – “We would like to write some more concerning what we have written years ago concerning the dollar, wherein we noticed on one side a pyramid, and the eye above the pyramid represents the All-seeing Deity!” – “The pyramid stands for strength and lasting and so the dollar has until of late!” “Above the eye are the words “Annuit Coeptis” meaning, “God has favored our undertaking!” – At the bottom of the pyramid are the words “Novus Ordo Seclorum” meaning, a “new order” of the ages! – And those words appear on a narrow Scroll!” – “Then below this, just outside the circle, is printed, “The Great Seal” “The words, a new order of the ages, is also prophesying again there will be a new beginning that will lead into a world system!” “Later in the age watch for the replacement of the U. S. dollar and its symbolic meaning! – We are headed for a new system, and when the U. S. currency goes the new order of the ages will finally eventuate into Rev. 13:16-17! – “And then the people of the earth will receive a credit card or “number” in the flesh! – Verses 16-18!” “Evidently a tattoo “identification mark” associated to the money (or gold II Chro. 9:13) of the new super dictator! Probably a computerized credit record and money, etc.!” – “Rev. 13, reveals the revived Roman Empire; the U.S.A. will give way and merge into the rising of Western Europe as the age closes (forms) into a United States of Europe!” – Watch in later 80’s, major events are ahead, a clearer picture will leap into view!” – “Much more could be said concerning the symbolism of the dollar, but this is enough to awaken us to the future!”
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